Safety Tips To Remember On A Night Out

It’s Friday, and you and your friends are deciding where the night will take you. Nights out are where memories are made and friendships are solidified, so you want to make this one epic. Now, before you go out to paint the town red, you need to remember that the streets are not always safe. There are many horror stories of nights out that have started as bangers and ended as trips to the hospital or to the police station. Don’t be scared; we are not trying to make you stay at home in fear; we are just preparing for the reality of the outside. There is so much fun to be had, but you need to remember to stay safe. Here are seven things you should do to be safe on a night out.

Have A Designated Driver

Before you even step out, you should already be planning for your return. Every friend group has a designated driver and if your group does not have one, you are playing with your lives. The designated driver is the friend who can hold their liquor or drink responsibly. After your crazy night of fun, you are going to be grateful that you have at least one responsible person to get you all home safely. Being the designated driver can be such a burden, so take turns doing it within your group. Do not make it one person’s responsibility to be the Mom all the time! The next tip will keep you and your girls safe if you are alert enough!

Have A Signal

All the ladies will know what we are talking about here! This signal is the one you pull when the weird drunk guy corners you, and you need some help getting out of the tricky situation. The club is loud, and you may not always be able to get your friend's attention with a shout, so hand signals are a smart way to communicate. If you are feeling uncomfortable, you can tuck your hair behind your ears to let your friends know. If you want them to rescue you, maybe you can rub your neck. Make sure these signals are not too obvious though, the key is to be discreet!

Make Sure Your Phone Is Charged

For the last two hours before you go out, your phone should be on the charger. Do not make the mistake of scrolling on social media or playing music as you get ready. Listen to us carefully, there is nothing more dangerous than being stranded with a dead phone on a night out! Most of us do not even remember our friend’s or guardians’ numbers by head, so what are you going to do when your phone dies and you need to call for help? If you are smart, invest in a power bank too, so that you have a backup for you and your friends whose phones are never charged. Keep reading for more safety tips that will make sure you make it home after a night out.  The next tip is the golden rule for any night out!

Never Leave Your Drink Unattended

If your eyes should be hooked on anything, it’s not the girls or boys. You need to be making sure that you are watching your drink through the night like a hawk. It is frustrating that we have to do this, but drink safety should be a top priority on a night out. There is a growing trend where people are drugging innocent partygoers by dropping things into their drunks to make it easier to attack or abuse them. To be a hundred percent safe, switch out any drink you have left unattended and buy a new one. You may be out on a budget, but your safety is priceless!

Have A Drink Limit

We need to do away with this stupid trend of drinking like we don’t have tomorrow. Getting plastered has been normalized by society, and now we think it is okay to be completely sloshed! Not only is it careless and unsafe, it is also extremely self-destructive. Don’t worry, this is not an article for Alcoholics Anonymous. We just want to make sure that you have a good time while you stay safe! By now, you probably know how many drinks it takes to get you drunk, so set a limit that allows you to have fun while being responsible. Being safe does not have to be boring if you do it right!

Stay In A Group

Going out in a group and leaving your friends is the same as splitting up in a horror movie, nothing ever goes well after that point. Moving around as a squad is important to ensure that you maintain your numbers and keep an eye out. Predators tend to look for lone wolves because they are easy to attack. Going to the bar or the bathroom as an entire group is not extra, it is necessary! 

Choose The Right Clubs To Party At

If the bathrooms look like they belong in a horror movie and everyone looks like they are high on something, that club is not the place for you. The location should be somewhere that you can have a ball at, but also a place where you feel safe too. Don’t go to places too far from home and in neighborhoods you don’t know well, because they can become a navigation nightmare. Choose to go to your regular spot; the bouncer knows you already and people will notice if you just disappear.