Take A Tour Of Obama's New Home Before It's Banned

Price of the house

Ever Wonder where Obama will live once he moves out of the White House? Well, Don't worry.

He will be moving into this 8,200 square foot home which is only 1.6 miles away from the White House. Click through and take a peek.

A quick glimpse

This 8,200-square-foot mansion located in the Kalorama neighborhood cost the US $6 million.

Big screen TV

The front hall offers a quick glimpse of what's to come when you tour the rest of the house.

The kitchen

The living room looks like a pretty nice place to relax, but where is the big screen TV?

Eight bedrooms.

The kitchen comes complete with a television in the corner and the dining area has a small desk for a laptop.

The fireplace

Here's one of the eight bedrooms.

The fireplace in the bedroom is a nice touch and it will most certainly come in handy on those cold D.C.

Nine and a half bathrooms


Fashion toilet

The house comes with nine and a half bathrooms.

The pantry

A close look at the toilet.

The pantry looks like the kitchen at Henry and Elizabeth's home in Madam Secretary.