Most Surprising Facts About Your Body

The body is one of the most beautiful components that has ever touched the face of the earth. Isn't it so fascinating in the way it functions, allowing you to be a conscious being who makes their own choices and decisions, aided by their abilities and strength and all capacitated by its complex nature? Due to its complexity, we can never fully know every aspect of our bodies and there are always more facts to learn and study. In that light, here are some fascinating facts about your body that you probably weren't aware of. 

Your Human Cells Are Way Less Than Your Bacterial Cells 

The thought of bacteria probably freaks you out and makes you feel like you need to sanitize your whole body, house and appliances right? However, are you aware that you have bacterial cells in abundance inside your body? Your body is home to trillions of bacteria, outnumbering your human cells by about 10 as to 1.  Most of this bacteria is in your stomach, and it is commonly referred to as good bacteria as it helps you in digestion. This bacteria is also essential as it helps in ensuring that you are protected against diseases. We depend on these bacteria, and without them, our bodies would be dysfunctional. If you thought of living a bacteria-free life, think again, as it is impossible.   

You Are Taller During Earlier Hours of The Day 

This is probably a very surprising fact for you as you probably have never noticed a change in height in one day. Unknown to you though, is the fact that you are slightly taller in the morning than in the evening. This is because the cartilage in your spine compresses throughout the day due to gravity, making you shorter by the time night time arrives. In the morning, after lying down all night, your spine decompresses, making you a bit taller. Maintaining good posture can reduce the compression of your spine and if you have good posture, it may be even harder to notice this fact. This fact probably offers you a new perspective on sleep and maybe you'll prioritize sleeping and maintaining good posture after all. 

Bones Are Stronger Than Steel

Unlike popular belief, your bones are stronger than steel. This is unbelievable, right? Each cubic inch of your bones averagely weighs more than 19,000 pounds. This is more than that of steel, proving the strength of our bones. This is, however, relative to your underlying health conditions, health habits and diets. If you slack on taking care of yourself and feeding yourself with the right nutrients, you may not get to enjoy the bones of steel after all. 

The Body Is Mostly Empty Space

When you look at your body, it doesn't look like there is room inside it right? However,  this is a very biased assumption and science says otherwise. If you were to remove all the cells in your body and consider the atoms only, most of your body is space. The space between atoms is so much that we are half-empty.  I guess this explains why whenever we get in touch with our feelings, we feel empty inside (that is because we are). 

You Have a Unique Tongue Print

As silly as it may be, whenever you think that you are generic and the same as everyone else, just remember that you are unique, as evidenced by your tongue print. We all have a very unique tongue print that is characterized by our unique ridges and bumps, thus creating a distinct pattern as well as taste pallet. I'm sure your mind is running wild to unique innovations such as tongue print right now. Wild yet useful right? 

You have Shared DNA with A Banana

For those that don't like Bananas, this may be an unfavorable fact for you. About 60% of your DNA is the same as that of a banana and as disturbing as it may be, it is true. While we have many differences with the species around us we are interconnected and share genetic traces of each other. This fact may be a very humbling one, but needless to say the next time that you get on your high horse and start looking down on everything and everyone, just remember that you only have a 40% DNA difference with a Banana. 

The Energy In Your Brain Can Power Up A Light Bulb 

If you are a fan of “Green Lantern”, you may find this fact very fun as you may be just like your favorite hero in this regard. Your brain is a powerhouse as it consumes 20% of your body's energy, which is enough to light a bulb. This is also why even though you may not have had a lot of physical activity, you can get tired from using your brain only. 

The Warmer The Weather, The More Your Hair grows. 

If you are a hair fanatic and need a cue to relocate to a warmer destination, this may be the one. As funny as it may be to be compared to a plant, your hair is more similar to it than possible as it grows when exposed to the sun and also sheds, just as most plants do. During summer, your hair is more likely to grow as there is an increase in blood circulation in your scalp. This means that if you are living in an area with mostly winters, the hair that you have can be doubled in size just by moving to warmer areas.