Managing PCOS With Food And Lifestyle Changes

Despite being a common hormonal condition in women, polycystic ovary syndrome frequently goes undiagnosed by medical professionals. Few or no symptoms are present in some women. Others have numerous, including irregular or nonexistent periods, hirsutism, obesity, and infertility, however, these symptoms could be misinterpreted as indicators of other medical disorders. Often PCOS is related to problems with conceiving. And if one does become pregnant, women with PCOS are more likely to experience pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes, hypertension disorders, and miscarriage in addition to other chronic illnesses like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, endometrial cancer, sleep apnea, depression, and anxiety. While there is no known treatment for PCOS, there are a number of medications that can help manage its symptoms, including the birth control pill. Some people, though, favor a more natural approach. Read on to find various natural ways to manage your PCOS.

Lifestyle modifications

1. Weight loss

Keeping your weight in check is essential for managing PCOS symptoms. People with PCOS frequently have excess weight, which raises their risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and other metabolic syndrome-related conditions. Doctors are unsure of whether PCOS makes losing weight difficult or whether being overweight makes PCOS symptoms worse. In either scenario, body weight loss may lessen PCOS symptoms.

2. Exercise

Regular exercise can help keep blood sugar levels low and reduce insulin levels. Exercise can enhance mood, assist regulate sleep patterns, and is good for the heart. A decent workout does not necessarily need going to the gym. You can choose to work out at a low or moderate intensity. At a moderate level, your breathing is quickening, you feel heated, and you might even be perspiring. A form of moderate-intensity exercise is brisk walking.

3. Avoid skipping meals

Eat every three to five hours if you have PCOS to help control your blood sugar levels. You're considerably more inclined to crave sweet meals while you're hungry. That's because your blood sugar declines the longer you go without eating. When you're hungry, your body and brain will tell you that meals that are high in sugar are particularly alluring since they reach the bloodstream rapidly and cause blood sugar levels to rise.

Foods you should include in your diet

1. Lean meat

Any wholesome diet must include lean meat. Lean protein is quite helpful for weight loss for PCOS sufferers who may find it harder to lose weight owing to hormonal imbalances. The best options for poultry are lean slices cooked without the skin. Eggs are still a nice option. Vegetarians can satisfy their need for protein by including grains, lentils, and beans in their diet. Red meat and any meat or fish that has been cooked or prepared with a lot of salt, butter, or oil should be avoided. As they are heavy in sodium, trans fat, and additives, processed meats like hot dogs, sausage, and bacon should be avoided.

2. Fermented foods

The consumption of fermented foods helps maintain a healthy gut microbiota by fostering the growth of beneficial bacteria that enhance metabolism. Women with PCOS have fewer healthy gut bacteria, and probiotics have been shown to help with weight loss. Sauerkraut and other foods made from curd or yogurt are wise choices.

3. Food with higher fiber content

Whole grains include significant quantities of fiber that can help control insulin levels. Women who have PCOS are four times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. So include brown rice, barley, millet, buckwheat, and oats in your diet. They reduce the abrupt rise in blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion. Vegetables with high fiber content include red and green bell peppers, Kale, spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower.

4. Omega 3

Fertility and conception are two major concerns for women with PCOS, and fatty acids are crucial to both of these processes. Omega 3, a fatty acid that is present in foods like fish and flax seeds, aids in hormone regulation and menstrual cycle control. According to one study, PCOS women who got three grams of omega-3s daily for eight weeks had lower testosterone levels and were more likely to continue regular menstruation than those who received a placebo.

5. DASH diet

The DASH diet, which was first created to manage high blood pressure, can help PCOS patients manage low insulin levels. It emphasizes whole grains, fruits, and vegetables as well as healthy carbs in general. Fresh produce is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In essence, they are adaptable and nutrient-dense. Pick fruits and vegetables high in fiber, such as crucifers (such as cabbage and broccoli), leafy greens, apples, and plums.

Foods you should avoid

1. AGEs

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have been found to be present in blood at greater concentrations in PCOS-afflicted women. AGEs, which are substances created when glucose attaches to proteins, are thought to have a role in the development of some degenerative disorders and the aging process. In a short trial, dietary AGE reduction led to a significant reduction in insulin levels in PCOS-afflicted individuals. Animal-derived foods and processed foods are among the foods high in AGEs. Levels are raised by using high heat (grilling, searing, roasting).

2. Sugar

Foods that are processed or high in sugar (such as bagels, candies, baked goods, and flavored beverages) are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. They quickly increase blood sugar levels, which are then followed by a sharp decline. Cravings can occur during this time. Desserts should be avoided because sugar can worsen inflammation, so it's best to restrict your intake. While a limited amount of dark chocolate can be tolerated on a PCOS diet, avoid baked goods, candies, packaged snacks, and other sweets.