Mom Of 10 Boys Finally Gives Birth To A Baby Girl

Alexis Brett - Mother of 10 Boys

Alexis Brett thought that she had seen it all.  The 39-year-old has been pregnant for 8 years in the past 18 years in a row.  After giving birth to 10 boys, she had almost given up on the idea of having a girl.  She was still holding on to hope when she found out she was expecting.   She welcomed her 11th child into the world, finally breaking her hot streak by giving birth to a beautiful baby girl.  "We're over the moon", Alexis said holding her new baby girl Cameron.

Shocked And Delighted

"I was shocked, but delighted. Now she's here with us, it's a fantastic feeling."  She could not believe that this at all.  

How It Happened

Alexis and David found out they were expecting on Christmas eve after a sickness bug that hounded the household seemed to linger on longer than expected for the mum of ten.

She took a pregnancy test and it revealed that she was expecting her 11th child - but Alexis expected it to be a baby boy.
SHOCKED AND DELIGHTED Instead of waiting until the birth to find out, the pair decided to have a sex scan. Alexis says she was too nervous to open the results and instead the task was handed to 16-year-old Harrison. The family of thirteen insist they weren't "holding out" for a girl, "I’d been expecting to hear we were having another boy" Alexis says. "But when I found out it was a girl, my face was a picture. “I was shocked, but delighted. Now she’s here with us, it’s a fantastic feeling," she adds. Baby Cameron is having a big effect on her brothers, too - the previously all male brood who range in age from two to 17 are delighted to have a sister to play with. “They’ve generally been much better behaved around her, trying to keep quiet in case they wake her up. “They also want to help with holding and feeding her – it’s been great," dad, David says. Cameron's brothers are: Campbell, 17, Harrison, 16, Corey, 14, Lachlan, 11, Brodie, nine, Brahn, eight, Hunter, six, Mack, five, Blake, three, and Rothagaidh, two. The family live in a five-bedroom detached house which Alexis and David keep fiercely neat and tidy, with their ten boys lending a hand. 'WE'RE DEFINITELY STOPPING NOW' Alexis says: "It’s not easy with so many boys running around, but I like everything neat and tidy. "I can’t stand mess.” David and Alexis estimate they buy at least three pairs of shoes every few weeks. David said: “We don’t tend to do hand-me-downs, there’s no point. Being boys, their clothes never seem to last.” Alexis and David promise they're done with having kids now - with Alexis having spent the best part of the last eight years pregnant. “We’re definitely stopping now,’” insists Alexis. “There’ll be no more. I said that last time, but this time I absolutely mean it. I love my family as it is now. “Of course, we do get comments about the number of children we have – especially when I was pregnant again," she adds. Alexis says she is "immune" to most birth control and is now considering sterilisation. An only child, Alexis says she never planned on having such a big family. She said: “All my sons are special to me – if another boy had been on the way it wouldn’t have bothered me. We’re asked a lot if we had so many children because we were hoping for that elusive girl. I’d never planned to have a large family, but now I do, I love it Alexis Brett “I can honestly answer ‘no’. Cameron wasn’t planned, but I was happy all the same. Luckily all my pregnancies have had little or no drama. “I’d never planned to have a large family, but now I do, I love it. “I always joked I wouldn’t have a clue what to do with a girl… that’s all changed. We’re having a lot of fun buying pink things for the first time.” Alexis says she wakes up at 5.30 every morning and manages to get in some time for herself before the boys wake up for nursery and school. Dad, David loves his big brood. Despite being diagnosed six years ago with early onset Parkinson's, he is a hands on dad. David takes medication to manage his health struggles and says the symptoms are "thankfully still minor." Alexis works a a part-time fitness instructor and David is a train driver. "Some people think we must be on benefits, but we’re not. David has a good job, which means we don’t even qualify for full child benefit," Alexis says. David says the only issue they have is family holidays - “It’s difficult to have a holiday as one group, that’s not happened for years," he says. “The seven-week school summer holidays can also be an endurance test – most of the time they’re just happy on their Xbox or Wii Switch."

Now A Family Of 11

Dad David, 44, a train driver, said: “They’ve generally been much better behaved around her, trying to keep quiet in case they wake her up. “They also want to help with holding and feeding her – it’s been great.”

Loads of Laundry

The couple insists Cameron marks the completion of their family, which also includes Campbell, 17, Harrison, 16, Corey, 14, Lachlan, 11, Brodie, nine, Brahn, eight, Hunter, six, Mack, five, Blake, three, and Rothagaidh, two.
“We’re definitely stopping now,’” laughs Alexis. “There’ll be no more. I said that last time, but this time I absolutely mean it. I love my family as it is now. “Of course, we do get comments about the number of children we have – especially when I was pregnant again. “But it doesn’t bother me what people think, we’re well used to it. Some people think we must be on benefits, but we’re not. David has a good job, which means we don’t even qualify for full child benefit.”

Alexis did not really set out to have this many children. She said it just came about really.

Boys Club

Campbell, 17 Harrison, 16 Corey, 14 Lachlan, 11 Brodie, 9 Brahn, 8 Hunter, 6 Mack, 5 Blake, 3 Rothagaidh, 2


Could This Finally Be A Girl

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