Most Beautiful Bridges To See In Your Lifetime

Some of the best architectural constructs in the world lie in the form of bridges. Originally meant to just ferry people from two opposite banks, Bridges have grown in importance to become sites that people travel from different parts of the globe just to behold. Wonderful isn’t it? Today we will explore some of the best bridges the world has to offer and their locations. If you were not a bridge person before then hang tight, this article might just change your mind.

Helix Bridge, Singapore

Let’s kickstart our piece with the Helix Bridge in Singapore. Built by Cox Architecture, Architects 61, and Arup Engineers, this cable-stayed Bridge is a marvel of engineering and a thing of beauty. The bridge itself stands at an impressive length of 2,460 meters and it serves to connect the Marina Centre and Marina South, in Singapore. The design of the bridge is not just functional but it is quite symbolic as well as it reflects Singapore's interconnectedness and futuristic appeal. This is one bridge that you will want to see and enjoy with your own eyes. 

Golden Gate Bridge, United States

You had to know that this second bridge was going to make it on our list just off of its presence and fame. The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most iconic bridges of all time and it has, much like fine wine, only grown more impressive over the years. Designed by Joseph B.Strauss, this suspension-type bridge stands at an impressive length of 2,737 meters and is located between the San Francisco Peninsula and the Marin Headlands of California. The bridge is a strong structure too, capable of withstanding high winds and earthquakes, which is quite impressive if you ask us. Its two towers are linked by main cables containing around 27,000 individual wires with the bridge's distinctive orange-red hue radiating a golden glow, mirroring the waters of the Golden Gate Strait. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that this bridge is one of the symbols of America’s innovations and power.

Millau Viaduct Bridge, France

This next amazing bridge takes us to France and it stands as the magnificent Millau Viaduct Bridge. Designed by Norman Foster and Michel Virlogeux, this Cable-stayed Bridge that measures 2,460 meters is located at the Tarn River Valley of France. This bridge should not even have existed but through the sheer force of excellent brainpower and great ingenuity, this bridge exists. To make construction possible, lightweight concrete has been used to design the Millau Viaduct Bridge’s deck, and steel and concrete have been used in the supporting towers. While being a lightweight bridge, this structure stands strong against the winds and seismic vibrations making it one of the best bridges in the world. You may want to visit France for this, really.

Tower Bridge, United Kingdom

What comes to mind when you think of London? Depending on how many people you ask this question, I’m confident that a good number will tell you that the Tower Bridge is one of those things. Designed by Horace Jones, John Wolfe Sir Barry, and George D. Stevenson, this suspension Bridge is 269 meters long and is located in London. While it’s not the biggest bridge in the world, this symbol of excellence that was opened in 1973 certainly holds its weight among the giants. It features two massive towers connected by walkways and a central section that can be raised to allow ships to pass through. The bridge's intricate Gothic-style architecture and Victorian engineering make it a must-visit attraction for tourists and locals alike. Honestly, it’s quite impressive. In addition to this, the architecture and materials used to build this bridge also make it one of the strongest bridge designs. Neat, isn’t it?

Brooklyn Bridge, United States

Coming back to the United States, we have another iconic bridge that has become a cultural reference in so many movies and music, over the years. Yes, I’m indeed talking about the Brooklyn Bridge. Designed by John Roebling, this suspension Bridge measures an impressive 1825 meters and is located across the East River of New York connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn. The bridge has stood the test of time, having been built in the 1880s, and has definitely earned its spot on our list. The cable design of the marvel ingeniously intertwines steel wires, ensuring both flexibility and balanced load distribution. This keeps the bridge strong but flexible when needed. That is perhaps part of the reason why it has lasted so long. If you’ve never seen it in person, you may want to make the effort to. 

Ruyi Bridge, China

It’s hard to talk about anything architecturally wonderful without bringing China into the conversation. I mean, the country is known for building logic-defying structures after all, isn’t it? That’s what brings us to the Ruyi Bridge. Designed by He Yunchang, this Cable-stayed Bridge that stands at a length of 2,234 meters is located in the Shenxianju Valley, in China. Fewer bridges in the world can be able to show the excellence of modern engineering much like this architectural wonder. The bridge features three wavy pedestrian bridges with glass decks. Inspired by the auspicious Ruyi symbol, it embodies good luck and it is a crowd favorite. The bridge also integrates a rainwater harvesting system for eco-conscious landscaping and irrigation. With energy-efficient LED lighting and the use of sustainable materials, it exemplifies a commitment to environmental sustainability. This is one of those few bridges that are truly worth planning a trip around. Go see it, words certainly do not do it justice, you can trust me on that.