Rude People Block His Tractor, Have No Idea That Won’t Stop Him

Out Of Patience

He didn't understand how these people could so nonchalantly do this. But, he hatched a scheme that would truly give himself the last bit of satisfaction.

They did it again! He slowly walked down the steps of his house and looked at the situation, he really tried not to blow a fuse. But the fact that they took advantage of him after he tried to come to a resolution with them so peacefully was too much. He knew that these people wouldn't listen to his words. He had to use some creativity to fix the problem. He'd become an internet hero in the process. 

Trying to Live Peacefully

The man thought that one of the benefits of living in a rural community would be the neighbors -- he assumed they'd be peaceful and respectful. Davao Bedekovic really wanted that to be the case in his community in Jakusevec, Croatia. 

In recent days his neighbors were really pushing his buttons. He really tried to forget about it but it started getting too much.

The Market

Davao lives as a farmer near a village center of around 2000 people. He has a nice field that he tends to. But the village has been expanding and gotten bigger recently, with a market appearing near his farm.

Davao was happy with this development as it meant he didn't have to walk too far to get what he needed -- like groceries. He just hadn't realized what this market would cause that would have an effect on his life.

Parking Space

The only problem with the market was that it didn't have its own parking area. The market was between other buildings packed with cars. Shoppers going to the market would park on other streets and walk the rest of the way. But as the market grew, it needed more parking space.

The street parking wasn't enough for all the new shoppers and some thought they would be smart, not realizing who they were interfering with.

Parked Cars On His Farm

One day, Davao walked out of his farmhouse and noticed that there were cars parked on his field. Since there were only a few cars he didn't really mind. But as the market kept growing, so did all the cars on his land. Weekends were the worst.

On certain days when it was really packed, Davao's work was hindered by all the cars. He needed these cars to stop parking on his field.

Unmindful Parkers

Davao would quickly address drivers who were busy parking on his farm and try to stop them. They would leave but if Davao wasn't there to stop them, it would get out of hand quickly and he didn't have the time to be a car scarecrow all day.

Davao had to think of an idea to solve this problem. The cars had to stop parking but what could he do to stop them?

Not Many Options

In a moment of anger, Davao considered stabbing the car's tires. But that would have repercussions for him, so he thought about erecting a fence for his land. But why should he pay for something so expensive just to keep his land free of cars? It would also hinder his own farm vehicles from accessing the farm.

He kept thinking and thinking. He needed a deterrent to stop people from wanting to park on his land but it couldn't hinder him. Then he thought of something.

His Only Option

Another day came and Davao walked outside. There was a line of cars parked on his field. He slowly breathed in and out. A smile appeared on his face as he thought of the nasty plan he had.

He sauntered down the field past the cars and hopped onto his red tractor. He grinned as he started the machine up.

Making A Ruckus

He angled the tractor right at the cars, with a plow hooked up behind him creating a line of upturned soil behind him. He reached his boiling point and would get his field back. People walking by noticed the ruckus of the tractor.

They all watched the farmer execute his plan and take back his field from all the rude drivers.

No Getting Away

Davao maniacally circled the line of cars like a shark, creating huge trenches of soil on the whole field. He knew the parked city cars would struggle to get out of the trap he had laid. They wouldn't get away from him.

Anybody who hadn't parked on his field just watched and couldn't help laughing a little. One passerby even recorded the spectacle. But there was one woman who didn't think it was funny.


One by one, as they came out of the market with their shopping bags, the car owners found themselves in a nightmarish position. Those who were lucky enough to have parked next to the street were able to make it safely out without getting their cars stuck in the mud. But the rest of the cars were stranded.

Still, that didn’t stop one particularly angry driver from trying to get out.

Struggling And Angry

One woman, owner of a silver Peugeot, was none too happy about what Davao had done. Huffing and puffing, she got into her car and tried to drive out of the field.

She didn’t get too far, as the wheels soon got stuck in the mud. But she was nothing if not persistent.

Your Move

The infuriated woman steered her little car from left to right, even furiously driving in reverse to try and free her vehicle. It didn’t work. Angry, she got out the car and stormed over.

Davao was expecting a heated confrontation. But then she pulled out her phone and did something Davao wasn’t expecting.

Authorities Arrive

The angry woman called the police, and when they arrived they were stunned at what they found. It was obvious they’d never had to deal with an incident like this before.

They were immediately approached by a number of angry car owners, demanding that something be done about the farmer’s transgression.


Some of them even wanted him arrested. But then the cops spoke to Davao. He told them about the hoards of cars that parked on his land, and how the drivers were too lazy to walk across the road.

The police heard Davao out and had to agree that the drivers were indeed in the wrong.

Within His Rights

After making sure he hadn’t intentionally done any damage to the cars, the cops turned to the drivers and delivered some bad news: there was nothing they could do. This was, after all, Davao’s property, and he had a right to do on it what he pleased.

They, on the other hand, were trespassing.

The Last Laugh

Davao could have technically taken legal action against the car owners for trespassing. But leaving their cars stranded among trenches of mud was enough justice for him. He had made sure that no one would ever park on his property again.

Meanwhile, the video of Davao’s revenge was spreading on social media and the news.

A Win For The Little Guy

The video of the farmer exacting sweet revenge on the inconsiderate drivers quickly went viral, with people all over the world praising his actions. Everyone loved how he took matters into his own hands and came up with a creative solution to his problem.

One commenter wrote: “Farmer wasn’t grumpy, he was smart. No one has the right to park on private property. Good for him!”


And another wrote: “Perfect. That didn’t cost him much, HE didn’t involve the authorities AND got the point across, I’m Certain! Even today in my community people are willing to talk things out, as they always have. Unfortunately, not everyone is raised that way…”

But the video is an indication of a growing problem with illegal parking, and people are simply not going to stand for it any longer.

Taking A Stand Against Illegal Parking

A group of Brazilian pranksters posted a video that showed them dealing swift justice to a driver who had illegally parked on a handicap spot. Once the car was left unattended, they covered the entire vehicle in blue and white Post It notes, eventually forming the shape of the universal handicap symbol. The driver was none too pleased and stormed off, but the video went viral and helped raise awareness about this important issue.

But that’s not the only instance of hilarious revenge on illegal parkers.

Parking Revenge

People are fed up with illegal parking, so they are coming up with hilarious and creative solutions to the problem, like Davao did. Most of us will just simmer quietly and get on with our day, but there are some who will not stand for these infractions any longer.

Lazy and inconsiderate parkers, beware!