They Went To Great Lengths To Hide It, Then He Found The Door

How Could His Parents Do This?

Ricky can feel panic brew inside his stomach like tea in a pot. Was this some kind of joke? How could his parents keep something like this from him? His eyes scan inside the room and with every object he saw, his heart quickened. 

He felt sick. Sick that his parents could do something like this. They’re not the same people who taught him how to ride a bike, or comforted him when he first had his heart broken. Their true colors have finally shown, and they’ve left Ricky with a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.

A Perfect Life

For Ricky Small, he thought he had a great life. He had incredible parents, fantastic friends and not to mention he had just started university.

Yes, it was safe to say that Ricky was happy with his life. Nothing could have phased him in this new chapter, he was eager and ready. But little did Ricky know how wrong he was.

A Secret Conversation 

It was winter vacation when Ricky left his university halls and spent the holiday season back at his mom and dad’s home. One morning Ricky got out his childhood bed and made his way downstairs for breakfast. But before he entered the kitchen, he heard his mom Louisa and dad Richard whispering.

He peered around the corner and tried to listen. They both looked flustered as if they were holding in a secret they didn’t want anybody to know. What was a matter with them? Little did Ricky know his world would soon come crashing down. 

What Were They Hiding?

“We can't tell him,” Ricky’s mom Louisa said. “He’ll never want to speak to us again.” A feeling of panic crept up Ricky’s spine as he listened in. What were they on about?

Ricky had to find out the truth. But it wasn’t like his parents would tell him if he asked. Far from it. Ricky had to find it out for himself. But what he would soon uncover would leave him doubting everything he ever knew. 

Something Didn’t Sit Right 

You see, for as long as Ricky could remember he always felt like his mom and dad were hiding something. 

And after hearing their conversation, it just proved Ricky’s suspicions correct. His parents were hiding something but what? And more importantly, why were they hiding it? 

He Had To Find Out The Truth 

Ricky knew he wasn’t just going to sit down and stay quiet. Families are supposed to tell each other everything right? The good and the bad. He had to find out the truth. 

Ricky had the right to know whatever secret his parents were keeping. But little did Ricky know, he should have just kept quiet. 

A Strange Noise 

It was a dark Sunday evening when Ricky nestled into his bed. A few moments passed and he started to drift off to sleep, but then suddenly, the sound of muffled conversation pierced the silence in the air and Ricky jolted up. 

There was no one in the room, so where was this noise coming from? It wasn’t from his parents, so who was it? A terrible feeling hit the pit of his stomach when he realized it sounded like it was coming from inside the walls.

Looking For Answers 

The following morning Ricky rubbed his tired eyes and made his way downstairs. He knew he had to ask his parents about the noise coming from inside the wall. 

“This might sound crazy, but I heard a noise last night. It sounded like it was inside the walls,” said Ricky. His parents froze in their tracks and glanced at one another. “Oh that was just me,” his mom replied, her face flustered. “Forget about it Ricky,” his dad said, in a stern tone. But Ricky couldn’t forget about it. And if his parents weren’t going to give him answers he was going to have to get them himself.

Searching The House

Later that day, festivities were soon in swing and his parents went to the city for some last-minute Christmas shopping. They asked Ricky to come but he said he had some university work to do. But that was a lie. Instead, he was going to get answers about the noise in the wall.

Ricky watches his parents drive off from the window and as soon as their car fades off into the distance he sprints across the house. This was his only chance to find out the truth. And he had to be quick.

No Leads 

Ricky inspected every single room in the house, looking for something that would explain the noise in the wall. He even shouted out a few times in the hope the noise would respond back. But there was nothing. Just silence. 

After an hour, Ricky slumped himself on the sofa and let out a sigh. Then he realized, he hadn’t checked his own bedroom. He looks up to his room and a terrible feeling hits the pit of his stomach. 

Childhood Bedroom 

Ricky races up to his bedroom. It was the place where he spent so many happy memories of his childhood. Posters of his Hollywood crushes cover the walls, and an old computer, not touched for 5 years, sits in the corner gathering dust. 

Ricky frantically searches around, but he couldn’t find anything. Was he going mad? Maybe he had just made up the noises in his mind, or maybe his mom was telling the truth after all. But then, in the corner of his eye, he saw it. A secret door. 

Hundreds Of Questions

Behind a large Chester drawer, he saw the corner of a door. Quickly, he moved the Chester drawer, and right there in front of him was a full-size door. What was this doing here? 

Hundreds of questions run through his mind like an Olympian going for gold. But what was inside? He pushes the door forward and it unlocks, and before taking a deep breath, Ricky walks inside. 

Inside The Secret Room

As Ricky steps foot into the secret room that had been hidden away like a dirty secret, he lets out a gasp.

His eyes scan across the room and with each object he saw, his heart quickened. What was all of this doing here? How could his parents do something like this? Ricky had so many questions. But more was to be discovered. 

Had To Hear It From Herself 

Ricky whipped out his phone, his hands trembling. He knew he had to ring his mom to hear it from herself. His heart raced like a cheetah hunting for its prey. 

As he clicked call, all of a sudden his mom came racing inside the secret room. “Honey,” she yelled out. “It’s not what you think, honestly!” Ricky swiftly turned around to his mom: the woman who gave him life, but also the same woman that kept a secret from him. Was he about to get the truth?

Truth Is Revealed 

Ricky’s mom took Ricky’s hand and came clean about everything. You see, inside the room, there were numerous baby toys and baby decor; there were a crib and a playpen. His mom admitted that she was pregnant and she had been redecorating this room since Ricky had been at uni. Finally some clarity. She further explained that this room had always been here, she only discovered it recently. 

Ricky let out a sigh relief that all was resolved, and then suddenly, a smile crept over this face, knowing he would soon have a little baby sibling. Now that’s the best Christmas gift he ever could have wished for!