Rich Dad Rejects Daughter's Poor Boyfriend, Lives To Regret

New Boyfriend

The atmosphere around the dinner table was tense. Today was the day that Jessica's new boyfriend would meet her bigshot parents. "So, you met Michael at university?" John probed his daughter. "Uh...sort of...," she replied.  

Before he could ask any more questions, the doorbell rang—Michael was here! John sat up straighter, waiting to welcome the young man, but when he saw who it was, he furiously got up and bellowed, "Get out of my house!" 

His Anger Felt Like An Earthquake

Jessica's father's anger rippled through the house. She was shocked at his reaction and gripped onto their glass dining room table to steel her nerves. She needed to make a plan. She needed to save Michael from her father's fury.

She turned to face his red, disgusted face. "I can't believe you're my father. I've never been more ashamed of you before in my life. I won't let you speak to him that way!" Jessica's father paused and then narrowed his eyes. This young man wasn't coming in between him and his family. 

He Had No Idea What To Do

Micahel was still standing at the front door. He could feel the cold sweat on his spine from Jessica's father's yelling. What should he do? Every instinct in his body was telling him to run, but he didn't want to be a coward. 

He tried to catch Jessica's eyes and silently plead with her to tell him what to do. It was clear this first introduction was going worse than anyone could imagine. He stood in the doorway and held his head in shame. He already knew why Jessica's father hated him.

She Wouldn't Give Him The Satisfaction

Jessica didn't usually have a temper, but her father's reaction had pushed her to the edge. She was seeing red and if he wanted to scream, then so could she. "How can you treat someone this way? How can you hold your head high and look down on so many people."

Jessica used every ounce of strength she had to look her father in the eye and morph her delicate features into pure disgust and anger. "I know what you started as. I know where you come from. The man you're yelling at is the same as you."  Jessica took a pause and then spat out, "You disgust me."

The Tension Was Thick

Michael's jaw dropped listening to what Jessica said. Was it possible this was the same sweet loving young woman who fell in love with him? He had never heard her speak like this to anyone. His whole body screamed to run to her and hold her in his arms. To protect her somehow, but her father was still staring at him with a look that could kill. 

Jessica's father finally spoke, and it was an icy tone that Michael didn't think he would ever forget. He raised a finger and pointed at Michael, "That man is never welcome in my house. I will not let my daughter fall in love with a homeless janitor!" He spat the last two words out and Michael knew he had to leave. 

She Watched Him Walk Away

Jessica flinched from her father's words and quickly turned around to face Michael the doorway was empty.  She felt sick to her stomach and knew she would start to cry. She whipped her head around and lashed out at her father. 

"How could you do this to me? How could you say those things? You know nothing about him! I hate you!" Jessica was blinded by tears and ran from the dining room to her bedroom. She slammed her door and sobbed her heart out. Would Michael still want to be with her? 

He Would Sacrifice Everything For His Family

He watched his daughter yell and scream and run to her room. The walls shook with the force she slammed her door and the echo of her sobs reverberated through their home. He could feel his wife staring at him. 

He winced as he felt the glare. He opened his mouth and she firmly told him. "I don't know who you are, but I didn't marry a man that sends his daughter running to her room. Will you let your pride tear this family apart?" He curled his hands into a fist. When it came to his family he would do anything necessary.  

He Wouldn't Listen To Reason

He could hear his wife trying to plead with him," She's our only daughter. Don't make me choose between my husband and child. Don't tear this family apart." How could she understand? No one could understand his disgust with that young man.

It was too similar to his own rough upbringing. He had done everything in his power to give Jessica a better life. He wouldn't let her live in a slum or support this man. Without saying a word he walked to his study and slammed the door. Would his family stand by him or had he gone too far?

She Cried Herself To Sleep

Jessica heard her father's office door slam and the heavy despair of the night sunk into her chest. She needed to talk to Michael. She quickly found her phone but all she got was his answering machine. Tonight he had seen a side of her that was ugly, maybe it was too much for him?

She held her pillow and thought back to the first day she met him. How she had been lost until she stared into those eyes. How safe she felt when he took her hand and helped her find her class. There was no one better in the world than him and she was willing to risk it all. 

That First Day 

Thinking back to that special day and Jessica remembers it all so clearly. Her heart racing as she dropped her books trying to find her next lecture. The warm hand that grabbed her elbow and helped her stand.  The kind words he said before she realized who he was. 

“First days are always chaotic; let me help. I’ve worked here for a couple of years and know this place better than anyone.” Jessica remembered she blushed and showed him her schedule.  He had a great laugh and said, “It’s a good thing I found you; your first class is on the other side of campus. Don’t worry; I know a shortcut.”

The Beginning Of A Romance

Jessica leaned his name was Michael, and not only did he get her to her first class, but he was waiting to see her after. The other students starred as they walked the halls together, but Jessica felt so safe and trusted him instantly. 

The other students had stared at him like her father had. Thinking again to his screaming her blood boiled. It didn't matter to her what Michael did or where he lived. She had to find a way for their love to survive. 

She Hated To Keep A Secret

When they first started dating she hadn't told a soul. It was unusal for her to keep secrets, and she wondered if her parents had realized. A part of her knew even in the beginning her father would never approve. 

She couldn't let him take away this relationship and her chance at a future with Michael. She needed to find a way to convince him that Michael was a good man. What could she do to make him see Michael in a different light?

They Had No Secrets

Jessica's heart burst when she thought about Michael, about the day in the cafe when she finally got up the courage to ask him, "“Why are you a janitor?” They had never talked about it before. 

Michael was young, charismatic, and clearly intelligent. What was he doing, wasting his talents and youth pushing a mop? She didn’t want to offend him, but when he started telling her the reason, she couldn't believe it!

Michael's Childhood

Michael’s parents had passed away when he was younger, and so he spent his childhood growing up in a foster home. Unfortunately, his foster family was cruel, and he saw things that would haunt him as an adult. 

His best friend was named Susan. She was a couple of years younger than him, and the two were constantly together. Michael cared for her more than anyone else. One night changed both of their lives and futures.

The Wrong Place

Susan's first boyfriend was someone from their neighborhood with a terrible reputation. Michael tried to warn her about what she was doing, but Susan was deeply in love and under this man's spell. Michael knew he had to step in and do something to save her. 

One night Susan asked Michael to hang out with them. Michael didn’t want to do it but couldn’t say no to his best friend. They had only been at her boyfriend’s house for twenty minutes before there was a loud knock on the door. “POLICE!” 

Scape Goat 

Susan’s boyfriend was known in the neighborhood for shady activity, and an anonymous tip had brought the police to his house. Everyone was arrested, and although Michael tried to explain who he was, he was still booked and spent the night in jail. In the morning, he couldn’t believe he was being charged as an accessory to a crime.

Michael and Susan were under 18, but they still faced community service and a fine. The bright side was Susan’s boyfriend was locked up for years. Susan didn’t believe that Michael hadn’t called in the anonymous tip and refused to speak to him ever again. Michael had a criminal record and lost his best friend all in one evening. 

Making Challenges Into Opportunities 

Until Michael had a clear record, he couldn’t find a proper job, but he felt lucky to get the janitor position. He hoped to get his record cleared in a couple of years and wanted to make plans for his future. All he cared about right now was saving money and preparing for his future. 

He took Jessica’s hand in his and looked her in the eyes. “I hope this hasn’t changed your opinion of me. The future I’m building I can see you in, but I understand if you don’t want anything to do with me going forward.” All she could do at that moment was give Michael a kiss. Could she still see a future with him?

Preparing For The Worse

Michael knew how close Jessica was to her family and knew she hadn't told them about him. She held his hand and tried to prepare him for her father's snobby attitude. 

Jessica hung her head in shame. It had nothing to do with her own feelings towards Michael, but she knew her father cared more about financial security and image.  In Jessica's eyes, Michael was perfect. Would her family see him the same way?

How Would He React?

That night she sat down next to her father and whispered, "Dad, there's something I have to tell you." His face flashed with worry and concern. Jessica knew he would do anything for her, but would he accept Michael?

She took a deep breath and said, "I've met someone." She looked down to her hands and  couldn’t look at her father; she knew his smile would instantly disappear. “Dad, he’s the janitor at the university.”

The Mood Changed

It felt like time stood still until her father said, “What do you mean he’s the janitor? How old is he?” Jessica could hear her father’s voice rising. “A janitor? Really Jessica? How do you start school and meet the janitor? Is he distracting you from your studies?”

Jessica didn’t want to get upset, but the conversation was going exactly the way she thought. Her father had heard the word janitor and immediately stopped listening. “I knew that was the only thing you would focus on! You don’t even know him!” Jessica was crushed, but her father wasn’t finished yet.

A Truce

Jessica’s father got to his feet quickly. “I forbid you for wasting another second on this filth. You’re a smart girl; what are you thinking!” The shouting made Jessica’s mother rush into the room. She ran in frantically, trying to figure out what was going on.

“What’s going on, you two? What happened?” Jessica could barely speak through her tears. “Mom, I’ve met someone really amazing, but he’s a homeless janitor. Dad won’t even meet him. I want you to at least give him a chance!” As her mother held her, Jessica loudly sobbed and begged her mother to fix it! Could she convince her husband to give Michael a break?

Would She Be Able To Convince Him?

She put her hand on her husband’s arm, “John, I think we should at least meet this young man. I’m sure if Jessica says he’s a great catch, it’s true. What do you think? Let’s try for her and meet him first.” 

Jessica’s father sighed loudly, but he could never say no to his wife. He shook his head in frustration and walked out of the room. How could both the women in his family let him down like this?

The Day Of Dinner

The day had been terrible for Michael. Nothing had gone right. He wanted to finish work with enough to shower, change and stop to pick up flowers for Jessica’s mom. Instead, there had been a chemical spill at the university, and he had spent the day in protective gear cleaning it up. 

As he drove into the driveway, he already knew he wasn’t going to make a good impression. He had tried to splash some water on his face and had cleaned his hands, but he was still in work pants with a simple white t-shirt. He looked in his car mirror and could only imagine what he would hear from her father now. 

A Short Experience

Michael knocked on the door and felt better as Jessica answered.  Jessica whispered in his ear, “I read your messages; I’m so sorry you had a tough day.” She put her hand in his, and they walked into the dining room together. 

“Mom, Dad, this is Michael.” Jessica’s mother got up to say hello, but her father looked up at him and sneered. “You didn’t have time to change before coming over? Jessica, please, this is really what makes you happy?” Jessica’s jaw dropped, and she quickly tried to apologize to Michael, but his next words left everyone speechless. 

A Speech Falling On Deaf Ears

“Sir, I’m so sorry. This isn’t how I wanted to meet you the first time either. Unfortunately, my day….” Jessica’s dad was quick to interrupt him. “And you’ve got excuses for everything. Clearly, you didn’t think it mattered to show up clean when you met your girlfriend’s parents. I should ask you to leave for the sheer disrespect.” 

Michael knew the night was ruined. “Sir, I completely respect that opinion. Hopefully, in the future, I’ll get a chance to meet you again. Ma’am, dinner looks fabulous, Jess; I’ll call you later, but I’ll show myself out.” Jessica was in shock. “No, babe, you don’t have to leave.” He kissed her hand. “I think it’s for the best.” Was Jessica loosing  him forever?

Heartbreak Echos Through The Halls

Michael broke up with Jessica the next day. She tried to tell him she didn’t care what her father thought but felt it was better for both of them if she just focused on her education. That night she cried into her pillow and wouldn’t let either of her parents into her room. 

Her father stood outside listening to his daughter sobbing and told his wife it was for the best. “Really, John, how can you say that? All we’ve ever wanted for our daughter was to be happy! You need to fix this! Prove to her that you aren’t someone who makes such a harsh judgment on a first impression.” What could he do to fix the mess he had created?

He Was Stubborn

Jessica’s father was stubborn. He thought she was better off without this boyfriend anyways. The house was very quiet for a few weeks while everyone spent time in their respective rooms. Jessica didn’t want her parents to fight, but with her relationship over and her heart crushed, all she could do was focus on herself. She threw herself into her studies and spent more time at the library. 

One day her father decided to bring her a sandwich and showed up on campus to find her. From the corner of his eye, he saw Michael. He stood there watching the boy work and began to notice how other people treated him. Memories began to resurface...

Humble Beginnings

Jessica’s father had never gone to University. He didn’t have the grades or money for tuition, and his first job was as a janitor in the company he now owned. He had kept his head down and worked hard until he started to clean the offices of the CEO. One night he found one of them working late and stressed with a problem.

To his surprise, the man had asked for his help. They began to have conversations late at night, and John began to give him advice more often. Finally, one night the CEO looked at him and said there was an entry-level position available. It was a life-changing moment!

His First Day

On the first day in his new role, he met Jessica’s mother. His drive and determination attracted her, and he remembered how much it meant to him to have her support. He felt ashamed of his actions and the words he had spoken so harshly to Michael. 

He walked up to Michael and knew he owed this young man an apology. As he approached, Michael couldn’t believe who was walking towards him. He began to feel defensive and stood tall. He knew this old man would want to insult him, but what else could he do? He had sacrificed his heart; what more could he possibly want?

Stunned Silence 

John stopped in front of Michael. “I’m sure I’m the last person you expected to see on campus. I owe you an apology. I was thinking back to how I started and how much it meant to have people believe in me. I want to start over. Jessica has been depressed for weeks, and I’ve completely messed up with my family. Will you accept my apology and give me another chance?”

Michael couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Sir, you don’t owe me an apology. I knew your daughter was out of my league. I appreciate your words, but I think you’re right; I’ll never be good enough.” Michael hung his head in shame, and John once again remembered his younger self trying to get ahead, wearing dirty clothes and just needing one shot. “Michael, please let me make it up to you.”

Both Of You Need To Listen To Me

Michael was listening closely to what Jessica’s father was saying; he didn’t even see Jessica running across to them. Suddenly she appeared breathless and furious. “Jess, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” “Sweetheart, why are you running?” Both men looked at her with concern, and Jessica was even more confused.

Jessica could not believe these men! “Dad, what are you saying to Michael? Haven’t you said enough! Please, Michael, I’m so sorry I don’t even know what he’s doing here. I don’t care what he thinks about you!” She was frantically trying to talk and shout at them that it took her a moment to realize both men were smiling at her. 

The Best Decision

“Jessica, you are absolutely right. I completely misjudged Michael. We were just talking about his plans for the future. There’s an opening at my firm, and I’d love for him to consider the role.” Jessica couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her father’s hand was on Michael’s shoulder, and had he offered him a job?

“I’ll let you kids catch up, but Michael, I expect to see you at the house for dinner on Friday. Jessica, sweetheart, I’m just parked over there. I’ll give you a drive home when you’re done.” With that, he patted Michael on the back, kissed his daughter on the cheek, and walked back to his car. His head was held high, and he couldn’t wait to tell his wife when he got home. 

A Second Chance

Jessica couldn’t believe what was happening. Michael came closer and put his arms around her. “Jess, I’ve missed you so much.” Was this really happening? She stared up at him, and all she could say was, “what did I miss?” They both laughed, and Michael filled her in. 

He didn’t want to break up, but he also didn’t like putting her in such an uncomfortable situation. The time apart had been brutal, and he knew for sure he never wanted to do it again. He couldn’t explain what had happened with her father, but he walked up to him on campus and apologized. Would Jessica consider getting back together?

There Was Nothing She Wanted More

Jessica didn’t understand what had happened, but she didn’t want to question it! Of course, she would get back together with Michael! It was all she wanted! He picked her up and held her for a long time before she started to giggle, and they both heard her stomach rumble. 

“Ok, get home, and I’ll call you later.” Jessica felt like she was floating in a dream as she made her way back to her father’s car. Whatever had changed his mind; she couldn’t believe her luck! It felt like magic, and she didn’t want to break the spell! 

A Bright Future 

As Jessica got into her father’s car, she was so happy. He had missed her smile, and seeing her smile at him made him know he had made the right choice. “Jessica, I’m so sorry. I forgot what it meant to have people believe in you, and I promise to do better. I’m going to make sure you and Michael have the best chance for a happy life. I’m not going to stand in the way.”

With that, he began to drive them home. He knew he was leading by example, but it was his daughter that had reminded him of the most important lesson. Never judge a book by its cover and follow your heart. He was so proud of her and hoped he could make her just as proud of him one day.