Mom Asks Neighbor To Help With Heavy Suitcase, Gut Tells Him To Open It

Tim struggled incredibly to maintain balance as he lifted the bag up, high up, and over the steps. "What in the world is in here?" He snorted as he took deep breaths. It was his neighbor that asked him to help with the heavy suitcase.

As Tim sneaked into the suitcase, his face became pale. He quickly dialed 911 - he needed to let the police know of this startling find until it wasn't too late...

The Day Started Early for Tim

Tim Stevens woke up early that day. He had an extremely important task at hand - one that he couldn't miss out on, no matter what!

He quickly had his cup of coffee and rushed towards his car, nervous and worried while heading towards the airport. Tim was supposed to pick up Emily. 

He Was Nervous That Day

It was a three hour drive to the airport. Tim knew that his journey to the airport was going to be an uneventful one just like every other airport trip he has ever made. 

But today he was a little nervous. He was worried about what was going to happen that day. 

Tim Loved His Family

Tim was a lovely husband and a great father. He shared two children with his wife, Emily. Just like every other responsible man, he loved his family more than anything in the entire world. But just like every ordinary couple, Tim and Emily used to have differences of opinions on certain matters. 

They too had their fair share of arguments and battles along the way. This often led to Tim leaving the house to find some mental peace. But this time it was different. 

He Was Left Alone

Before Emily set off for her business trip, her and Tim had engaged in a little fight about the trip. He didn’t want her to go as then he would be left alone with their children. 

Tim stressed too much on this minor issue and rather reacted in an unusual manner. Emily was disappointed and left anyway. 

Tim’s Mistake

Tim was disheartened and had no idea what to do next. Later, after spending time with his children, Tim realised that he was really making a selfish request.

But unfortunately, it was too late for him to apologize and correct himself. In her absence, he realised how much he missed her and that he loved her so much. 

Emily Arrives At The Airport

He reached the airport. Although he was nervous to see Emily, he was still excited to have his wife back. He was a little anxious yet prepared to apologize for his wrong behavior. 

Tim desperately wanted to let her know all that was going on in his mind. But he didn't have the foggiest idea how she was feeling for sure. Never would he have speculated that she would be getting back with decimating secrets when he saw her.

An Odd Discovery

He spotted her at the departure gate and moved towards her. Tim greeted her with a warm hug while communicating the amount of her absence he has felt. 

As he began apologizing for their fight, he unexpectedly saw something odd. Worried and confused, he couldn't understand what he was seeing in front of him!

Additional Luggage

He noticed a huge suitcase standing next to her. This utterly confused him. For a moment, he thought it was for someone else. Later, he realised it belonged to his wife.

 As he could remember, Emily had left with only a backpack. Where did the suitcase come from! 

Tim Tries to Help

“You did some shopping, I see”, said Tim as he tried to make sense out of it. Emily ignored him and smiled as she said, “let’s go home”. “Sure, let me get that” said Tim, as he tried to grab the suitcase. 

But before Tim could get a hold of it, she grabbed it swiftly and laughed nervously saying, “It’s fine, I got it”.Tim was surprised at what he saw. It was a rather shocking behavior of Emily.

Emily Approaches Another Man

He tried to shake off the weird situation as they neared the stairs of the car park. Tim could no longer ignore it when he heard his wife ask another man to help her carry the suitcase down the stairs. He was unable to understand why she would ask someone else when he was right there! 

Was she hiding something? But before the other man could help, Tim rolled his eyes and grabbed the suitcase. As soon as he lifted it, his breath stifled. 

The Unusual Suitcase

The suitcase seemed unusually heavy, he struggled a great deal to keep his balance as he lifted the suitcase up and over the steps. “What on earth is in here?” he grunted as he took deep labored breaths. “Nothing, just clothes.

 Everything was on sale”, she said trying to sound casual but he could hear that she was nervous. He knew the clothes couldn’t possibly be this heavy. He had to know what she was trying to hide. 

The Big Reveal

Before they could get to the car, Emily excused herself and approached the bathroom. Now was his opportunity. Tim waited until she could no longer see him. That was when he unzipped the suitcase to have a look inside. 

He prepared himself for the big reveal. His curiosity grew but what he uncovered awakened horror in him. 

Tim Was Terrified After Opening The Suitcase

Tim pulled the luggage over to himself and bent down to sit on his hunkers. He made sure his wife was gone while unzipping the suitcase. He instantly observed some weird texture emerging and continued to unzip it. 

Eventually, a solid shape began to appear. His eyes grew large and he took a step back. Tim was terrified and frozen in place as he looked into the bag. His heart skipped just by a glimpse of what was enclosed.

He Called The Police

Tim still could not believe his eyes and quickly dialed 9 - 1 - 1 on his phone. He felt uneasy and grew pale as he described what he had uncovered. When his wife appeared, Tim was shaking. 

“What on earth have you done?” he cried. 'What on earth are you hiding in there?’ Emily was shocked to see her husband with the mysterious suitcase.

Police Opens The Bag

Within a few minutes some police cars appeared before them. They yelled at both of them to stay back and approached the suitcase. Tim noticed Emily’s confused expression. 

With intense scrutiny, Emily shouted, “What’s happening? That’s my suitcase!” But before she could explain anything else, one of the cops opened the zipper and revealed the secrets of the bag. Everyone was surprised to see what had been uncovered. 

A Human Dummy Was Inside The Bag

Inside the huge suitcase was a human dummy which Tim had mistaken for a human body. “Why do you have that?” Tim shockingly asked Emily. Emily looked at him in disbelief. “Hold on, what’s all of this you’re doing?” she asked him. 

Before she could explain herself, the cops cut in and apologized to Emily for interrupting her day. The cops left but the mystery wasn’t solved for Tim yet.

Why Did She Have A Human Dummy?

Emily accepted their apology and quickly explained that she had gone to attend a first aid training program for work. She was then tasked with taking the dummy back for further training other staff members. 

The suitcase also contained a bunch of expensive first aid equipment. That basically explained the unusual weight of the suitcase.

Why Did She Lie?

But why did she lie to Tim? She didn’t want him to know that the work trip she took was actually a voluntary training course. 

She did not mean to hide it but had to due to their difference of opinions. She knew her husband wouldn't understand and that's exactly what happened.

Difference Of Opinions

She knew he didn’t approve of her going. If he found out that she went on a trip she didn’t need to in the first place, he would have been even more upset with her. 

Tim already hated the idea of her leaving him alone with their children. Emily found hiding the truth a better option.

A Happy Ending

Nevertheless, after a day full of surprises and secrets, Tim and Emily went home. It was a nice feeling!

Luckily the couple talked through their misunderstandings and promised to put the disaster behind them and move on.  Finally, a happy ending!