1. Una Muñequita
En 1985, Valery e Irina Lukyanova dieron la bienvenida al mundo a su hija Valeria. Se esforzaron por proporcionarle a su querido hijo una educación ordinaria, o al menos tan normal como la que recibieron en su ciudad natal de Tiraspol, Moldavia, que en ese momento formaba parte de la Unión Soviética. Su padre trabajaba como constructor de día y como DJ de noche, mientras que la ocupación de su madre era militar. Todo el mundo se deleitó con la belleza de Lukyanova con sus largos mechones rubios y sus grandes ojos de muñeca. Sin embargo, no tenían ni idea de cuánto había interiorizado la propia palabra "belleza" y hasta dónde llegaría para mantenerla cuando fuera mayor.
Las niñas pequeñas de todas partes del mundo tienen o solían tener una muñeca Barbie como uno de sus juguetes. Jugaban con ellas durante horas y se les halagaba por su hermoso cabello, su figura y por el hecho de que podían hacer lo que su imaginación quisiese, ya que eran un claro reflejo de los deseos de sus dueños. Para Valeria, no sólo tuvo una muñeca Barbie mientras crecía, sino que usó esa muñeca como su idea de cómo es la mujer perfecta. Este pensamiento cambiaría toda su perspectiva de la vida y se convertiría en su objetivo lucir como esa muñeca, un deseo que no tenía ni idea que iba a alcanzar. La historia de Valeria también es una historia de advertencia, donde ves cómo una obsesión puede apoderarse de tu vida, sin importar lo feliz que te sientas al respecto. Su transformación en su idea de la belleza es completamente increíble.
2. "¡Oh, Hermosa Muñeca!"
De niña, Lukyanova contaba con una amplia colección de muñecas Barbie. Su pasatiempo favorito era vestir a cada muñeca hasta los nueve años con trajes de moda. Este comportamiento ciertamente no parecía fuera de lo común; a la mayoría de las niñas les encanta jugar a la casita con sus muñecas y crear mundos de fantasía.
La diferencia entre Lukyanova y otras chicas es que ella se interesaba mucho por sus Barbies. Le cautivó el perfecto aspecto de plástico que tenían, sus dimensiones simétricas y la apariencia de su cabello. Se convirtió en una especie de obsesión, pero nadie sabía que esto era un factor importante que contribuía a la drástica transformación en la que se embarcaría más tarde en su vida. Sigue leyendo para saber qué transformación haría.
3. Vientos De Cambio
Lukyanova no era ajena a las dificultades; vio lo duro que trabajaban sus padres para sobrevivir y criar a sus hijos. Desde muy temprano en su vida, estaba decidida a lograr cualquier cosa que quisiera para asegurarse más fortuna y éxito.
Cuando cumplió 16 años, se trasladó a Odessa, Ucrania, donde obtuvo su título de arquitecto en la Academia Estatal de Odessa de Construcciones y Arquitectura. Después, en el 2014, estalló la guerra en Donbass y Lukyanova se dirigió a Rusia, Moscú, pero sus decisiones la llevarían a un lugar más exótico poco después.
4. Una Reina De La Belleza
La belleza de la infancia de Lukyanova nunca se desvaneció. En el 2007, entró en el concurso de belleza "Miss Corona Diamante del Mundo" y se adjudicó el primer lugar cuando asombró a los jueces con sus labios gruesos, sus grandes ojos y su brillante cabello rubio. El concurso estaba abierto a 300 concursantes, así que claramente Lukyanova era la crème de la crème cuando se trataba de estándares de belleza.
Las reglas del concurso no prohibían la modificación del cuerpo o la cirugía plástica, pero su belleza natural parecía ir más allá. Este fue el comienzo de algo totalmente nuevo para ella: sesiones fotográficas, incluyendo las eróticas, y entrevistas publicadas en los medios de comunicación rusos. Desafortunadamente, esta confirmación no era suficiente para ella y llevaría su belleza a nuevas y extrañas alturas.
5. Convirtiéndose En Una Muñeca
Lukyanova sabía que era hermosa, pero estaba lejos de estar satisfecha. Ella deseaba el aspecto perfecto que poseían sus muñecas Barbie, así que esto significaba que tendría que tomar medidas drásticas para emular sus perfectas y antinaturales proporciones. Así es, Lukyanova quería convertirse en una Barbie humana.
Decidió hacerse un aumento de senos para iniciar su camino hacia la transformación, pero esto fue sólo el comienzo de algunos procedimientos extraños y antinaturales. Al principio, Lukyanova negó tener implantes mamarios, pero más tarde admitió el procedimiento. La pregunta es: ¿hasta dónde llegó realmente y habrá admitido los otros cambios evidentes?
6. Cambio De Imagen 101
Al principio, había pequeños indicios de la transformación de Lukyanova, pero su físico comenzó a tomar una verdadera apariencia de Barbie-que hizo que la gente notara los cambios, y muy rápido. Después de echarle un vistazo, algunos críticos, conocedores del mundo de la cirugía plástica, señalaron algunas observaciones sorprendentes.
Una vez que Lukyanova logró de alguna manera el aspecto que buscaba, sus críticos asumieron que debía haberse hecho una operación de nariz, un levantamiento de cejas, una reducción de mejillas y cuello, una mandíbula afeitada, una liposucción en sus extremidades, un levantamiento de hombros y senos y una abdominoplastia esculpida para convertirse en una Barbie humana. Sorprendentemente, la reina de la belleza negó descaradamente someterse a una cirugía y sus razones te sorprenderán.
7. Barbie Humana Trabajadora
Lukyanova estaba lista para presentarse al mundo como una Barbie humana. Obtuvo cobertura internacional por su distinguida apariencia después de que publicó fotos y videos provocativos en Internet. La gente la etiquetó como una "belleza casi inhumana" que usaba software de edición de imágenes y alentaba la objetivación de las mujeres, pero esto no la detuvo, ni mucho menos.
Obtuvo cobertura internacional cuando apareció en un blog de Jezebel y luego en una sesión de fotos en V de Sebastián Faena. Los medios de comunicación hicieron todo lo posible por etiquetarla como la verdadera muñeca Barbie viviente, pero pronto las etiquetas y las acusaciones empeoraron como reacción a las extrañas elecciones de la carrera profesional y los comentarios ofensivos de Lukyanova. De hecho, los insultos entre ella y el público tomarían un giro bastante vicioso y peligroso.
8. Al Natural
Mucha gente se fijó en la diminuta cintura y en la perfecta figuro de reloj de arena de Lukyanova y, por lo tanto, crecieron las sospechas de que ella se quitó las costillas para conseguir su look ya que sus proporciones eran biológicamente imposibles. Acusó a la gente de alterar fotos antiguas de ella en bikini para exagerar su aspecto y hacer que parezca que se ha sometido a modificaciones corporales. Lukyanova también negó rotundamente las afirmaciones catalogándola de malintencionadas y proclamó que no había nada de plástico en ella.
Además del maquillaje artesanal, los lentes de contacto y el aumento del busto, Lukyanova afirmó que era totalmente natural. Atribuyó su esbelta figura a sus buenos genes, así como a una dieta estricta y a los entrenamientos diarios en el gimnasio. El problema con estas afirmaciones era que su idea de las dietas y rutinas de ejercicio estaban fuera de lo común. ¿Qué estaba haciendo exactamente Lukyanova?
9. Respirando Bienestar
La mayoría de las modelos siguen una dieta estricta y planes de entrenamiento, pero Lukyanova declaró con orgullo en varias entrevistas que se priva de los alimentos sólidos, optando por una dieta vegetariana líquida y cruda. También explica que sólo se permite comer unas pocas horas después de hacer ejercicio y que no bebe agua mientras come. Sus reglas, sin embargo, sólo llegaron después de su intento fallido de hacer creer, sin sorpresa para todos, otro enfoque dietético antinatural.
Lukyanova trató de vivir como "respiracionista" en una etapa de su vida, lo que significaba que sólo vivía del aire y del sol. La parte del sol resultó ser un poco problemática para ella porque aseguraba, por su piel impecable, que evita a toda costa los rayos ultravioletas. Esta dieta fue un total fracaso, pero ella dijo que quiere volverá a intentarlo alguna vez. Este es sólo un ejemplo de la naturaleza irónica de Lukyanova, que pronto descubrirá por sus afirmaciones contradictorias y sus payasadas.
10. Un Día En La Vida De Barbie
Uno se imaginaría a Lukyanova imitando la vida de Barbie con los gustos de un buggy rosado de playa, bikinis rosas, fiestas de playa y mucha diversión al sol, pero la Barbie humana tiene una idea diferente de la diversión. Un día en la vida de Lukyanova comienza con algo de meditación y yoga, seguido de una experiencia en el cuerpo astral, algo de gimnasia, y luego un blog personal, sesiones de fotos y sus otros hobbies.
Sí, has oído bien; Lukyanova se considera a sí misma un gurú espiritual e incluso trabaja como profesora en la Escuela Internacional de Viajes Astrales, donde dice que "los profesores muestran a los estudiantes cómo dejar su cuerpo físico y viajar por su cuerpo espiritual". Incluso tiene un nombre espiritual: Amatue. La parte loca es que ella cree firmemente en el cuerpo espiritual y en trascender lo físico, así que ¿por qué en la tierra pondría tanta atención en su físico? Sin embargo, esto no termina aquí; sus creencias se vuelven aún más escandalosas.
11. Un Gurú Espiritual
Lukyanova es de la opinión de que la buena apariencia no puede asegurar el éxito por sí sola; uno necesita hacer un trabajo espiritual para lograr resultados. Ella cree que tiene algo más que una bonita apariencia para ofrecer a este mundo, y desea ayudar a las personas a ponerse en contacto con su yo astral. Revela tanto en su conocimiento espiritual que escribió un libro llamado Viaje Astral Amatue (Astral Travel Amatue) en el 2012 que colocó a disposición del público un archivo descargable de formato RTF en su página web.
Su mayor objetivo en la vida es dominar el arte de viajar astralmente, lo cual implica despojarse de la carne para acceder a un reino espiritual más elevado donde todos los secretos están esperando ser descubiertos por almas dispuestas a escucharlos. ¿De dónde provienen todas estas creencias? La respuesta a esto es bastante sorprendente y profunda.
12. Bruja, Por Favor
Todo comenzó en la adolescencia de Lukyanova; o cuando comenzó a asimilar la primera de sus muchas identidades. Ella tenía un don para la experimentación desde que era una niña, así que no es sorprendente que Lukyanova se considerara una bruja en el pasado, mientras que vestía con todas sus prendas negras y salía al bosque a brincar alrededor de los fuegos.
Su fase de bruja llegó antes de que creciera y se adentrara en sus personajes imaginarios, uno de los cuales es posiblemente el más "extraño" de todos. Pero antes de llegar a ese punto, necesitamos echar un vistazo a la raíz de todo esto para darle sentido a todo o al menos intentarlo.
13. De Tal Palo Tal Astilla
La Barbie humana parecía heredar su buena apariencia de su madre, pero claramente, eso no era suficiente y se transformó en una muñeca de la vida real. Se podría suponer que la madre Irina Lukyanova se habría sentido ofendida y preocupada por la extraña obsesión de su hija por la belleza, pero su respuesta fue todo lo contrario.
Parece que su madre asumió la misma personalidad - al menos con el maquillaje, el pelo rubio platinado y las dietas estrictas - y la única diferencia es que Irina luce un poco mayor. Mientras que Irina se inspiró en el look de Barbie de su hija, Lukyanova fue influenciada por su madre para embarcarse en una vida astral espiritual escribiendo libros, haciendo yoga y viajando. Sin embargo, la historia no termina con sólo brujas y experiencias fuera del cuerpo. Lukyanova no abandonó su espiritualidad después de su fase de bruja; en cambio, afirma ser una alienígena que tiene extrañas visiones, las cuales hicieron que su madre realizara acciones aún más extrañas. De hecho, está convencida de que está separada de este mundo y que ella también no necesita comer ni beber.
14. "Soy Tu Venus. Soy Tu Poder... Tu Deseo"
Muchos de los críticos de Lukyanova afirman que parece un extraterrestre, y ella no cree que estas personas estén tan lejos después de todo. Apareció en el programa de televisión Vice en el 2013, en la serie de documentales llamada "Barbie del espacio", donde le dijo al público que no se considera a sí misma como humana y que viene de Venus. Ella cree que fue enviada a la Tierra para enseñar a los humanos una o dos cosas.
En el programa Lukyanova proclamó que no recuerda mucho más allá del hecho de que es originaria de Venus, pero desde muy joven supo que era diferente debido a su hiperconciencia y a las visiones en espiral que solían aparecer ante sus ojos. Dijo que su madre dibujó un círculo de tiza alrededor de su cama para separarla del mundo que la rodeaba.
15. Barbie Del Espacio
Lukyanova ha hablado sobre su vértigo y sus visiones en espiral que le quitaron el sueño porque bailaban a su alrededor, burlándose de ella hasta el punto de que se volvió loca. No quería permitir que las visiones extrayeran lo mejor de ella, así que manipuló el poder de la mente para evitar que las imágenes la atormentaran.
Cuando Lukyanova salió con todas estas historias se ganó un nuevo apodo, Barbie Espacial, mientras que ella prefirió ir por el epíteto, Amatue. Este sobrenombre es su identidad espiritual en la cual ella medita y cae en profundos trances mientras sostiene serpientes y otros objetos. A pesar de que Lukyanova creía en su herencia alienígena, no significa que no buscaría ayuda en algún momento y que se sintiera herida por todos los comentarios negativos recibidos por el público.
16. Barbie at the Psychiatrist
The spiraling images and dizziness made Lukyanova question her sanity, so she sought the help of a psychiatrist who could tend to the voices in her head and the unusual visions. Surprisingly, the doctor didn’t attempt to prescribe medication or implement intense therapy sessions. He didn’t seem too perturbed about her appearance either.
Instead, the doctor boasted that other professionals would lock her away or talk her out of her insanity, whereas he understood the world she came from and wanted to hone in on her special skills. He believed she was a psychic and should work in the field. This lead to Lukyanova finding a group of people to embrace her psychic abilities with. While the critics would view it as some crazy people singing Kumbaya around a fire, it gave her comfort and she felt like she had a purpose.
17. Let’s Go to the Opera
Lukyanova seems to have many pastimes, some of which are DJing, opera singing and composing. She has recorded two new-age albums called “Sun in the Eyes” and “2013” under her spiritual name, Amatue. She has also teamed up with a group of talented composers to put together a new age opera focusing on soft melodies that reflect the natural sounds of the universe.
Lo and behold, the facts about the human Barbie continue to get better and better, one of which is the story of her siblings and how they turned out in this world. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to Irina and her daughter, but Lukyanova’s siblings might even be more eccentric than her; well at least the brother.
18. Keeping It in the Fam
The human Barbie has a younger sister called Olga. One can see the similarities between the sisters, but Olga looks more natural with brown hair and full lips. Moreover, Lukyanova’s sister seems to know how to crack a smile, while Lukyanova prefers the vapid doll-like pose.
Olga went through a stage where she looked up to her sister and tried to emulate her style, but in the end she decided that the whole Barbie look wasn’t for her. She prefers to uphold her own identity, but she is very firm on defending her sister and doesn’t like it when people use the term “Barbie” because that has connotations of a lifeless and unintelligent being. Olga believes her sister has a lot to offer to this world. Her brother, Ivan is of a different opinion as you will see by reading on.
19. The Obsessive Brother
While Olga seems to have her head screwed on her shoulders, Ivan is quite unstable. At first glance, he seems normal when he focuses on building his airplanes and other machinery that earned him the nickname Vanya the Model, but on a deeper look inside, there’s quite a bit more than meets the eye.
Life in Plastic did some extensive research on Lukyanova’s brother and found that from a young age he had a sexual obsession with his sister. He used to wear her belts and pose with her in compromising positions in pictures. Lukyanova recalled how they dressed up in their parents’ wedding outfits when she was 10 and he was 6. He also claimed that his sister is his ideal definition of beauty. He became out of control when he grew up that his sister distanced herself from him.
20. A Tumultuous Relationship
Ivan became obsessed with Lukyanova performing graphic things online with her pictures in the background. He was nicknamed the Astral Wanker by her spiritual group and was mocked about taking antidepressants when he published a picture of his collection of pills.
In 2007, Lukyanova made a public statement about her disappointment in his money extortion, drug addiction, and quarrel with their mother, but soon after she publicly forgave him and tried to find him a girlfriend amongst her followers, which proved unsuccessful. He finally found someone by the name of Irina Biryukova, but when she fell pregnant he denied being with her and posted naked pictures of Lukyanova online in an attempt to fool the media for money. Lukyanova confirmed the facts about Biryukova and told the public that their son’s name is Felix. She loves her nephew, but her stance on sex and children is quite astonishing, especially when she made some controversial comments.
21. Asexual Barbie
Lukyanova doesn’t believe in sex and intimacy, but this doesn’t mean that she doesn’t believe in marriage. In fact, she married her childhood friend Dmitry Shkrabov, a Ukrainian businessman who is head over heels for her. Shkrabov is completely supportive of Barbie appearance and tries to block out all the negativity she receives from haters.
When it comes to intimacy, the two are proudly in an open relationship and Lukyanova has no issue with that. She has stated several times that she doesn’t feel the desire to be a mother because in her otherworldly dimension, there is no such thing as children and everyone is asexual. She also admitted that she isn’t interested in any animal instincts and believes that it’s better to be celibate. However, they compensate in other ways for one another.
22. A Loving Husband
Lukyanova constantly dotes on Shkrabov saying, “Dmitry is always on my side. He loves and supports me. He likes me with makeup and without.” She fondly talks about his love for climbing mountains and their escapade to Nepal and the Himalayan mountain range. He also talks of her with love, well at least he seems to think so, with the words “Meet. This is my pet, my wife Valeria Lukyanova aka Amatue” on his Facebook profile.
Shkrabov also follows a strict vegetarian diet, even before his wife became one, and enjoys making her dinners and protecting her in any way he can, but unfortunately there was a time when he wasn’t there to save her and things got pretty ugly.
23. The Attack
Things weren’t always bright and cheery in the Human Barbie’s world. In 2014, after two years of threatening phone calls and emails, Lukyanova was attacked outside her house. It was Halloween in Odessa and she was about to call it a night at home when she was completely caught off guard.
Two masked assailants punched and strangled human Barbie until a neighbor stepped in to the rescue. She was rushed to hospital to treat her bloody wounds. Once she came to, she claimed that it all happened so fast and there was no way she could have anticipated the attack. Sadly, this was not the first or last time she would be verbally attacked by critics, but Lukyanova was ready to fight back, even to the point where she became unnecessarily malicious.
24. Viral Negativity
The human Barbie often reads all sorts of negative comments about her on the Internet. People attack her from being too thin, for speaking funny, for being a complete fake, and many other insulting things.
In several interviews she had explained that she expected all the negativity and for people to object to her appearance and life decisions. “I notice that the media is only interested in the negative. Show someone in a bad light; show someone’s mistakes,” she lamented about the media. In reaction to the hate, Lukyanova takes all the negativity in her stride and addresses the ruthless media in her videos and on her social media accounts. Turns out, however, that she can be quite scathing as well.
25. An Energy Vampire
Lukyanova has described herself as an “energy vampire’ because she says all the negative comments actually give her the attention she desires. She has expressed that the price of being perfect isn’t always easy and comes with its hardships, especially when people regard her to be a novelty rather than a living being.
According to Lukyanova, it hurts her to be seen as a novelty, and yet she thrives off it and claims that she hails from another planet. She is particular about the fact of enjoying the attention about her perfectly-molded face and body, but she doesn’t want her identity to depend only on the physical. Sometimes, she prefers to react positively to the hate by trying to empower others by being kind to them and not harboring hard feelings, however, she can also be nasty if she chooses to like when she ridiculed women she found less than attractive.
26. Hating on Celebrities
One would assume that Lukyanova would be more empathetic towards other stars and celebrities, but no, the human Barbie is full of surprises. In April of 2017, she released an online video hurling insults at women she deems ugly and who do not meet her beauty standards.
She targeted her wrath at one celebrity in particular, Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker. She labeled her a “lazy horse face” and claimed that her appearance is just a reflection of the actress’s “inner ugliness.” This was not the first insulting comment she made, though. It makes one wonder why she would do such a thing.
27. Blatant Racism
The human Barbie claims that she has Eastern Baltic ancestry, but she says she’s closer to Nordic origin. That’s all good and well, but then in 2014, during a GQ interview, she proceeded to say that there’s degeneration as a result of ethnicities mixing.
In the same interview, she said that she doesn’t want children and that the thought of having kids revolts her. She proclaimed she’d rather endure a torturous death than have to give birth to children. What worries her most, however, is that plastic surgery is becoming more common as a result of “race-mixing.” She believes that children who are products of race mixing will require surgical assistance to look beautiful. She insisted that women were naturally beautiful in the ’50s and ’60s before mixed races become a problem. What other absurd beliefs does the human Barbie have?
28. The Sky is the Limit
Lukyanova believes that “perfection has no limitations “and enjoys changing things up now and then.” She even changed her birth date to 1991. Over time, she admitted to having some complicated surgeries, but only indirectly when she said she’s enhanced her body surgically during an interview.
This doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want to rule out any surgical procedures in the future. Seeing that she’s a walking contradiction, it is no surprise that she told a fan she’d consider plastic surgery once she gets older, but for now, she doesn’t need any work done. Her switching between identifies can be quite tiring to follow, especially when she contradicts herself like in the following statement.
29. Switching Identities
Switching between identities is second nature for Lukyanova. When she gets bored with one look or persona, she can adopt another one. All the Space Barbie needs is a mirror and she can conquer the world with her different makeup looks and career choices. It seems to be a form of shield of hers from the outside world - she can do it all when she is in character.
Lukyanova has a critical eye for detail, so it makes sense that she was included in the casting of a horror movie. Was the director hinting something about her appearance, or did he appreciate her natural ability to act?
30. Never Satisfied
After spending so much time, money, and effort on achieving the perfect Barbie doll physique, Lukyanova has had a sudden change of heart. Her perfect blonde hair, plastic boobs, and crafted face are not enough for her anymore.
The new look she wants to try out requires Lukyanova to buff up and enhance her biceps and abs. Whether Barbie would make a good bodybuilder is up for debate, but that does not stop Lukyanova from reaching her goals, like when she starred in a film called The Doll. We see her here in one of the scenes looking all too formidable.
31. Movie Star Vibes
Who knew a human Barbie would star in a horror film? Lukyanova made her debut role in 2016 in a movie aptly called The Doll, but it was not for young girls who admired and adored Barbie. This was a horror sci-fi film written and directed by Susannah O’Brien.
The plot revolves around Lukyanova’s character: a bloodthirsty escort created by a doctor from different doll parts and instructed to kill the men who order her services. Sounds like “Frankenstein” gone wrong, but O’Brien praised the actress saying she “was a natural.” O’Brien isn’t her only fan though; the human Barbie seems to have a high fan base rooting for her all the way.
32. Human Barbie’s Fan Base
As of 2014, the human Barbie’s fan base reached over 30 million views on YouTube, 997,812 Facebook fans, 10,030 Twitter followers, and 336,565 followers in the Russian social network VK, but that number keeps growing and growing.
Many girls around the world look up to Lukyanova and her beauty. She is a role model to them and they admire her makeup skills that many have taken to YouTube to record video makeup tutorials. One of her biggest fans, Anastasiya Shpagina, has her own YouTube channel on which she creates Lukyanova’s look. But some fans have taken things way beyond the brush.
33. Every Barbie Needs Her Ken…Or Maybe Not!
Jedlica claims he approached Lukyanova one day to hug her, but she wasn’t having it and rejected him with her usual cold and vacant look. She doesn’t particularly like him and doesn’t want to hang around with him just because he looks like Ken.
The human ken then lashed out at human Barbie stating her beauty is just a product of fake hair and carefully-crafted makeup. He even went as far as calling Lukyanova’s features drag-queen-like. He isn’t impressed with the fact that she’s denied having any surgeries when it’s quite clear that she has. Just when we thought that was it, there seem to be other real-life human Barbie dolls frolicking around. Nothing wrong with expanding the human Barbie squad, no?
34. Where To From Here?
Lukyanova’s goal is to spread her spiritual knowledge far and wide to receptive audiences who are willing to accept her for who she is. She repeatedly says that her ambitions know no bounds and that the world should be ready for what she has to offer.
Besides for her recent collaboration on the new-age opera composition, the human Barbie claimed she has a lot of surprises up her sleeve, whether it be her bodybuilding look or other career choices which she cannot yet reveal. Watch this space for Lukyanova’s next move. The human Barbie lives on and in full force!
36. A New Barbie In Town...
This new 'Human Barbie' is only 16 years old and has NEVER had plastic surgery! Lolita maintains her figure without plastic surgery, dieting or Photoshop. She has a tiny 20-inch waist, a 32F bra size and wears contact lenses that mimic the wide-eyed doll stare.
Lolita is an outspoken high school student who lives in Turkmenistan. She claims that she has never heard of Valeria Lukyanov. Whether that is true or not, the two women do not like alike other than their coloring. Lolita is younger than Valeria and seems to dismiss the other woman's attempt at trying her hand at being the human Barbie.
36. Tomboy At Heart
People often tell her how jealous they are of her. Every boy at her school "fancy her as well but she doesn't like any of them. They are not to her taste." Growing up, Lolita was a total tomboy who showed no interest in her appearance at all. She never played with dolls or liked makeup. She was always outside playing with the boys.
Her parents were shocked when she started dressing and doing her makeup like a doll. As she posted on social media, she quickly gained a large following. The change was a drastic one, but one done by makeup and not any surgery.
37. Becoming A Doll
It was only a year ago that super-confident Lolita first adopted the doll look. She claims that she started dressing like this because she wanted to look "perfect" Lolita added: "I think that all women should be well-kept and immaculate. I wanted to be my own inspiration.""If a girl doesn't have beautiful eyes then they should wear contact lenses to sort it out. If they have a crooked nose, then she must do something about it, whether that's plastic surgery or not.
She claims that since she already had great features, she only had to improve on them a little. She is proud of her natural large breasts but she does sometimes wear a push-up bra to enhance them. Lolita doesn't even have to diet. She just eats whatever is available in the fridge whether that's sausages or fruit. Most of her wigs and makeup come from her mother who used to be an actress.
38. Online Criticism
Lolita confesses that she does receive a lot of negative criticism online. People make good and bad comments about her online. She has even had to block a few users who have been particularly mean about her appearance. Her favorite is when men compliment her hands.
The one person who is totally supportive of her eccentric look is Lolita's mother, Anya Richi, 33. Anya is actually a photographer and captures all of the snaps that Lolita uploads to her online profiles. Lolita says there is no man out there at the moment who is a worthy candidate for her affections.
39. Nobody Is Good Enough
She claims that she is not attracted to any of the boys at school, although they all like her. None of the boys she deems good enough for her and they have an immature mentality.
Lolita has had a boyfriend in the past, but she dumped him because they kept having little disagreements. In the end, they were incompatible. Her ideal guy is one that is a manly man, who is polite, sensible and who doesn't run away from problems. He also needs to have a full head of hair. She doesn't like bald men.
Lolita wants to become a psychologist after she finishes school but would prefer to achieve fame for her barbie-like look. She is only 5 ft 4 inches tall so can't become a model unfortunately. But if she can become famous for her appearance in another way,she would be ecstatic.
40. Another Barbie, $35k In Plastic Surgery
Ophelia Vanity, 30, from Los Angeles, California has revealed how she has spent a shocking $35,000 transforming herself from a goth girl to a real life human Barbie. She has splurged tens of thousands of dollars on Botox, fillers and beauty treatments, in order to achieve her "Barbie" look.
Wannabe Barbie has spent $35,000 on cosmetic procedures, and is also eyeing breast and butt implants. She also wants to have rib removal surgery to give her more of a desired hourglass shape.
She has always been obsessed with Barbies. She used to get one at each birthday and Christmas which she played with every day!
41. Goth to Barbie
Ophelia has always loved Barbie's aesthetic, and as she got older, decided she wanted to emulate her. She has sees Barbie as such an iconic character and drew inspiration from her for herself. Ophelia spent her teen years dressing as a goth – wearing black clothing and heavy makeup.
As Ophelia grew older, she wanted a drastic change and felt very drawn toward the Barbie look. In 2009, she had her first Botox injections in an attempt to make her face expressionless, like a doll.
She recalls being extremely nervous for the procedure, but says they did not hurt at all.
42. Dream Results
The results she got from all the procedures were even better than she could have dreamed of. Around four years ago, she also started having lip fillers, to achieve Barbie's trademark pillow pout.
She now gets Botox or lip fillers every six to nine months. She has also undergone non-surgical rhinoplasty. Around 18 months ago, she completed her new look by swapping her long black hair for a new bleached blonde look. Ophelia, funds her beauty habits by performing a string of odd jobs, including PA and modelling.
'I think it's my eyes, which are naturally large. But I wanted a change, so decided to go fully blonde. Now, I have my hair bleached every two months.' said Ophelia.
43. More Implants
While she is planning for breast and butt implants, Ophelia would like to have either four or six ribs removed, just like her fellow real-life Barbie Pixie Foxx, who she describes as an 'inspiration'. Despite all the time and effort that she has put into her incredible transformation, she does not plan to stop any time soon. She currently has a full list of surgeries that she would like to have done.
For the breast and butt implants, she needs to save money and make sure she finds the right doctor. It is an expensive and painful business trying to look like Barbie.
44. Fillings
Ophelia usually spends up to three hours a day carefully applying makeup, using clever tricks to alter the shape of her face. Fortunately she is lucky because her eyes are naturally large, but she wears contact lenses to enhance them, which boosts the size of her iris from 13.5cm to 16.2cm.
She doesn't fo "full Barbie" every day. If she's just running errands, she will not wear any makeup. don't go full Barbie every day. Ophelia, wears a 22' waist corset to give her Barbie's iconic hourglass figure, explained. When she does get fully dressed up, which she does if going to events or parties, she always gets stopped and recognized on the streets of Hollywood. People are usually really positive, and want to talk or take pictures.
45. Pink Wardrobe
When she dresses in "Barbie", she will even wear pink to complete the look. Her favorite color fortunately is pink which makes it super easy. Ophelia's whole wardrobe is basically pink dresses and heels. Currently single, Ophelia said her look can get in the way of her love life.
In the past, men have told her she invests way too much time and money in being just like Barbie.
Because of this, Ophelia avoids dating apps like Tinder. She chooses to meet potential partners in real life or via Instagram, where they'll know all about her look right away before they meet.
46. Committing To Her Look
Ophelia is currently devoting all of her spare time to perfecting the Barbie look. She is not looking to meet Mr. Right at the moment. With the support of her friends and family, Ophelia set up an Instagram account, showing off her new look to the world! She has built up a about 36,000 followers.
But while most love her look, she has sadly fallen victim to cyber bullying. People have called her ugly as well as delusional. Although she isn't hurting anyone by changing her looks, those comments hurt her. She tries to ignore them, but she still is human...