Puppy Won't Leave The Manhole, Then Woman Sees What He Is Protecting

Rush Hour Of The Day

Kang pushed her way through the crowd. They were all rushing along the packed street, all heading to work - just like she was. Her heel stuck on something and she nearly fell. When she turned to see what she had stumbled over, she noticed a small white creature sitting there, staring at the manhole cover.

But it wasn't until later that she learned the terrible story of the tiny puppy.

Success In Life

Kang was a resident of Shanghai, China. Her parents couldn't have been more proud of her when she graduated from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. She then went on to work for one of the world's most prominent banks, the Bank of Shanghai. 

She rose through the ranks to become an executive. Even though she had earned a name for herself, something was still missing.

Mundane Life

She would get up early and walk to work, then work on her computer for ten hours straight before walking home and going to bed, ready for the cycle to begin again.

She was a good citizen and a good daughter, but she began to feel as if she was living her life on autopilot... until the day she was forced to rethink everything.

Busy Street

Kang lived her life alone, day in and day out, and every day was the same. But she had no idea how different today would be. She ran out the door, slipping on her heels, and walking the two blocks to her office building. The people she encountered on the street were the same people she saw every day — chilly and uninterested, going about their business.

But no one on the packed street that day noticed – or even cared – that a puppy needed help.

A Small Puppy

She was walking at a steady pace down the street, with her heels making clicking noises as they hit the street. Suddenly, her heel got stuck in something. She wobbled and flailed for one terrifying second before regaining her balance back. She turned around to look at what made her fall. 

It was the manhole that made her trip. And right next to it was a small puppy.

Late To Work

The puppy was sleeping beside a drain on the manhole cover. She approached it and tried to push it off the sidewalk. It wasn't a safe place for a small puppy. The tiny white puppy, on the other hand, was adamant about not moving. She panicked as she looked at her watch and realized she needed to get moving. 

Kang had never been late for work before, and she had no intention of doing so now. She left the dog on the manhole cover and started running.

The Same Puppy Again

She was making presentations and analysing data. Between bites of her takeaway lunch, she worked on infinite amounts of paperwork. The day passed by without thinking about the puppy. 

She started walking home, exhausted and with figures and charts whirling around in her head. As she rounded the corner, she noticed the puppy again

Not Her Problem

The tiny puppy was sleeping on the manhole cover in the same spot. Kang approached the dog and took a glance around. Wasn't the puppy's owner nearby? He must belong to a street seller or a shop owner. Right?

She asked around but no one had any idea about the puppy. It was getting late and she was starting to get irritated. This was her problem, thinking this Kang left again.


Kang, on the other hand, couldn't get the tiny dog out of her head that night. She remembered his begging eyes and became curious about his story. She twisted and turned in her bed, unable to fall asleep. Who in their right mind would abandon a puppy on the street to fend for itself? 

Why was the puppy on the manhole cover and why was he not moving away to somewhere else? But the most eroding thought she had in her mind was, why didn't she help the puppy?

Woke Up In Panic

The next day Kang woke up in a panic. She had slept past the alarm. She'd only gotten a few hours of sleep the night before, and she knew she'd be late for work if she didn't hurry. She considered driving, but it would be meaningless in Shanghai traffic in the morning.

She hurriedly put on her clothes and dashed out the door. Another concern arose in her mind as she ran: would the puppy still be there?  Her heart dropped as she rushed past the manhole cover.


The puppy was still there at the manhole. It looked like was guarding the manhole against all the passersby. Kang knew that she had to do something but she didn't have time. She will be late for work if she doesn't hurry.

She went through the motions at work, distracted and nervous, until it was time for her to walk home. She took a different route home this time.

Brought Food

She went to a 24-hour shop and purchased rice, some chicken, and dog food. She then returned to the dog, who was sitting alone on the manhole cover. She attempted again to persuade him to leave the street, this time with the smell of roast chicken, but he refused.

Kang placed the food in front of him, but he seemed disinterested.  As she walked back to her house, she thought to herself, "At least she tried."

Promising Herself

That night she couldn't sleep well, worrying about the puppy. She realized that she had to do more for him since no one else was even trying. But her options were very limited. She lived in an apartment and quite frankly she didn't have enough time to take care of the puppy. 

She didn't want to take him to the pound, either. Only one thing remained for her to accomplish. She promised herself she would take the dog home if he was still there in the morning.

Making Up Her Mind

Kang held her breath as she reached the corner that morning, praying that the pup had been taken in by a kind stranger. She felt a mixture of delight and despair when she spotted him still perched on the manhole cover. 

But she knew exactly what she needed to do. 

Unexpected Turn

Kang picked him up and drove him back to her house. She bought all the things necessary to take care of a small puppy. She was now his mother. She called in sick that day to ensure she would be able to care for the puppy. 

But the most unexpected thing happened then. As she was turning to close the door, the puppy took off.

Back To The Manhole

Kang ran after him down the streets. She weaved through the crowd, with her mind puzzled. Why did the puppy run away? She couldn't possibly lose him at this point! But where did he intend to go?

Kang didn't have to look long to find that the tiny puppy had returned to the manhole cover! And it was there that she discovered him.

Making A Ruckus

She'd created quite a ruckus in the street by sprinting full speed and calling for the dog to return. People were staring at her like she was some crazy lady. But she hardly paid any attention to them.

A passerby suddenly exclaimed seeing the puppy back at the manhole, "You again!" Did the lady know the puppy?

The Backstory

Kang approached the woman and asked about the puppy. Was he hers or not? Was she acquainted with the owner? The woman's reply, on the other hand, broke her heart. She started telling Kang the puppy's story, including why he wouldn't leave that location on the street's manhole cover.

Listening to the whole story, the puppy's odd behavior made obvious sense after that.

Hit And Run

Three days ago, an accident happened at that very spot. Unfortunately, the puppy's mother was killed in a hit-and-run accident in the middle of the night. The woman had seen it for herself.

Despite the fact that the driver had felt the hit, he continued driving. The mother of the puppy did not survive and was taken away by the sanitation service. 

The Tragedy

But that wasn't all. The mother dog had another pup and it was missing since the accident. The small white was left alone on the road. However, he refused to leave the place where the mother had died. 

This was beyond heartbreaking. Kang now understood the pain of the little puppy. 

Grieving Puppy

Kang knelt down next to the puppy and brushed his white fur to comfort the puppy. She was aware of the situation now. The puppy was grieving. Imagining what the small creature was going through, streams ran down her face.

It was then that the puppy did something unexpected. Again. What was about to unfold will shock you.

New Discovery

He stepped away from the manhole cover and over to the pavement drain. Kang was following him when she heard a little yelp. What was the sound? 

She bent down again to peer inside the drain when she noticed a small face staring back at her.

The Missing Sibling

This had to be the missing sibling! Finding a strange person, the puppy rushed back into the drain to hide. Had the little dog been waiting for this opportunity to get help? Kang sat down and stretched her arms out as far as she could, brushing moist fur with her palms.

 She pulled the teeny-tiny pup from the sewage and examined him. He appeared to be hungry and damp, but otherwise unharmed. Was the little white puppy all along guarding his brother?

Adopting The Puppies

She returned home with both puppies, washing and feeding them. They were soon running around the apartment, yapping and playing, pleased to be back together. Kang decided to keep both puppies. She walked them every morning before work, and she always followed the same path - to the manhole cover.

She lets the two puppies sniff that location every morning and holds a moment of silence in memory of their mother. She began to see a positive difference in her life as well.

Love Goes Both Ways

Her adopted puppies brought her joy every evening when she saw their wagging tails. They gave her something to look forward to when she returned home. She does, however, have one regret: she should have stepped in sooner to help them.

Better later than never. She stood up and helped the puppies when no one else did. Not many people go out of their way and help stray animals.