Sister In Law Delays Pregnant Woman’s Delivery. Husband Asks Her To Leave

Expectant Mother

The expectant mother sat quietly in her hospital room, the sterile smell of antiseptic mixing with the soft lavender fragrance from the diffuser her husband had lovingly brought. Her hand gently cradled her round belly, feeling the subtle kicks and shifts of her baby girl inside. Today was the day she had been eagerly anticipating—she was about to welcome her daughter into the world.

Throughout the pregnancy, her husband had been a constant source of support, making sure she was comfortable and cared for. His unwavering presence made her feel secure, and she couldn't help but feel deeply grateful to have such a dedicated partner by her side.

Sunshine Hospital

Joselene Dwight, 39, sat upright in her hospital bed, her hands gently resting on her rounded belly. The ward at Sunshine Hospital in Garden Brush State, Texas, was comfortable, offering a sense of calm and familiarity.

The quiet hum of the air conditioning was a soothing background to the storm of emotions inside her. Today was the day she had long awaited—the day she would meet her baby girl. Her husband, Peter, paced by the window, frequently glancing at his watch, anticipation etched across his face.

Embracing Her Femininity

When Peter was around, Joslene fully embraced her femininity, letting him take care of everything. She had been anticipating this moment for nine long months, eagerly awaiting the day it would finally arrive.

"Peter, stop pacing; you're making me nervous," Joslene said, her voice a mix of excitement and nerves. Peter immediately stopped, crossing the room to her side. He gently took her hand, his concern evident. "I'm sorry, babe. I just want everything to be perfect for you. You've already been through so much."

A Reassuring Smile

Joselene looked up at Peter with a reassuring smile, hoping to calm his anxieties. "I understand, but we’re in the best hands. Dr. Martinez is the top specialist—you made sure of that." Peter nodded, holding her hand tightly. "I know, but I can't shake this feeling that something might go wrong."

"Peter," she whispered, "we've thought of everything. You've been incredible, making sure every detail is perfect for our baby girl. We're almost there."

Steady Ticking

The clock on the wall ticked steadily, each second stretching out into what felt like an endless wait. Joselene had arrived at the hospital three hours ahead of schedule, but they still weren’t ready for her.

She tried to keep herself composed, but a growing sense of unease settled in the back of her mind. Could there really be such a long delay? It wasn’t like the doctor to be running behind. Joselene kept glancing at the door, hoping a nurse or someone else would come in with some news, but the hallway remained empty.

Eagerness To Deliver

The tired woman was eager to deliver her baby and was growing increasingly frustrated with how long it was taking to get her room ready. She rubbed her belly impatiently. “Should we call someone?” Joselene asked, worry creeping into her voice.

Peter's brows furrowed. “Maybe. I’ll go find a nurse.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before stepping out. Little did he know what awaited him upon his return.

Calming Her Racing Thoughts

Joselene took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. She reminded herself to stay positive and understand that hospitals are often busy, and delays are normal. Patience was what she needed, even if it was hard to come by at that moment.

Sitting alone, Joselene’s mind drifted back to the challenges she faced during her pregnancy. Peter’s family had never been thrilled about the idea of them having a child, which only made things harder. Despite being married for three years, they still hadn’t accepted her as part of the family. Their disapproval was like a constant weight, and their presence always made her feel uneasy and out of place.


Peter knew this, but he was different from the rest of his family. Unlike them, his concerns were never about accumulating wealth. What mattered most to him was having a happy, loving family.

After inheriting his father's business, Peter devoted himself to his wife, Joselene, and focused on starting a family together. The journey wasn't easy; they faced many challenges while trying to conceive. When Joselene's IVF treatments finally succeeded, their joy was indescribable. However, they were unprepared for the unexpected challenges that would follow the birth of their child.

Maintaining Composure

As Peter left, Joselene took a deep breath, struggling to maintain her composure. Despite her anticipation for this day, a creeping sense of dread overshadowed her excitement.

Gently rubbing her belly, she whispered to her unborn daughter, "We'll be okay, sweetie. Daddy’s just anxious." Yet, Joselene couldn't shake her own uncertainty.

Nowhere To Be Seen

Minutes ticked by, and Peter was still nowhere to be seen. The room seemed to chill, and the sharp, clinical odor of the hospital intensified. Joselene's anxiety grew as she glanced at the clock once more; Peter had been absent for nearly twenty minutes.

With her heart pounding, Joselene reached for the call button, her finger poised above it. Doubts crept in—was she overreacting, or was there a genuine cause for concern?

Not The Doctor

Finally, the door creaked open, and a nurse stepped inside. Joselene was relieved, but it was short-lived. The nurse’s expression was pinched, as if she were holding back something. "Mrs. Dwight, I’m so sorry for the delay," the nurse began, her voice too calm, too controlled. She gave her a fake smile.

"There’s been a slight... complication with the schedule. Dr. Martinez is running late, but she’ll be here soon." "How late?" Joselene asked, her anxiety spiking. "Is everything okay?"

A Medical Emergency

The nurse hesitated, her eyes flickering toward the door as if she expected someone else to walk in. "It shouldn’t be much longer. Please try to relax. We’ll make sure everything goes smoothly." 

Joselene nodded, but the nurse’s words did little to comfort her. She was stuck in the bed and didn’t know what was happening outside her ward. The room felt oppressive, the air thick with unspoken tension. She wished Peter would come back; his presence always made her feel safer.

Dr Martinez Is Not In

Just as she was about to press the call button again, the door swung open, and Peter rushed in, followed by another nurse. He looked pale, his eyes wide with worry. 

"Josie, they’re saying Dr. Martinez is stuck in surgery with another patient. They’re trying to find a backup doctor," Peter blurted out, his voice trembling. "I know, the nurse just said that." Joselene felt a jolt of fear. "But... What does that mean for us? For the baby?"

Don’t Worry

The nurse who had followed Peter stepped forward. "Mrs. Dwight, we’re doing everything we can to get a doctor here as soon as possible. In the meantime, we’ll prepare you for the procedure. There’s no need to worry."

Joslene had no choice but to listen to them. She couldn’t get angry or shout at them because she didn’t want to stress the baby. She listened to Peter's comforting words and trusted him. He had never been wrong so far.

These Things Happen

The heavily pregnant lady sat in her bed munching away at ice chips. She was clearly annoyed but tried hard not to show it. Joselene couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. "I don’t understand. What if the baby comes before the doctor gets here? What if—"

"Josie, it’s going to be okay," Peter interrupted, though his voice was strained. He took her hand, trying to steady both her and himself. "We’re in a hospital. They know what they’re doing."

Medical Issues

The annoyed mother let out a sigh of exasperation. She knew that Pete was right. She didn’t want to upset any of the doctors or nurses before they had to operate on her. 

Peter was going through the operation procedure with her. He tried to give her strength to follow through. The nurse began checking the monitors, adjusting the IV, all while maintaining that same calm exterior. "We’ll keep a close eye on you, Mrs. Dwight. If anything changes, we’re ready to act. But right now, it’s important to stay calm."

A Rough Start

Joselene nodded, but her mind was racing. She had envisioned this day so many times—how it would go, the joy she would feel, the relief of holding her baby girl in her arms.  

None of those visions included a doctor being late, or this creeping sense of dread that something might go wrong. She knew that she was paying a high price for Dr. Martinez who came highly recommended. But now she realized why she was so popular; she was always fully booked.

Things Get Worse

As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the room became unbearable. Peter stayed by her side, holding her hand, but she could see the worry etched into his face.  

Every time the door opened, they both looked up, hoping it would be Dr. Martinez. But it was always another nurse, another check-in, another update that provided no real comfort. Apparently, Dr Martinez was at another hospital in another town, and she was stuck in an emergency procedure. It wasn’t her fault.

Getting Angry

Joslene was starting to stress out. She hadn’t eaten anything since she got to the hospital and she was hungry. "Peter," Joselene whispered, "what if something happens? What if something goes wrong?"

"Nothing’s going to go wrong," Peter said, though it sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as her. "We’ve come this far, Josie. We’re going to meet our daughter today, no matter what."

Almost Time

Peter quickly stepped out to grab himself a cup of coffee. This time he was quick and only took a few minutes. But when he opened the ward door again, this time, he was shocked at who he was looking at. He couldn’t believe who he was seeing.

He tried everything so that she wouldn’t find out where he was having the baby. But somehow, she found out. And there she was standing next to his wife.

An Uninvited Visitor

Peter had just stepped out to grab a coffee when the door to her room burst open, startling her. Standing in the doorway was Lexi, Peter's older sister, her face twisted with a look of disdain. 

"You can't have the baby here, Joselene," Lexi announced, her voice cold and dripping with authority. Joselene blinked, her excitement quickly turning into confusion. "What do you mean, Lexi? This is where the doctor scheduled my C-section."

The Sister-In-Law

Lexi took a step forward, her eyes narrowing. "I mean exactly what I said. You’re not having the baby here. Peter’s paying for everything with Dad’s medical aid, and I won’t allow it." 

Joselene’s heart began to race, her hand instinctively moving to her belly. "Peter told me everything was taken care of. Why are you even here, Lexi?" Lexi’s lip curled into a sneer. "Because I know your game, Joselene. You're only with Peter for his money. You don’t belong in this family."

Mocking Joselene

The words hit Joselene like a slap. She struggled to keep her composure, her hands gripping the bed sheets.  

She was dreading any confrontation with Peter's family. "That’s not true, and you know it. I love Peter. We’re having a baby together." "Spare me the theatrics," Lexi spat, her voice rising. "I’ve seen your type before. You’ll bleed him dry and then move on to the next wealthy fool."

Causing A Problem

Joselene felt a tear slip down her cheek, her excitement about the baby now overshadowed by the shame Lexi was trying to inflict. "Peter chose me. He wanted this baby as much as I did."

Lexi crossed her arms, her eyes filled with malice. "And you’ve convinced him to use Dad’s medical aid to fund your little operation here. I won’t have it, Joselene. I won’t let you drain this family of its resources." Lexi was so loud, that Peter was sure the other patients could hear her. He was in shock as he stood in the doorway.

Don’t Do This

At that moment, Peter walked in, a cup of coffee in his hand. He froze when he saw the tension in the room, his eyes darting between Joselene and Lexi. "What’s going on here?"

Joselene opened her mouth to speak, but Lexi cut her off. "Peter, I told Joselene she can’t have the baby here. She’s using Dad’s medical aid for this. You need to stop her." Joselene stared at her, bewildered. “What are you talking about, Lexi? I’m due to have the C-section in just a few hours.”

The Laughing Stock

50-year-old Lexi marched around the room, her heels clicking loudly against the linoleum floor. She had a bossy attitude. “You think you can just waltz into this hospital and have everything handed to you? Do you even know how much this place costs?”

“Peter is paying for everything,” Joselene replied, trying to keep her voice steady. “He’s using his father’s medical aid.” But would Lexi leave her alone?

It’s Not Your Money

“That’s the problem!” Lexi snapped. “My father’s medical aid isn’t meant to cover your luxurious stay in this private hospital. You’re draining resources that don’t belong to you.” Joselene’s stomach tightened. She hadn’t expected this confrontation, not today, of all days. “Peter assured me everything was taken care of.”

“Of course he did,” Lexi scoffed. “Because he’s blinded by you. He’s so eager to please you that he’s willing to throw away our family’s money. Do you even realize how expensive these doctors are? Dr. Martinez charges more than double what any other doctor would.”

Leave Us Alone

Peter stepped forward but Lexi just ignored him. She didn’t listen to her baby brother; she was the eldest. “Lexi, please,” Joselene pleaded, her voice trembling. “This is supposed to be a happy day for us.”

“A happy day?” Lexi’s eyes narrowed. “You’re only with Peter because of his money, aren’t you? You’ve always been after his wealth, and now you’re showing your true colors. You don’t care about our family—only about what you can take from us.”

You’re Wrong

Joselene felt tears welling up in her eyes. “That’s not true. I love Peter, and I want what’s best for our child.” “You love his money,” Lexi retorted. “And you’re using this pregnancy to secure your place in our family. But I won’t let you.”

Before Joselene could respond, Peter walked up to Lexi and pushed her aside. He took one look at the scene unfolding and rushed to his wife’s side. “What’s going on here?”

A Jealous Sister

Peter’s jaw tightened as he placed the coffee on the bedside table. He stepped toward Lexi, his voice low but firm. "Lexi, I already told you; everything is taken care of. This is where Joselene is having the baby, and that’s final."

"But Peter—" Lexi began, but Peter raised a hand to silence her. "No, Lexi. You’ve done enough. This is my wife and my child, and I won’t let you ruin this moment for us." His voice was filled with an authority that Joselene had rarely heard.

The Door Opens

Lexi’s face flushed with anger, but before she could respond, the door opened again, and Dr. Martinez walked in, holding a chart. She glanced at the tension in the room, her brows furrowing. "Is everything all right in here?" 

The sudden presence of the doctor startled everyone, but Lexi didn’t keep quiet. “Peter,” Lexi began, her voice dripping with disdain, “I’m trying to protect our family’s finances. Do you even know how much this hospital is charging? And Dr. Martinez—he’s one of the most expensive obstetricians in the city. Why are you letting her milk us dry?”

Let’s Get On With It

Peter’s jaw tightened. “Lexi, we’ve discussed this. Everything is under control. I’ve made sure that all the costs are covered.” 

“But at what expense?” Lexi demanded. “Do you know that Dr. Reyes, just across town, charges half of what Martinez does? And the facilities at Saint Andrew’s are just as good as here. You’re throwing money away, Peter!” The doctor was surprised and couldn’t believe that his patients were behaving so badly. He watched them fighting in shock.

Losing Lexi

By this time, Joselene was in tears. She could do nothing but quietly sob in her bed. “I’m not throwing anything away,” Peter said firmly. “This is our child, my family, and I’m going to give them the best care possible.”

Lexi’s eyes flashed with anger. “You’re letting her manipulate you, Peter. She’s only with you for your money, and now she’s draining our resources. She doesn’t care about you—she cares about what you can give her.”

Get Out Of Here

Dr Martinez cleared his throat in irritation. “That’s enough, Lexi,” Peter said, his voice hardening. “You don’t get to come in here and insult my wife like this.” Joselene reached for Peter’s hand, her heart aching. “Peter, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

“You haven’t caused any trouble,” Peter reassured her, squeezing her hand. “Lexi’s the one who’s out of line.” But would they be able to get rid of Lexi?

The Doctor Speaks

The Doctor tried to ignore Lexi and set up preparing his work station. She tried to get her nurses to remove Lexi. But Lexi wasn’t finished. “You’re making a mistake, Peter. She’s going to bleed you dry, and when she’s done, she’ll leave you with nothing.”

Before Peter could respond, the door opened once more, and Dr. Martinez entered the room. She immediately sensed the tension in the air and glanced between the three of them. “Is everything alright in here?”

The Problem

“Doctor,” Lexi said, her tone icy, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding. My brother’s wife shouldn’t be here. We can’t afford your exorbitant fees.” 

Dr. Martinez frowned. “I assure you; everything has been arranged. Peter has made all the necessary payments. There’s no need to worry about the cost.” “But that’s exactly the problem,” Lexi insisted. “Why should we pay more when there are other doctors who charge less?”

The Audacity

Peter nodded quickly. "Doctor, could you please ask Lexi to leave? We’re about to have our baby, and we don’t need any more interruptions." Dr. Martinez looked at Lexi, his expression professional but firm. "I think it’s best if you wait outside, Ms. Dwight. We need to focus on the delivery."

Lexi shot one last venomous look at Joselene before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind her. The silence that followed was deafening, and Joselene let out a shaky breath, her heart still pounding.

It’s My Fault

Peter moved to her side, taking her hand in his. "I’m so sorry, Joselene. I didn’t know she’d come here." Joselene shook her head, trying to push the encounter out of her mind. "It’s not your fault, Peter. I just want to focus on our baby now."

Dr. Martinez smiled reassuringly as she adjusted the monitor next to Joselene’s bed. "That’s the spirit. We’re going to get you prepped for surgery now. Everything’s going to be just fine."

The Birth

As the nurses began to wheel her out of the room, Joselene couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that Lexi had left behind. The excitement she had felt earlier was now tinged with a sense of unease.v 

The bright lights of the operating room did little to calm her nerves. She kept thinking about her horrible sister-in-law who was lurking outside. Peter was by her side, holding her hand as the doctors prepared for the C-section. He whispered soothing words to her, trying to bring back the joy of the moment.

A Worried Woman

Joselene couldn’t stop thinking about Lexi’s words. Was she really just a gold digger in their eyes?  Did Peter’s family think she was only with him for the money? The doubts gnawed at her, making it hard to focus on anything else.

"Ready, Joselene?" Dr. Martinez asked, her voice gentle but firm. She nodded, trying to push her fears aside. "Yes, I’m ready."

A Baby Is Born

The procedure began, and Joselene focused on Peter’s face, the warmth of his hand in hers. But even as the baby’s first cries filled the room, a shadow lingered in her heart. 

The nurses cleaned the baby and brought her over to Joselene, placing the tiny bundle in her arms.  She looked down at her daughter, her heart swelling with love. But the joy was tainted by the confrontation with Lexi, the doubt she had sown. Her birthing story was ruined.

A Moment Of Happiness

Peter leaned down, kissing her forehead. "She’s perfect, Joselene. Just like her mother." Joselene smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. "She is. She really is." She brushed her daughter's tiny hand with her finger.

As they were wheeled back to the recovery room, the excitement of the day was overshadowed by a lingering sense of unease. Joselene couldn’t help but wonder if Lexi’s words would come back to haunt her.

Just The Three Of Us

Back in the room, Peter held the baby, his face filled with pure joy. But Joselene could still feel the weight of Lexi’s accusations, the doubts she had stirred. Peter noticed her expression and sat beside her on the bed. "Hey, what’s wrong? This should be the happiest day of our lives."

Joselene hesitated, not wanting to burden him with her fears. "It’s nothing. I’m just tired, I guess." But she couldn’t hide her feelings for long.

I’m Here For You Both

Peter wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t press her. Instead, he kissed her again, this time lingering a little longer. "I love you, Joselene. Don’t ever doubt that." She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I love you too, Peter. I’m just so glad you’re here."

But as the day wore on, the shadow of Lexi’s visit loomed larger in her mind. Even as she held her baby girl, the doubts gnawed at her, threatening to overshadow the joy she should have been feeling.

Family Issues

That night, as the hospital grew quiet, Joselene lay awake, staring at the ceiling. The baby slept peacefully in the bassinet beside her, but sleep eluded Joselene. She couldn’t stop thinking about Lexi’s words, about the doubts they had planted. Was she really just after Peter’s money? The thought made her sick to her stomach, but she couldn’t shake it.

The joy of the day had been stolen, replaced by a gnawing fear that wouldn’t let her go. And as she lay there, the baby’s soft breathing the only sound in the room, Joselene realized that Lexi’s visit had done more than just ruin her day—it had cast a shadow over her entire future.