Neighbor’s Package Smells Off, So Man Opens It

He felt sick to his stomach as he watched the security camera footage. He called the police with his shaky hands and waited for them to arrive. 

He wished he didn't agree to collect his neighbor's mail that day. He had made a huge mistake. 

Strange Neighbor

Clinton Martell always thought his neighbor was strange. He had seen him coughing out cinnamon on the front porch,  sitting on his car as it rolled down the hill, and even tipping a cold water bucket onto himself. 

Clinton knew something was wrong with his neighbor, but he didn't think he was dangerous. Sadly, he was wrong. 

No Luck

Clinton's neighbor, Dillion, was in his mid-twenties, and he didn't have a job. He hoped to become a famous Youtuber one day. However, none of the videos he had uploaded to his Youtube channel had gone viral. 

Dillion would spend the day jumping around and performing stunts in front of his old camera. He desperately hoped one of his videos would attract a larger amount of viewers. 

A Favor

One day, Dillion knocked on Clinton's door to let him know he was traveling for a crazy reason, something he thought would make him famous. 

Clinton couldn't care less what his neighbor was up to but agreed to collect his mail while he was away. Little did he know how much he would regret this decision. 

Happy Days

Clinton was happy that his crazy neighbor was gone. The neighborhood, for once, was peaceful. 

But something would soon arrive in the mail that would shock Clinton to the core. 

Red Box

Dillion's mail until that point was nothing special, just some bills and coupons for grocery stores. 

Then, a big box with a large red sticker that read – RETURN TO SENDER arrived. It was so heavy that Clinton struggled to pick it up.


He wondered how he would manage to move this heavy box from Dillion's porch to his garage. It took him over half an hour to finally reach the door to his garage.

As he searched for the keys, the package slipped from his hands and fell heavily to the ground. Clinton just hoped that nothing was broken inside the box. 

A Big Mistake

Clinton decided he wasn't going to mention it to his neighbor and see if he noticed when he got back from his trip. 

And even if he did break something, Dillion wouldn't be able to prove that Clinton accidentally dropped his package. So he put the box in the corner of his garage and left it there. But little did he know, this was just the beginning. 

Strong Smell

A few days later, Clinton's house started to smell strange. Eventually, it became so strong that he could no longer ignore it.

It didn't take long for him to locate the source of the smell — it was coming from his neighbor's package.

Opening The Box

He opened the garage door and almost fainted from the stench inside. He rushed back to the house to find a pair of scissors.

He figured it must be one of those meat-of-the-mouth subscriptions. Sadly, he was wrong. He grabbed the box and noticed that it was soggy and the bottom. "Amazing," he spat.  

He Felt Sick

Clinton opened the box and almost threw up. The smell was so strong that he couldn't deal with the horrific contents of the box. 

The stench burned his nostrils. So, what was inside?

He Returned

About an hour later, Clinton returned to the garage armed with a bottle of bleach, rubber gloves, and a garbage bag. 

He carefully approached the red box and reached inside. But he wasn't prepared for what was inside.

Old Camera

Expecting to find a piece of meat or a dead animal, Clinton almost jumped when he saw a hard rectangular object near the top of the box. 

It was an old digital camera. His heart began to race as he saw the 'ON" switch on it. He turned the switch on and waited for a few minutes. 

The Footage

Suddenly, he heard a loud beep. Clinton was surprised that the camera still worked. He started at the blank screen for a few seconds before pressing 'play.' 

He felt his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the strange footage. “Oh my God,” he said quietly. 


How could this be happening to him? Clinton was absolutely terrified. He took a deep breath and looked inside the box again. He needed to get to the bottom of this. 

Inside the box were an arm and a finger. Now he knew why the box smelled so bad. Clinton immediately called 911 and hoped they would arrive soon. 

Something "Epic"

It turns out that the footage was one of Dillion's bizarre vlogs. He recorded it from inside a box. A few minutes later, the cops arrived. 

The footage starts with Dillion speaking directly to the camera. “Today, I’m gonna do something EPIC,” he said.

Mailing Himself

Dillion recoded himself getting into the big red box, explaining: “I’m gonna MAIL MYSELF to my house!”

Then, Dillion directed the camera to the bottom of the box, showing the blankets, food, and bottles of water that he had packed for himself. 


He continued to record himself for some time inside the box, giving "updates" as Clinton carried him to the garage. 

During his last update, Dillion's camera suddenly fell over on its side, and the image faded to black. It recorded complete darkness for several hours. But what happened to Dillion?

Evil Plan

Clinton told the police everything when they arrived. The cops pulled out five military-grade cans of putrescine that were set to dispense the foul-smelling “riot bombs."

Putrescine produces a scent that is similar to organic putrefaction. Along with the cans and camera, they found a mannequin and a handful of sacks of concrete in the box. 

Prank Gone Wrong

Dillion set up this prank, hoping it would go viral and he would finally become famous on Youtube. 

He recorded the footage from another box that was located in his bedroom. It turns out that Dillion was home the entire time!

He Went Too Far

Dillion filled the red box with concrete and placed a mannequin inside to make it realistic. He thought his prank was hilarious, but not everyone agreed. 

So, where is he now?

Not Funny

Dillion didn't expect his prank to end with a police investigation. His joke went horribly wrong. Clinton and the police didn't find it funny in the slightest. 

Nonetheless, Dillion had a blast watching the entire science unfold from his bedroom floor.