Reasons Why You Should Detox

If you walk past someone and see their skin glowing and body giving, best believe that they are detoxing. You can't achieve the perfect glow, skin and weight without attempting to detox (and that's a fact). The best part about it is that detoxing is cheap, sustainable and easy to do. Therefore, if that’s the case,  what's stopping you from joining this very healthy trend? Here are 9 reasons that will show you why you need to start detoxing.

Enhanced Digestion

If you want to improve your digestive health, detoxing is just the right thing to do. This is because it helps get rid of all the unhealthy fats that are in your body that make digestion hard, (like processed foods). By eating or drinking detox foods, your digestive system will be able to work its magic due to the increased fibre content and overall enhancing your digestive system. Better right? With detoxing, you can kiss goodbye to all the uncomfortable digestive problems, pains and delays you are currently suffering from as your digestive health will be enhanced. 

Better Skin Health

Your skin is a reflection of all the reactions that are taking place within your body. Therefore, if your body's toxins are enhanced, your skin will suffer, leading to conditions like acne and eczema. By detoxing, your skin will be able to get rid of those skin-damaging toxins that are in the way of your beautiful skin journey and in no time, you'll notice a drastic change in your skin health. If you want that glowing skin, then you might want to start detoxing as soon as possible. 

Strengthened Immune System 

Due to the increase in GMOs and unhealthy toxins in the food, water and beverages we drink, many people have found their immune systems becoming weak. This makes it harder for your body to even fight off simple ailments like colds and flu. However, when you detox, and these toxins are flashed out, your body can recover. This, in turn,  helps your immune system to become strong again, improving your overall immune health. 

Mood Regulation

The body is a system of interrelated bodily functions and as such, having toxins in your body will leave your mental health equally clouded and suffering.  By helping your body become better and healthier, detoxing will have a positive impact on your mood. By consuming too much sugar and having it stay in your system, you will also experience sugar crashes which will cause irregularities in your mood. This is to say when your body is healthier, you will be happier; thus, detoxing helps you to stay in a positive mood. 

Better Eating Habits

If you struggle with your eating habits and tend to overeat, then you have a reason to try detoxing. Through the introduction of healthier food options in your system, you will be able to eat better and stay healthier. This also makes you conscious and mindful of everything you put into your body, creating the foundation of a healthier you. Instead of eating to just eat, you will be able to connect more with your body, allowing you to take notice when you are hungry, want a snack or when you are just thirsty. 

Enhanced Liver Detoxing 

As you probably are already aware, your liver is the most vital detoxification organ, and because of this, it is important to make sure that it stays healthy and taken care of. By detoxifying your body, you aid the liver by providing antioxidants which will boost the detoxification process in your body. Helpful of you right? This support will enhance your liver's natural toxin filter, allowing it to perform better and more efficiently. 

Better Sleep Quality 

When your body is full of toxins, it may feel like you are harbouring ants inside your body. This means that you will become more restless and experience irregularities in your sleep patterns. If you detox your body, the caffeine, sugars and alcohol that may be in your system are flashed out, returning your body to its primary functions and in turn, allowing you to have better sleeping habits. Detox foods like leafy greens will also help your body relax and get rid of its stress, allowing you to rest better. If you find yourself having trouble sleeping, then you might just want to consider detoxing your body for a change. 

Reduced Craving Of Sugar 

Having a constant sweet tooth is not a normal thing and you should stop normalising it. By consuming refined sugars, you start a cycle of sugar dependence in your body and you will find yourself in need of the constant high that consuming sugary stuff gives you. By detoxing, you will be able to break this cycle, and your body will, in turn, adjust. Giving room to natural sweeteners and less refined sugary stuff. This is a long-term advantage as you will be able to avert chronic illnesses such as diabetes. 

Better Nutrient Absorption

Are you aware of the fact that if your body has a lot of toxins in it, the nutrients you pass into it may not reach the body as you may have wanted? This is because your digestive system may malfunction due to toxin congestion, and this will probably impede the nutrients from absorbing into your system. Detoxing will ensure that these toxins are flashed out, leaving room for your body to absorb all the healthy nutrients you have been feeding to it. The least your body deserves is having the nutrients it requires to function optimally. Therefore you are tasked with the job of detoxing it so this can take place successfully..