Officer Does Welfare Check, Ends Up Adopting Girl

Midst A Lively Chat

In the midst of a lively city, beneath a starless sky, Officer David Shrader was on the brink of receiving a call he had anticipated—a report from a worried neighbor regarding the well-being of a child in a seemingly peaceful home. With over ten years of experience, Shrader had answered numerous similar calls, but he could never have anticipated the unexpected twists this night would hold.

As he approached the modest, somewhat worn-down residence, an unsettling feeling began to creep in. The atmosphere felt charged, hinting that something was amiss beyond the facade of normalcy presented by the house.

A Sense Of Authority

He knocked assertively, the weight of his uniform lending him a sense of authority. As the door slowly creaked open, a small figure emerged—a little girl with wide, inquisitive eyes gazing up at him.

No older than five, she had wild, unkempt blonde hair, and her clothes seemed to hang loosely on her slight frame. Her curious expression hinted at both innocence and a desire to understand the world around her.

Taken Aback

Officer Shrader was taken aback by the girl's innocence, which stood in sharp contrast to the neglected surroundings she inhabited. He approached her with care, wanting to convey warmth and safety in a daunting situation.

"Hello, I'm Officer Shrader. Is it alright if I come in?" he asked softly. She nodded in silence, allowing him to enter. Inside, the house felt dim and heavy with a sense of abandonment, revealing no signs of any adult presence.

Dimly Lit Room

As Shrader walked through the dimly lit rooms, a sense of despair weighed heavily on him. It was then that he noticed the quiet sobs of a little girl trailing behind him, prompting him to turn around. His determination grew stronger as he approached her.

“What's your name?” he inquired softly. “Lily,” she replied, her voice barely rising above a whisper. Encouraged by her response, Shrader continued to gently encourage her to share her story, slowly unraveling the fragments of her life and piecing them together.

Heavy Truth

David Schrader would soon feel a heavy truth settle in—this wasn’t merely a welfare check; it was a lifeline. 

Growing up in a rough neighborhood, he was surrounded by crime and adversity, which shaped his childhood. Navigating the perils of the streets, he encountered sights that no child should have to bear, leaving an indelible mark on his young mind.


Rather than allowing his circumstances to defeat him, David channeled his hardships into a burning resolve. He vowed to break free from his past and dedicated himself to ensuring that others wouldn’t endure similar challenges.

After persevering through school and earning his diploma, David chose to become a police officer. His badge represented his commitment to transforming his experiences into a positive force, embodying the change he longed to witness during his own upbringing.

Clear Mission

David had a clear mission: to enhance safety in his neighborhood, ensuring that children had the opportunity to lead better lives. He envisioned a community where kids could thrive, free from the fears that plagued their daily existence.

In his mid-30s, David resided in a humble apartment and adhered to the steady rhythm of a police officer's life. He took immense pride in his role, aware that each day brought a chance to make a positive impact, no matter how small it might seem.

Familiar Streets

David spent his days walking the familiar streets of his childhood, now with the power to enact change. He took pride in his role, knowing he could make a difference in the community he once explored as a kid.

However, beneath the surface satisfaction, a sense of emptiness gnawed at him. His apartment, while tidy and organized, felt overwhelmingly silent at night. The routine that used to provide solace now only served to amplify the loneliness he tried to overlook.


David found satisfaction in his role as a protector, but a nagging thought lingered: was there more to life than just wearing the badge? As he reflected on his journey, he felt an unsettling mix of fulfillment and yearning for something beyond his duty.

Recognizing the need to regain his focus, Schrader reminded himself that he had a responsibility to fulfill. The loneliness and doubts that threatened to overwhelm him had to be set aside. For now, his priority was clear: to dedicate himself fully to the job he had chosen, with the hope that brighter days lay ahead.


Despite his efforts to focus on his responsibilities, Schrader remained unaware of the twists that fate had planned for him. It was an ordinary morning, with the usual routine of patrolling his neighborhood, his senses heightened and ready to react at any moment.

As he navigated the calm streets, the early sunlight stretched shadows across the pavement. The tranquility was suddenly interrupted by his radio, which crackled to life with a call for a welfare check, signaling the start of an unexpected turn in his day.

A Welfare Check

A little girl had called 911, saying she was all alone in her home and scared. It was the kind of call that sent a shiver down Schrader’s spine. 

He knew he had to check on her as soon as possible. Without hesitation, he turned on his lights and headed for the address. As he neared the house, Schrader noticed something odd. The home he was approaching didn't match the rest of the neighborhood. 

A Rundown House

While all the other houses on the block were pristine, this one was anything but well-maintained. The paint was peeling off the siding, the windows were grimy, and the lawn was overgrown with weeds. 

It immediately raised red flags. He parked his patrol car and carefully stepped over an old, cracked hose pipe lying across what used to be a cement walkway. 

High Alert

The walkway, like the rest of the yard, was mostly hidden under a blanket of dirt, long grass, and stubborn weeds. Schrader's senses were on high alert as he made his way to the front door. He'd heard the horror stories—police officers being ambushed in rundown places like this, lured by false calls. 

As he reached the door, he rapped his knuckles on the worn, splintered wood. His thoughts were on the little girl who had called 911, hoping she was okay. 


But as the seconds ticked by, unease settled into the pit of his stomach. The girl wasn't coming to the door. Schrader's instincts, honed by years on the force, told him something was off.

He decided to sweep the perimeter of the house, circling to the back. The backyard was in even worse shape than the front. An old swing set, rusted and rotted, stood as a sad reminder of better days long gone. 

Moving Careful

The tall grass and overgrown weeds choked the yard, making it clear that no one had played back here in a long time. Schrader moved carefully, keeping an eye on the windows for any signs of movement. 

He was about to peer through one of the back windows when the sound of an approaching vehicle made his heart skip a beat. 

Hurrying Back

The vehicle slowed as it neared the house, coming to a stop just out front. Schrader hurried back to the front of the house to get a better idea of what was going on. 

As he reached the pavement, he saw an old pickup truck parked in the driveway. A man, looking to be in his thirties but aged beyond his years by a hard life, got out of the truck. The man’s face was haggard, lined with the deep creases of stress and too much alcohol. He moved slowly, almost as if he didn’t notice Schrader standing there. 

Lost In Thought

Lost in thought, the man shuffled toward the front door. Clearing his throat, Schrader called out, startling the man who seemed to suddenly become aware of his surroundings. 

"I'm Officer Schrader. We got a call that there was a scared little girl inside the house. Are you her father?" Schrader watched as the man took a moment to process what he had just heard. The man’s eyes were dull, his response slow and weary.

A Father

"Yep. That’s me, dear old dad," the man finally replied, his voice thick with indifference. "I told that girl not to play with the house phone. Everything’s okay, officer. I just went out for a bit. She overreacts, that girl." Schrader nodded, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. 

The man’s casual dismissal of the situation didn’t sit right with him. Every instinct told him that this was more than just an overreaction by a scared child. 

Had To Leave

But without a warrant, Schrader was limited in what he could do. He had to take the man at his word, even though every fiber of his being screamed that something wasn’t right.

Reluctantly, Schrader left the property, but the encounter gnawed at him. The image of the dilapidated house, the neglected yard, and the man’s vacant eyes stayed with him long after he drove away. The thought of the little girl, alone and scared in that house, haunted him for weeks afterward. 

Missed Something

He couldn’t shake the feeling that he had missed something, that there was more to the story. It was the kind of case that dug under your skin and stayed with you, a reminder that not everything is as it seems and that some doors, once closed, should never be left unopened.

Over the next few days, Schrader couldn’t shake the feeling that something terrible was happening right under his nose. 

Weighing Heavily On Him

The encounter with the little girl and her father weighed heavily on his mind, gnawing at him during every quiet moment. 

The unease that had taken root in his gut during that welfare check only seemed to grow, no matter how much he tried to push it aside. It began to affect him in ways he hadn’t anticipated. Down at the precinct, Schrader’s colleagues started to notice the change in his behavior. 

Losing Focus

Normally sharp, focused, and quick with a solution, Schrader now seemed distant, his mind often elsewhere. 

He’d stare off into the distance, lost in thought, missing the usual banter and camaraderie that filled the precinct. It wasn’t long before his change in demeanor caught the attention of his ex-partner, Sam Hadenson.

Time To Step In

Sam had known Schrader for years. They’d been through a lot together on the force, and he could read Schrader like a book. 

Seeing him so distracted was concerning, especially for someone as steady and reliable as Schrader. One afternoon, after watching Schrader sit silently at his desk, staring at a blank report for what felt like the hundredth time, Sam decided it was time to step in.

What’s Going On?

“I never see you this distracted,” Sam said, pulling up a chair next to Schrader. “You’re normally one of our best and brightest. What’s going on?”

Schrader was caught off guard. He hadn’t realized his preoccupation was so obvious. For a moment, he considered brushing it off, but the concern in Sam’s eyes made him pause. Sam wasn’t just a colleague; he was a friend, someone who had his back through thick and thin. If there was anyone he could talk to, it was Sam.

Telling Him Everything

Taking a deep breath, Schrader explained everything—the little girl’s 911 call, the unsettling condition of the property, and the father who seemed all wrong. 

As he spoke, Schrader could see the same unease he felt mirrored in Sam’s expression. By the time he finished, Sam’s face was grim. “That doesn’t sit right with me either,” Sam said, leaning back in his chair. “That’s not something you can just ignore.”

Had To Tread Carefully

Schrader nodded, relieved to hear that he wasn’t overreacting. But there was still the matter of how to proceed. Without anything concrete, he knew he had to tread carefully. That’s when Sam did something that caught Schrader by surprise.

“I’ll cover for you,” Sam said, his voice low and steady. “If you feel like there’s something more going on, you’ve got to follow up on it.”

What He Needed To Hear

Sam continued, “I’ll make sure no one asks too many questions about why you’re spending a little more time on that part of your patrol.” It was exactly what Schrader needed to hear. Sam’s support gave him the confidence to dig deeper and trust his instincts even when the rules said to back off. 

He knew it was risky, but he also knew he couldn’t just let it go. From that day on, Schrader adjusted his patrols, subtly steering them closer to the house in question. 

Keeping A Close Eye On Things

He was careful not to arouse suspicion from his superiors, making sure his altered route seemed routine. But his focus was always on that house, on the little girl he couldn’t stop thinking about. As the days passed, Schrader kept a close eye on the property, watching for any signs of trouble. 

He didn’t know what he was expecting to find, but something told him that the situation was far from normal. 

Dread And Determination

Each time he passed by, he felt a mix of dread and determination. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was on the brink of discovering something terrible, something that could change everything. 

And as he got closer to the truth, Schrader had no idea how dark the path ahead would become. As the week progressed, Schrader kept a close watch on the house, his instincts telling him that something wasn’t right. 

Watching Things

Each day, he observed the same pattern. The father’s old pickup truck would be in the driveway until about 6 PM, and then, like clockwork, it would disappear for the next three hours, only to return around 9 PM. 

Every evening, the routine was the same. Schrader couldn’t help but wonder: where was the man going, and why was he leaving his daughter alone for so long? The more he thought about it, the more questions arose. Where was the girl’s mother? Was she inside the house, unseen, or was the little girl truly alone during those hours?


These unanswered questions gnawed at Schrader, and he knew he needed to do something. The thought of the girl being left alone in that rundown house, night after night, didn’t sit right with him. 

The more he watched, the more determined he became to uncover the truth. But the truth wouldn’t come easily, and Schrader knew he was about to cross a line.

Following Him

One evening, at 6 PM sharp, Schrader made his move. He parked his patrol car around the corner from the house, just out of sight, and waited. 

Sure enough, the father emerged from the house, got into his truck, and drove off, oblivious to the fact that he was being watched. Schrader gave him a few moments, then started his car and followed from a safe distance, careful not to get too close.

The Truth Was Not Honorable

As they drove through town, Schrader’s mind raced. He ran through a list of possibilities, hoping for something innocent but fearing the worst. Maybe the father had a second job, or perhaps he was visiting someone in need. But deep down, Schrader knew that the truth was likely far less honorable.

After several minutes of driving, the truck turned into a parking lot. Schrader’s heart sank as he recognized the place immediately—a rundown bar on the outskirts of town, the kind of place where regulars drank to forget their troubles. 


He watched as the man parked his truck and stumbled out, making his way inside with the weary, defeated gait of someone for whom this was a nightly ritual. Disappointment hit Schrader like a punch to the gut. The truth was as clear as day: the father was leaving his daughter alone at home so he could go drink for hours on end. 

It was worse than Schrader had feared. This wasn’t just a case of neglect—it was willful abandonment. And the fact that the man had made this a routine, night after night, made it even more unbearable.

Too Much For Him

Schrader sat in his car, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. He knew that what he had just discovered needed to be reported and that he should follow the proper channels and let Child Protective Services handle it. 

But the thought of that little girl spending another night alone in that house, scared and vulnerable, was too much for him to bear.

It Couldn’t Go On

Protocol be damned, Schrader decided. He couldn’t let this go on, not even for one more night. He had to act, even if it meant stepping outside the bounds of his duty. He didn’t know exactly what he was going to do yet, but he knew he had to confront the situation head-on. 

The system had its rules, but sometimes those rules weren’t enough. And in those moments, Schrader had always believed that you had to do what was right, not just what was allowed. 

A Break Came

Thankfully, a break would come. It seemed that Schrader wasn't the only person who noticed the troubles the home was having. 

The call coincided with the truck disappearing one day. Schrader didn't understand. Had the father sold the truck and started using public transport? But after two days, a neighbor called the precinct and asked to check in on the home, knowing that the little girl was still inside. 

A Call

Schrader took the call immediately. He got to the home and rushed to the door. He knocked, but this time, the girl did not answer. She told him that her name was Lily, and she explained everything that had happened to him.

Her mother had left months ago, unable to cope with their circumstances, and her father, who was supposed to care for her, had succumbed to his vices, leaving Lily to fend for herself. 

He Had Disappeared

She hadn't seen him in two days. Schrader knew that only meant one thing: he had left for good. He immediately called for backup, ensuring the girl's immediate safety and that proper procedures were followed to intervene in her dire situation. 

The child welfare services were brought in, and as the night unfolded, Officer Shrader found himself unable to shake off the connection he felt with Lily. 


Her resilience and courage amidst such neglect struck a chord within him. As the weeks turned into months, Shrader kept in touch with Lily through her case workers, learning about her progress and her struggles adjusting to the foster care system. 

Something within him shifted; the more he learned about Lily, the more he realized he couldn't stand by and watch her life unfold from the sidelines. They had found her father and arrested him for his negligence, but that didn't mean she would be cared for now.

A Life-Changing Decision

After much thought, deliberation, and discussion with his own family, Officer Shrader made a life-changing decision. 

He started the process of adoption. There were hurdles, of course, many of them daunting, but his determination never wavered. Finally, the day came when Lily became his daughter, the legal proceedings affirming what had already been true in their hearts.


The day Lily moved in marked the beginning of a new chapter. Her small frame was dwarfed by the doorway of the modest house she would now call home, her tiny hand engulfed within that of Officer Shrader's. 

Kneeling before her, eye to eye, he offered a promise that would alter the course of both their lives. "You're safe now, Lily. You're home." It was a statement loaded with more hope than certainty, a vow that held the weight of his badge and heart alike. 

New Beginnings

And for the first time since that night — a night that had rewritten the trajectory of her young life — Lily smiled. It was not merely a curve of the lips but a radiance that filled the room, touching its every corner with light. 

In her eyes, a spark of new beginnings flickered, a hint of a future that could be painted with the brushstrokes of hope and healing. Neither Lily nor Officer Shrader could have foretold the depth of the journey upon which they were embarking. 

Adapting To Her Surroundings

Lily, with her resilience in the face of adversity, and Shrader, with his devotion to protect and serve, found themselves on a path neither had envisioned.As Lily adapted to her new surroundings, her spirit unfurled like a blossom in spring. With each passing day, she grew stronger, her laughter becoming the house's heartbeat. 

Officer Shrader, in turn, discovered a depth of compassion and a capacity for love he hadn't known he possessed. Through bedtime stories and morning walks to school, through the quiet victories and the inevitable challenges, Lily flourished, nurtured by the stability and affection that Shrader provided.

A Light In The Darkness

In the end, what had begun as a duty for Officer Shrader evolved into a calling. Lily's indefatigable spirit rekindled in him a flame of hope, igniting a passion to make a difference not just in her life but in the lives of others who had lost their way. In seeking to protect and serve, he found that the greatest service he could provide was offering a fragment of his heart and his home to a child in need. 

And so, in the embrace of the family they created, Lily and Officer Shrader found their light in the darkness, a beacon guiding them toward a future where love, above all, was their compass. In each other, they discovered the strength to face the morrow, hand in hand, with hearts wide open to the promise of all the days to come.