The Best Foods To Naturally Boost Your Immune System

Having a strong immune system is one of the sure-fire ways of guaranteeing yourself a peaceful and happy life. Even in circumstances where you’re under attack and are sick, having a strong immune system helps you overcome such problems in a pinch. The basic point is that your immune system is integral to your day-to-day life, especially with all the pollution and poisons we subject ourselves to daily. That is why it’s critical to take care of it and boost it whenever we can. That brings me right to today’s topic where we’ll be covering some of the best and most effective foods when it comes to naturally boosting your immune system. No artificial supplements here, we’ll be talking about natural, fulfilling foods. Without wasting much time, let’s dive right into it. 

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are a huge source of Vitamin C and are some of the greatest sources of it in the fruit and veggies family. You know, the vitamin C that you tend to think of the second you’ve caught a cold or are having a deficiency. Have you ever wondered why that particular vitamin is recommended in such scenarios though? Let us educate you. Vitamin C increases the production of white blood cells, which are key to fighting infections in your body. This is why it’s important to eat citrus fruits regularly so that you always have plenty of vitamin C, which in turn boosts your immune system and makes you quite a resilient person. Popular citrus fruits to consider consuming include but are not limited to grapefruit, oranges, clementines, tangerines, lemons, and limes. So ladies and gentlemen, be sure to eat one of these citrus fruits daily for your batch of vitamin C. 

Red Bell Peppers

You know the only fruit that has more vitamin C than your regular citrus? Well, it’s none other than red bell peppers. Ounce for ounce, red bell peppers contain almost 3 times as much vitamin C as a Florida orange. In addition to this, they’re also a rich source of beta-carotene. This organic substance that your body converts into vitamin A, helps keep your eyes and skin healthy. Pretty awesome for red bell peppers right? So make red bell peppers part of your regular diet and watch your skin do wonders and your immune system get a jumpstart. 


Growing up, you were likely forced to eat broccoli and you hated it, but your parents had good reason for it. Broccoli has amazing health benefits and it is supercharged with vitamins and minerals. It has everything from vitamins A, C, and E, as well as fiber and many other antioxidants making this particular vegetable one of the healthiest you can ever eat. I bet you’re starting to understand your parents now, aren't you? Research and modern cooking methods have also now shown us that to extract as much nutritional value from broccoli as possible, you must steam or microwave it. Well, people, those are your marching orders, go get some broccoli. 


If you’re a lover of horror movies the only use for garlic that you probably know of is to ward off evil spirits and unwanted vampires. Well, since we’re talking about kitchen stuff, I’m here to tell you that there are other uses for it outside of the supernatural stuff. Garlic has a heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin that have strong medicinal properties. These medical properties are critical in fighting infections and helping to deal with high blood pressure. Sounds wonderful doesn’t it? So the next time you make a meal, throw some garlic in there and let your immune system have a party. 


These suggestions would be moot if we did not include the one ingredient that is found in bucketloads in most households across the nation. Known for its healing and health benefits, ginger is a household favorite and a go-to medicine when people are sick. With the ability to help decrease inflammation and nausea, ginger is quite the immune booster. Certain sources even cite it as having properties that help decrease chronic pain and possessing other cholesterol-lowering properties. Ginger is truly a friend to your immune system.


If you grew up watching cartoons or doing a lot of babysitting then no doubt you’re familiar with Popeye the Sailor. This fictional character always grew more powerful after chugging down a can of spinach and I’m here to tell you that the same can happen to you. Well, maybe it won’t happen in quite as dramatic a manner but spinach is sure to boost your immune system. Loaded with vitamin C, several antioxidants, and beta-carotene, spinach is guaranteed to boost the immune system. So take a page out of Popeye’s book and start guzzling down some spinach, will you? 


Dairy products are known to have health benefits and yogurt is no different. Yogurts like Greek Yogurt that have the phrase “live and active cultures” printed on their containers,  stimulate your immune system to help fight diseases and keep you healthier for longer. Oh and knowing how most people are, please do try and fight the temptation to get sweetened yogurts. We are trying to be healthy here so let’s stick to plain yogurts, pretty please. 


On top of being tasty snacks that you can feast on at any time, almonds are amazing antioxidants that do wonders for the immune system. Packed full of vitamins like vitamin E, almonds will have you feeling healthier and sharper than you've felt in years. Just make sure to include them as a part of your regular diet and trust us when we say, you won't regret that decision.