Remember the Werewolf Girl, Whose Photos Broke the Internet? This is Her Life 20 Years Later!

In 2012, a young girl from Bangkok, Thailand, broke the internet when her story was featured on international news. Supatra Sasuphan was an ordinary teenager with ordinary life. The only thing that made her so different from the rest of the kids was her looks.

Being called the "werewolf girl," she had faced a lot of bullying in her life. Still, she tried to love herself the way she was. Did Supatra manage to do so? Did her appearance change? Twenty years later, Supatra's life is different. You'll be amazed to see how she looks today and what her life has led her to. 

Some Unusual Traits

Supatra's parents had been waiting for the newest addition to their family: a baby sibling for their first-born daughter. When they realized that they were expecting again, her parents did everything in their power to ensure that their child will have everything she needed and more.

Although, as she was growing by the day, her parents noticed something different about her. They couldn’t quite figure out what it was that made their child different, and it wasn’t until a few weeks after her birth that they realized that something was clearly amiss.

Excessive Hair Growth

A few weeks after Supatra’s birth, her doctors realized that something wasn’t right and that the newborn child was different. Her parents were just happy that they had another healthy baby girl, but that wasn’t the case, and the doctors feared something much worse.

The family was still in the hospital when the doctors realized that Supatra’s hair grew much faster than any newborn child. This seriously caused alarm to the hospital, and Supatra’s parents were also a bit astounded at what the doctors told them about their newborn baby girl.

Growing Up in Bangkok

As the years passed, Supatra’s hair had become predominantly longer than any other girl at her age. Her face was filled with hair, and she looked like she came straight out of a storybook – this wasn’t something that she wanted, and her parents tried to shield her from the bullying and stares of those around her.

Although, growing up in Bangkok didn’t seem to help as much since everybody around her stopped to stare at Supatra once she walked past. Whenever people on the street look at her, they wonder what the story is behind this infamous face, and judgment came wherever she went.

The Real Story Behind the Myth

Around 2012, the world finally caught a glimpse of the famous girl from Bangkok, Thailand. Back then, having facial hair wasn’t that much of a concern, but as they saw Supatra, they realized something was wrong with this child.

However, having a physical disability doesn’t mean that Supatra was different from those around her. It simply meant that she was special and had something extraordinary that no other girl her age had. Well, at least that was what her parents told her.

Just a Regular Girl

Supatra was just a regular girl in her parents’ eyes, and they treated her as normal as possible. When she was growing up, her mother and father even told their family members not to treat Supatra any different because they didn’t want their daughter to feel inferior.

When you think of it, there was nothing wrong with Supatra aside from the fact that her face was covered with excessive hair. Other than that, she was completely normal. She was the much-awaited child that her parents longed for.

A Baby Sister for the Family

Supatra was the second child, and she had an older sister who was a few years older than her. She was the much-awaited baby sister that her family hoped for, and not once was she made to feel inferior to the rest of her family.

To her parents, she was a gift from above, and they treated her as normal as possible. Supatra’s family wanted to give her the best possible upbringing, but this wasn’t always easy because of those around her. However, she didn’t always have the disorder that she had...or so her parents thought.

Her Parents’ Excitement

Before her birth, her parents awaited her arrival with excitement – this was normal to most parents. Her older sister also awaited the arrival of her baby sister, and she was the one who was most excited, as her parents recalled in an interview.

So as their mother’s due date came, the family was filled with excitement. They couldn’t wait to meet the newest addition to their growing family.

An Ordinary Delivery

On the day that her mother was supposed to give birth, she started screaming because of the pain. Her husband realized what was happening, and so they packed their bags and headed straight for the hospital.

It wasn’t recorded whether the delivery was long or short, but the doctors recalled that it was an ordinary delivery. A few hours later, the parents were reunited with their newborn baby, and she was so perfect in their eyes. Although the doctors realized that something was wrong with this child, they just couldn’t figure out what it was...

Something Was Wrong

A few hours after Supatra’s birth, the doctors realized that the newborn child had abnormally small nostrils and, therefore, she couldn’t breathe by herself. For this reason, they had to hook her up to a special ventilator, which helped Supatra breathe.

For the first few days, it seemed like the ventilator was working. However, the doctors realized that this wasn’t a long-term solution. They realized that they needed to do something to save the child and ensure that she would live a normal life like the rest of us.

Undergoing Surgery

The doctors had to break the bad news to Supatra’s parents, and they gently told the family that Supatra had to undergo surgery. Although, one surgery wasn’t enough because of the newborn girl’s abnormally small nostrils.

Naturally, this caused distress to the parents, but they wanted their child to be better. So they agreed, and after a few successful surgeries, Supatra no longer had to breathe through a ventilator. Although, the problems didn’t really stop there because the doctors found something strange with the newborn child...

Her Doctors Noticed Something Else

While recovering in the hospital, the doctors started to encounter a new problem with the newborn child. It had only been a few weeks since her birth, but her hair was growing at a faster rate than the other newborns her age.

So the doctors ran some tests on the girl, and they discovered that Supatra had a rare genetic disorder that caused her hair to grow abnormally faster. She had hypertrichosis or something that was most commonly known as the “werewolf syndrome.”

There’s Too Much Hair

During this time, Supatra was able to breathe by herself without the help of any ventilators, and this made her parents overjoyed. However, as their doctors told the family that their newborn child had werewolf syndrome, they couldn’t believe what was happening, and the mother simply broke down in tears.

Naturally, nobody wanted their child to have a physical disability, and they wanted their daughter to grow up as normally as possible. However, there was simply too much hair, and as Supatra was growing up, this became more evident. Not only that, but people kept on staring at her as she walked through the streets of Bangkok.

Seeing Countless Doctors

As the years passed, Supatra and her parents went to various doctors around Thailand to ask whether there was a cure for this genetic disorder. Her family had gone to so many doctors, but as per usual, all these doctors only had one thing to say…

Unfortunately, there was still no cure for hypertrichosis. This meant that Supatra had to go through her life looking like a werewolf, which didn’t sit well with her.

An Extraordinary Childhood

Even though Supatra looked different from the other children her age, her parents didn’t let this physical disability block their daughter from having a normal childhood. Her parents let Supatra do the things that other children did, and they let her run around as much as she wanted.

Needless to say that Supatra had such an extraordinary childhood, and her parents loved her, albeit her unusual appearance. Although it wasn’t surprising that Supatra would experience bullying at the hands of mean strangers, she had to endure this while growing up...

Experiencing Bullying

Because of her appearance, random strangers tended to bully Supatra. Even if her parents loved her with all their heart, Supatra couldn’t get away from the stares and the harsh words that strangers threw at her.

This made Supatra feel inferior, and this made her never want to look in the mirror ever again. Her parents said that at one point, she even tried to break all the mirrors in their home because she never wanted to see her reflection again. As heartbreaking as it seemed, these things were necessary for Supatra to embrace her true identity.

She Was Different

Whenever the hatred for herself would prevail, Supatra’s parents and sister would remind her that they loved her and that they thought she was extraordinary. Sure, she was different, but some people believe that being different was a superpower – and she should too.

It’s easy for some people to think that being different makes someone “weird,” but this wasn’t the case for Supatra. Yes, she had a different appearance, but she believed that this was something that she could embrace. Yes, there were still bullies, but her parents taught her how to cope.

Learning How to Cope

As she grew older, Supatra realized that there was nothing that she could do to stop strangers from staring. Her parents also did the best they could to get her the medical treatment she needed, but there was no cure for hypertrichosis.

In line with this, Supatra had learned how to cope and embrace her challenges. She did well in school, and she did her best to educate the people who would poke fun at her. In her mind, these strangers didn’t matter – the only ones that did matter were her family, and she got through it like that.

She Was Loved by Her Parents

Growing up, the bullies never really stopped, but Supatra knew that she could always rely on her parents for some positive force. Sometimes the bullies would get to her, and it was normal since she was a regular teenager after all.

However, her parents would reassure her that her physical disability only made her special. So even though she looked different, she was as normal as any other teenager her age.

Living in Thailand

While living in a country like Thailand must seem like a dream because of its rich history and natural beauty, it still doesn’t take away that Supatra has had a challenging life. Stares and unwanted opinion has been part of her daily life for as long as she can remember, this was nothing new.

Although, living in Thailand also has its perks. After all, her family is here, and they were the people she needed most to get through all the hardships and challenges in life. Not only that, but Supatra has gotten used to all the stares being directed towards her.

Getting Used to the Stares

For over two decades, Supatra has endured such a challenging life because of something that she didn’t decide for herself: her looks. Naturally, this would cause some tension, especially in public.

However, Supatra has gotten used to all the stares at this point. She even said in an interview, “It’s the way I am. I don’t even think about it.”

Being Dubbed as “Werewolf Girl”

Once her photos spread online, she was dubbed the “Werewolf Girl.” She didn’t really think much of it, and she even admitted that she was proud of herself and the way she looked because she was unique.

Honestly, this is the kind of positivity we need in our world right now. Having ​​a rare genetic disorder wasn’t easy, but Supatra has made the most out of every single day.

She Got Famous Around the World

Naturally, having worldwide exposure can lead to two things: praises and criticisms. Supatra and her family told their story bravely, and they were ready for the things that would come along with it.

Supatra realized that this was her reality, and she was just happy to spread the word and educate people who didn’t know about her condition. She even got a prestigious award that made her scream with joy...

Eventually Winning an Award

A few years ago, Supatra won an award from the Guinness Book of World Records as the World’s Hairiest Teenager. Not many people knew whether this was a joke or something that really should be praised, but they were happy for Supatra.

In an interview, Supatra even said, “Being hairy makes me special, and this is the happiest day of my life!” Needless to say that we’re happy that Supatra felt overjoyed because of the thing that made her special.

Growing Up in the Spotlight

Like every person who grew up in the spotlight, Supatra’s childhood and teenage years had not been easy. Even though her parents tried to shield her away from other people’s curiosity, strangers still couldn’t help but poke fun of her appearance.

Although, she somehow got the hang of things and accepted the “popularity” that came alongside her physical disability. However, did Supatra even want any of the attention?

She Never Wanted the Attention

According to her parents, Supatra never wanted any attention directed towards her. Who can blame her? All the press attention she got always attracted many negative comments, which was not good for a teenage girl.

Yet, she managed to get the hang of things, and she has now accepted her reality. In her teenage years, Supatra had gained something that her parents never thought she would...

Finally Making Friends

Before sending her off to school, Supatra’s parents had always been worried that she would never make any friends. Although, they were surprised when many other teenage girls came up to their daughter and wanted to be friends.

Through the years, the same people in her class have grown to accept Supatra just the way she is. However, are they still friends nearly 20 years later?

20 Years Later

Supatra’s story has gathered much press attention in the early 2010s, and decades later, people wanted to see what the original “Werewolf Girl” looked like. Many people would be surprised to see what Supatra looks like now – but not in a bad way.

Almost 20 years later, she’s still friends with the same people who loved and accepted her just the way she is. Not only that, Supatra found a love of her own along the way...

She Fell in Love

A few years ago, it was all over the news that Supatra had found the love of her life. She was engaged to a man whom she loves, and most importantly, loves her back. It’s a modern-day love story that deserves to be celebrated.

Today, Supatra is happily living with her husband in Bangkok, and they’re as happy as can be. It shows that only good things come from loving your true self.

Loving Her True Self

Through the years, Supatra has grown to love what made her unique. Sure, people still see it as a physical disability, but Supatra and her family have seen it as a blessing.

This made their daughter unique, and they supported her all the way. Although, Supatra has been sporting a different look today than when we saw her last...

A Bit More Normal

In her most recent photos, Supatra has been sporting a more different look. She admitted that she shaves daily to prevent the hair from growing as fast as it can.

While this must seem like such a task, it’s something that Supatra enjoys. Not only that, but her husband supports her in any way that she chooses to look, which is the most important thing.

Where is She Now?

Today, she’s happily living with her husband in Bangkok. Supatra has mainly been living a quieter life, and she doesn’t appear on television as much as she did when she was younger.

She admitted that she prefers this quiet lifestyle with the people she loves, and honestly, nobody can blame her. However, she did lose something after gaining everything else...

Losing Her World Title

When we look at Supatra’s clean-shaven face, we can see a completely different person. So the main downside is her losing her Guinness Book of World Records title of World’s Hairiest Teenager.

Although, this doesn’t seem to bother Supatra because she didn’t need these material things to enjoy the life she loved. So the one question on everybody’s minds is this: is she finally happy?

She Lived Happily Ever After

In her last interview, Supatra seemed to be in her happiest state, and we couldn’t be more proud of her. It shows that not all physical disabilities should be taken against the person, and it goes to show that we can love ourselves no matter what.

Just take a look at Supatra. From being bullied in her early years to living a life of happiness in her hometown. It’s safe to say that Supatra lived happily ever after.