100-Year-Old McDonald’s Employee Refuses To Retire

A Place Like This

No one would have imagined someone like her working in a place like this. 

But it really was a part of her that she couldn’t tuck away and ignore. And the idea that some people wanted her to stop? That was just silly. No one believed her, but she credited her long years to her time working in McDonalds. 

Sunny Lady

Ruth Shuster wiped off the burger crumbs from the last messy table. 

Things were slow that afternoon, so there was plenty of time to make sure each spot was sparkling for the next customer. The regulars knew all about her sunny disposition, but it was the new ones she loved to surprise – usually with a song.

Big Day Coming

The commotion around her had been building for weeks. 

Ruth chuckled as her co-workers tried to whisper birthday plans when they thought she couldn’t hear. She might have been 99, about to turn 100, but thankfully her ears worked fine. It was funny. They had a vastly different attitude about her coming milestone.

Another Number

Ruth grinned at her co-workers’ excitement over the big day. But to Ruth, 100 was just another number. 

Still, she knew there would be tons of birthday cards coming in, so the McDonald’s store, where she worked as a greeter, had done something lovely. They had got her a special mailbox.

Gift Mailbox

It sat just outside the store with a huge glitter sign and photos of her working or dancing. She loved dancing! But thanks to lockdown nothing was happening anymore. 

The other thing that filled her life with joy was the three days a week she would come into the fast-food joint and help customers. It turned out, however, her manager had different plans for her.

Retirement Refusal 

“Retire?!” she exclaimed. “Oh heavens no.” It was sweet of the young man to worry, but there was no way she was going to stop working. 

The money wasn’t much, but it was enough to pay the bills and live an okay life – what more could someone ask for? But he did have another question.

The Secret

It was a question she got all the time – How have you lived so long? 

Everyone wanted to know how and old lady like her could walk around a place that most people considered “low-end” employment while keeping her energy and smile. The answer came in three important parts.

Life's Value

First, after the devastating loss her husband at 50, she realized something. 

Life was indeed short. People could leave at any time. So, it was important to embrace every moment on this Earth. Life was a gift, and people should be grateful for it and not let it go to waste. The second key was simple.

Keep Moving

Stay active. Her family had their own lives. They visited when they could, but it wasn’t that often. 

So, Ruth made sure she had friends nearby. They would chat, try new crafts, go dancing or walking. Finally, she credits McDonald’s for her stretch of long years.

Love People

Ruth had worked in the store for over 30 years. She loved seeing the smiles of children as they came in for the kid’s menu. 

The elderly community was also a cornerstone of their clientele and she would keep on the latest news in their lives and make them feel like they were at home. Fridays were especially important.

Sunshine Song

Ruth adored singing. Even if she was a little off-key, she would belt out “You are my sunshine” for everyone that came in with a “Friday frown”. 

It was extra wonderful when the rest of the store joined in. The menu might have just been burgers and fries, but there was a special secret within.

All Together 

It brought people under the same roof. It was a chance for her to bring a small ray of light into their lives. 

It was the best thing to see a grumpy face turn bright and happy. That’s why she would never retire. But it’s also why the mailbox was overflowing.

Gift Mountain

The staff had set up bins in the back to hold the letters and gifts that came pouring in. 

Ruth couldn’t help but laugh at the youngsters who poked and leafed through the unopened surprises like it was Christmas Day. But she wouldn’t open them yet.

More Customers

She would wait for her actual birthday. Then, she would go through each one carefully and jot down a note so she could write a thank you card. 

As the bins filled, she heard more whispers about cake and ice cream. Ruth grinned as a bus load of kids pulled in from a field trip.

Loves Her Job

These kids were already smiling, but she would still give them a song. 

They rushed in with excited expressions. It was like having her grandchildren visit. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted her manager’s grin. Yep, he understood why this 99-year-old, soon to be 100, lady would never stop working.