Woman Threatens Teen Mom To Leave Restaurant, Manager Steps In

Rude Mom

She never would have expected these words to leave the lips of a fellow mother. 

She was tempted to punch the woman right in the face, but that was when the manager stepped in and gave the rude woman a piece of her mind.

Teen Pregnancy 

Gina Henry went through the roughest patch of her life when she decided to go through with her teenage pregnancy.  

She always wanted to be a mom, but she never thought it would happen at such a young age. She was lucky enough that she could attend online schooling while caring for her baby, but things were still difficult despite this small miracle. 

Support And Criticism 

Her family supported her through all of it, but the rest of the world seemed to look down on Gina and her situation. 

The only thing stopping her from screaming at the staring public was her little boy that was sitting in her arms. 


Her best friend, Emily, helped her a lot too. 

Emily and Gina had been best friends since they were a lot younger. Gina trusted Emily with her life. She even asked Emily to be there when she went into labor. Gina knew how lucky she was to have Emily by her side, helping her. It would be Emily's supportive nature that would save Gina from the yelling woman at the restaurant. 

Favorite Restaurant 

Gina suggested Chinese food, as usual. 

They went to this restaurant so often that the staff knew their names. The place also had a “we happily accept breastfeeding mothers” sticker on their door which drew Emily and Gina in even more. Emily agreed to Chinese, and soon enough, they were sitting at their usual spot. That was when the manager made her way over to them. 

Mrs. L

Mrs. L smiled at the girls as she reached out to Gina's boy, pouting lovingly as she ran her hands through his curly hair. 

But just moments later, two things would spoil the good mood. First, a woman and her 10-year-old son came walking into the restaurant. Second, Gina's baby got fussy.

Hungry Baby

The little boy was hungry, so Gina quickly threw her nursing blanket over her shoulder and let nature take its course. 

The woman and her boy instantly twisted their faces in disgust when they looked over at Gina. The boy asked his mother what Gina was doing and her response was mind boggling. 

Offensive Words

“She’s doing something disgusting,” She chose to say, pulling her boy away from their table. “Don’t you know better than to do that in public? And why are you even doing that if you’re only a kid.” She spat at Gina, acting like what she was doing was the worst thing any woman could do.

Gina was furious, and she was about to act on it when both Emily and Mrs. L stepped in.

Chipped In

Wanting to defend her friend, Emily quickly chipped in with, “It’s not illegal. And Mrs. L is fine with it. She has a sticker on the door.”

The woman didn't care if it was allowed at the restaurant or not, she responded with, “I’m not ok with a baby breastfeeding another baby. You need to stop. Have some self respect!” Mrs. L had heard everything from across the restaurant. She dropped what she was doing and made her way over to them.  

Defending Gina

She stepped up to the woman and spoke in broken English.

“My restaurant. I’d say is okay. Nursing baby is a beautiful thing. You have a problem, you leave.” Mrs. L said as she got closer and closer to the woman and her son, speaking into their faces. 

Throwing Perfect Shade

“Your mother, she dummy right?”

The 10-year-old burst into laughter. It was clear he agreed. The woman, on the other hand, turned as red as a beet. Her anger might have been at volcano-levels, but she shut her mouth and ushered her son to the opposite side of the dining room; shooting dirty looks at Gina and Emily. But that wasn’t the end of the event.

Extra Bonus

After Gina was packed full of orange chicken, and Emily looked like she was about to pass out from a food coma, Mrs. L strolled up and plonked down a to-go bag.

“Extra egg rolls. Free for mum,” she said, cooing at the baby once more. Gina and her friend sauntered out of the restaurant with only one thing on their mind.


She had to post what had just happened – not just for entertainment purposes, but as a cautionary tale for anyone stupid enough to poke their noses in a mom’s business.

While she braced for the inevitable naysayers and trolls, readers from all over the world ended up sending hundreds of messages of support. Mrs. L also got some digital appreciation…

Mrs. L The Star

“It cracks me up when someone who speaks English as a second language, particularly older Asian ladies, throw shade like this.”

“I guess one has to be a little old Asian lady speaking broken English to be able to pull that off without Karen going ballistic and needing to be tased (which is really how I wish many of the scenarios I read on this sub would play out).”

Another Ally

All in all, what could have been a disastrous lunch ended up being a multigenerational show of solidarity.

Besides, Gina’s family and her best friend, she now had another person she was grateful to have in her life – and not just for the free egg rolls!