Only 1 Out of 10 People Can Name These Classic General Store Items

The 1950s were a time where people would often visit the general store if they needed things. These general stores used to have most anything you would need. Many products and food/candy made their start in general stores in the 40s and 50s. This quiz goes through these different items. 

What is the name of this device?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Espresso Machine","correct":false},{"answer":"Coffee Press","correct":false},{"answer":"Percolator","correct":true},{"answer":"Steam Press","correct":false}],"answerText":" The Percolator was the most popular way to drink coffee before the drip method in the 70s.  ","answerImage":""}

What caramel candy was sold in General Stores in the 50s?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Mike and Ikes","correct":false},{"answer":"Mary Jane","correct":true},{"answer":"Sugar Babies","correct":false},{"answer":"Little Debbie","correct":false}],"answerText":" Mary Jane candies were a mixture of caramel and peanut butter and are still popular today.  ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this tool?

{"answers":[{"answer":"New Choice","correct":true},{"answer":"New Choice","correct":false},{"answer":"New Choice","correct":false},{"answer":"New Choice","correct":false}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}

What is this tool used for?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Guitar Pick","correct":false},{"answer":"Sewing","correct":true},{"answer":"Letter Opener","correct":false},{"answer":"Key","correct":false}],"answerText":" This small tool is called a needle threader and helped tremendously when sewing.  ","answerImage":""}

What decade was the first fishing reel introduced?

{"answers":[{"answer":"30's","correct":false},{"answer":"40's","correct":true},{"answer":"50's","correct":false},{"answer":"60's","correct":false}],"answerText":" The fishing reel first released to the public in the 40s but didn't make a huge impact until the 50s.  ","answerImage":""}

What is this contraption called?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Placer","correct":false},{"answer":"Tongs","correct":false},{"answer":"Canning Jar Lifter","correct":true},{"answer":"Jar Holder","correct":false}],"answerText":" This instrument may not be recognizable to some. That is because it was used to help with canning things. This was practiced back in the day for food preservation.  ","answerImage":""}

What were these that were commonly worn in the 50s known as?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Stockings","correct":true},{"answer":"Leggings","correct":false},{"answer":"Corset","correct":false},{"answer":"Girdle","correct":false}],"answerText":" Stockings were popularized after women started to prefer nylon stockings as opposed to silk stockings.  ","answerImage":""}

What is this dish that would sit on every family's table in the 50s called?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Chalice","correct":false},{"answer":"Gravy Boat","correct":true},{"answer":"Gravy Bowl","correct":false},{"answer":"Sauce Dish","correct":false}],"answerText":" Gravy boats were used much more often than they are now. Today they seem more like a gimmick but in the 50s someone would be hard-pressed not to find a gravy boat in every household.  ","answerImage":""}

What is this tool called?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sock Egg","correct":false},{"answer":"Wonder Egg","correct":false},{"answer":"Darning Egg","correct":true},{"answer":"Balancing Egg","correct":false}],"answerText":" The Darning Egg was used for people who wanted to get the most out of their socks. It was used to hold the fabricate in place so someone could sew the sock back together.  ","answerImage":""}

What item did you need to open a can of Folger's Coffee?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Can Opener","correct":false},{"answer":"Keys","correct":true},{"answer":"Knife","correct":false},{"answer":"Bottle Opener","correct":false}],"answerText":" Folgers used to come in the typical coffee can but in order to open it, the cans also come with a set of keys.  ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this hat style popularized in the 50s?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Tophat","correct":false},{"answer":"Snapback","correct":false},{"answer":"Fedora","correct":false},{"answer":"Porkpie","correct":true}],"answerText":" Porkpie hats were the fashion trend for most men in the 50s and into the 60s. They featured a similar style to a fedora but was unique.  ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this popular doll?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Rugrats","correct":false},{"answer":"Chatty Cathy","correct":true},{"answer":"Cabbage Patch Kids","correct":false},{"answer":"Chatty Carol","correct":false}],"answerText":" Chatty Cathy brought something new to the table in terms of dolls. She had a string on her back that allowed her to talk! ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this lighter style popularized by U.S. soldiers during WWII?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Zinc","correct":false},{"answer":"Hippo","correct":false},{"answer":"Bic","correct":false},{"answer":"Zippo","correct":true}],"answerText":" Zippo lighters became very popular after WWII and could be found at most general stores.  ","answerImage":""}

What is this item used for?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Air Conditioner","correct":false},{"answer":"Listening to Music","correct":true},{"answer":"Baking Things","correct":false},{"answer":"Heater","correct":false}],"answerText":" This is one of the first models of the radio. They used to be large and families would gather around them like many do with TVs today.  ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this candy?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Bit O' Honey","correct":true},{"answer":"Chunky","correct":false},{"answer":"Snirkles","correct":false},{"answer":"Almond Joy","correct":false}],"answerText":" Bit O' Honey was a simple but tasty treat that you could find on any counter in general stores in the 50s. ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this vintage cereal?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Corn Pops","correct":false},{"answer":"Corn Pebbles","correct":false},{"answer":"Corn Flakes","correct":true},{"answer":"Frosted Flakes","correct":false}],"answerText":" Corn Flakes was a simple but enjoyable cereal for families to enjoy in the 50s.  ","answerImage":""}

Which of these products became largely popular after WWII?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Corn Feed","correct":false},{"answer":"Fertilizer","correct":true},{"answer":"Charcoal","correct":false},{"answer":"Cement","correct":false}],"answerText":" After WWII the market for Fertilizer boomed due to the fact their were many nitrogen plants not being used anymore due to the War being over.  ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this candy bar?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Chunky Chuck","correct":false},{"answer":"Charleston Chew","correct":false},{"answer":"Big Hunk","correct":true},{"answer":"Payday","correct":false}],"answerText":" Big Hunk was a popular treat in the 1950s and was made with peanuts and nougat.  ","answerImage":""}

Which vacuum company was this an ad for?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Dyson","correct":false},{"answer":"Hoover","correct":true},{"answer":"General Electric","correct":false},{"answer":"Dust Devil","correct":false}],"answerText":" The Model 28 vacuum cleaner was very popular in the 50s and was mass-produced by Hoover.  ","answerImage":""}

What tractor part is this?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Weed Eater","correct":false},{"answer":"Row Machine","correct":false},{"answer":"Harrow","correct":true},{"answer":"Clasper","correct":false}],"answerText":" The harrow is a device used to cultivate the grounds. These were used a bunch in the 50s as many families operated farms.  ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this candy?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Fireball","correct":false},{"answer":"Firesphere","correct":false},{"answer":"Atomic Fireball","correct":true},{"answer":"Nuclear Fireball","correct":false}],"answerText":" The Atomic Fireball was one of the first candies to test the hot aspect of candy.  ","answerImage":""}

What popular soda brand could be found in these glass bottles?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sprite","correct":false},{"answer":"Pepsi","correct":false},{"answer":"Coke","correct":true},{"answer":"Mellow Yellow","correct":false}],"answerText":" Even though Coke had started a few decades before the 50s the glass bottle design took off when it was sold in general stores.  ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this hat that was popularized in the 50s?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Furskin Hat","correct":false},{"answer":"Coonskin Hat","correct":true},{"answer":"Furry Hat","correct":false},{"answer":"Squirrel Hat","correct":false}],"answerText":" The Coonskin hat was popularized in the 50s due to Fess Parker who wore it constantly.  ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this candy bar popularized in the 1950s?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Fruity Juice","correct":false},{"answer":"Juice Chews","correct":false},{"answer":"Juice Tastes","correct":false},{"answer":"Mamba","correct":true}],"answerText":" This fruity candy was popularized due to its juice and fruity flavor, that of which wasn't common at the time.  ","answerImage":""}

What is the name of this classic candy?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Fruity Dip","correct":false},{"answer":"Crazy Dip","correct":false},{"answer":"Fun Dip","correct":true},{"answer":"Lik-a-Stix","correct":false}],"answerText":" Fun Dip was a candy that was so unique that it took off with kids all around the world in the 50s.  ","answerImage":""}