Scientifically Impossible Places That Actually Exist

Let’s Begin!

The earth hides many weird and wonderful things. One corner of the earth there are ice glaciers and on the other side, there is plankton that is bioluminescent. Many need to be seen to understand.

Science can't even explain a few things even with all its advancement in the 21st century. Here are some very strange and cool things that can't be explained by science.

Lake Hillier

People generally think that grass is green and water looks blue. But Lake Hillier blows this theory out of the water. The lake is a pink color all the time but people can't explain it.

The only hypothesis that scientists can give is that it could be from bacteria in the water, but it's still safe to swim in so who knows?

Crooked Forest

Here's a forest in Poland that grows in a very weird way. It's been this way for many centuries but no one had been able to explain it so far.

Many locals theorized that it was from tanks rolling through the forest in WWII making them bend this way. But nothing can be proved even today.

Door To Hell

Derwize in Turkmenistan is said to have the scariest craters on earth. One crater called The Derwize gas crater is also called the "Door To Hell". But at 98 ft deep and 226 ft wide we can see why it's called that.

The crater was drilled for oil and ended up unleashing the fire below.

Sea Of Stars

Here's a beautiful sight! It looks almost like move magic but that's not actually the case, it's all natural and not actually out of James Cameron's Avatar.

It is actually a glow-in-the-dark phenomenon that happens in the Vaadhoo Islands in the Maldives. It is a chemical reaction with bacteria that glow in the water.

Kawah Ijen

There's an active volcano in the Banyuwangi Regency, Java called Kawah Ijen. But what makes this volcano so amazing? 

This volcano doesn't like making lava and smoke like every other active volcano. This one is very special and creates blue lava! It is a thing of beauty to watch the eruptions from this beast. Just make sure you do so from far away!

The Hessdalen Lights

Northern lights have become notorious with everyone around the world. This beautiful phenomenon is one of the prettiest out there. But since it was first seen in the 1930s to this day, no one understands why it exists.

Sadly since the 1980s, it seems that it appears less and less frequently. This only deepens the mystery.

Circles of Namibia

This bizarre formation is located in the west of Africa. The red circles on the desert floor are known as “fairy circles” and range from 5 to 130 feet wide.      

The strangest thing about the area is the incredibly low level and magnetism. Scientists theorize causes from famished termites to toxic bushes but nothing has been confirmed. 

Movile Cave

When Romanian workers were searching for a new site to build a nuclear power plant in 1986, they discovered this cave. It had been completely isolated from the world for over 5.5 million years.

Scientists thought it was uninhabitable but they found 48 different species living there - and counting!

Lake Karachay

It may look beautiful but it is deadly. Scientists say if you stand next to this lake for a single hour, it would most likely end in your death. 

Located in Russia, this lake was used as a radioactive dumpsite during the soviet union’s secret atomic bomb projects. Let’s just say, that mission backfired!

Bermuda Triangle

If you haven’t heard of the Bermuda Triangle, you probably don’t pay much interest in transatlantic travel. This place is a sailor’s and pilot’s nightmare. 

It’s deemed as just a myth by scientists but the ship and plane wrecks in the area would say differently. This is a huge area in the North Atlantic Ocean spanning 500,000 square miles. It’s also known as the Devil’s triangle for the number of ships and planes that have disappeared without a trace in the area. 

The Double Tree Of Casorzo

The “Double Tree of Casorzo” in Piemonte, Italy is a direct affront to science. It’s a cherry tree that has grown atop of a mulberry tree - something science deems to be impossible. 

For a tree to grow on top of another tree is simply unheard of yet here it is! The only problem is both trees cannot grow to their full size in their competition for space and food. 

The Beacon Of Maracaibo

As unbelievable as this sounds, there is a small area in Venezuela that is exposed to 1.2 million lightning strikes every single year. 

For 160 days, the lightning storm engulfs the night sky with bright colors of red, orange, and blue. The most unexplainable thing about these storms is that they're completely silent - creepy!

The Devil’s Kettle

In Judge C.R. Magney State Park, Minnesota, there’s a vanishing waterfall known as “The Devil’s Kettle”. 

One side of the waterfall continues to flow down the river while the other drops into a deep dark hole and vanishes. Countless people and scientists have tried to follow it but no one knows where it leads to. 

Mendenhall Caves

The Mendenhall Caves in Alaska is perhaps one of the most beautiful wonders of the world. This crystal blue ice cave resides inside a 12-mile-long glacier and has to be seen to be believed!

It’s created by water that runs through the crater. However, almost all its explorers don’t wander too far in.