My Husband Forced Me To Take A Bath & It Ruined My Life

Reflection Period

As I reflect on the events that led me to that fateful day in the hospital, I can feel pain swirling up my chest and eating me up. What all began as a planned encounter at a local cafe with Tom, a charming and charismatic man who swept me off my feet with his witty humor and kind gestures, ended up with me being in the emergency room a year later. Ironic right? 

Well, let me recount how everything played out. It all happened so fast—the happiness, the joy, and the terror. All I have left now is regret.

At First Sight

Tom and I met at a mutual friend’s party and clicked right on the spot. We exchanged numbers, and before we knew it, we were on our very first date, ‘the coffee date’. This cafe date confirmed our interest in each other, and sooner than later, we got engaged. We got married a few weeks after the engagement, and it seemed worth it in our early days of marriage.

Those days were filled with laughter and joy. However, as time passed, I began to notice subtle negative changes in Tom's behavior. My sweet, loving husband was gone, and he had been replaced by...


He slowly became possessive and controlling. Unlike his usual self, he even insisted on always knowing my whereabouts and who I was talking to (not in a worrying, romantic way). I brushed off his behavior as mere insecurity, hoping that things would improve over time. After all, this was just the beginning of a bigger life together. 

Things, however, didn't change but rather became worse. Tom adopted a bad drinking habit and would become very violent after drinking. At one point, he even threw a glass bottle at my face, leaving me with a cut on my left cheek. I was so shocked and traumatized that I just upped and ran to the hospital as panicked as I was. 

Lying For Him

When I got there, somehow the nurses knew that I was being abused. I could feel their judgy eyes and hints of disdain as they offered their support and told me about their gender-based violence program. At this point, I shrugged off their help. They didn't know my Tom as I did, so who were they to insinuate such ghastly things about my marriage?? Now that I think about it, it must have been the proud side of me that took over.

Things might have been different if I had not shrugged off the nurses. I chose to stick with the foolish story that I had slipped onto a glass bottle. The nurses patched me up, and I dreadfully made my way back home into the arms of my predator. 

A Second Chance

When I got home, Tom cried his heart out and begged me for forgiveness. He told me how he would never hurt me again and how alcohol had caused all of this. He even promised to quit depending on the bottle as much and that he would go to counseling if that made me feel safer, and guess what? I believed him.

Our vows meant something to me, and I would never break off my marriage. One day, Tom would revert to the man I married, and all of this would be in the past. I must have been naive, wasn't I? 

Unexpected Events

One evening Tom insisted that I take a relaxing bath to unwind after a long day of work. This was very unusual, and I initially hesitated, sensing that something was off about his eagerness, but eventually gave in to his persistent coaxing. I didn't want to start another fight, especially over a bath, so I gave in and decided to ignore my instincts. 

After all, it was just a bath, and after five minutes, I'd be in bed, right? The joke was going to be on him as I planned on enjoying that shower until I wiped the smirk on his face off with my happiness. Little did I know what was waiting for me.


When I lay down in my bathtub, I noticed a strange smell filling the room, and the water turned black. I tried to reach out for the towel, but I blacked out. I woke up in the hospital surrounded by dozens of surgeons working on my abdomen.

When I asked what was happening, a doctor turned a screen toward me and said, “It's okay; we have already called the police on him.” A nurse beside me squeezed my hand, and that's when my world crumbled.

Shock Factor

Questions swirled in my mind as I grappled at the nurse’s hand as if holding on for dear life. My body was melting right in front of my eyes, and I couldn't do anything about it. I listened as the nurse told me how the bathtub had been filled with acid and how my housemate was the one who found me and called for an ambulance.

At that moment, it all played out as though I was watching a movie. This wasn't me, was it? It had to be a Snapchat filter and nothing more. I honestly lost it, and I remember feeling like this was the end for me. This was my death sentence, and I couldn't fight anymore.

Starting Over

I was ready to give up, but my family and friends weren't. The healing journey was long and arduous, marked by moments of doubt and fear. Yet, through it all, I found a newfound resilience within myself that I never knew existed. Despite the physical and emotional scars left by that horrific incident, I found strength in the support of my family and friends. 

Their unwavering love and care helped me navigate the dark days of recovery and legal proceedings. With their encouragement, I began to rebuild my life, piece by piece, determined to emerge from this ordeal stronger than ever. But does one ever recover from something so tragic?

Looking Back

As I look back on that chapter of my life, I am filled with gratitude for the second chance I was given. The scars may remain as a reminder of the past, but they also serve as a testament to my survival and resilience.

I am no longer the naive woman who fell for Tom's facade; I am Samantha, a survivor who has emerged from the darkness stronger and wiser than before.