She Only Wanted His Money, So He Got Payback On Her Wedding Day

He Was Left Heartbroken

Dino‘s heart is like ice cream melting on a hot road. How could she do this? How could she stomp on his heart like it was a crinkled leaf on the autumn pavement? This was the woman he wanted to start a family with and grow old with. But that won’t happen anymore. No way. 

His feelings of devastation and agony transform into rage and anger. He knew what they said about revenge. And he didn’t just want to just serve it cold. He was going for absolute zero. Zero compassion, zero second chances, and zero warning. She was going to get what she deserved. 

Oil Riggers

Going out to sea to work on an oil rig isn't a job for a run-of-the-mill laborer. While oil riggers don't need to get a formal education to land a job, this doesn't mean that they aren't highly skilled. 

Far more important than education is experience. Oil companies generally won't hire someone to work on an oil rig if they don't possess an eye for detail, which Dino did.

Unlucky In Love

Oil rigger Dino seemingly had a perfect life. He had a well-paid job, a gorgeous house, and some fantastic friends. 

But while he may have been lucky with his professional accomplishments, Dino had always been unlucky in love. But Dino's luck was about to change. Or so he thought.

Looking For Love

For some women, Dino was the perfect man. He was smart, making good money and he was saving it, too. He didn’t like to show off his success and instead, he invested in a condominium he paid for in full. 

The only thing missing was a woman to enjoy his success with. Unbeknownst to Dino, the woman he ended up picking would turn his world upside down. And not in a good way. 

Waiting For Someone Special

While Dino's colleagues seemed to have a new girlfriend every week, Dino was waiting for that special someone. 

While Dino's friends know that his patience is one of his best traits, that doesn't mean that he doesn't know what he wants. of All Dino's friends' jaws dropped when they saw the woman on their usually shy friend's arm...

Something Special

As soon as Dino laid his eyes on Andrea he knew she was something special. She was a gorgeous, a stunning young woman who wouldn’t be out of place on the cover of Vogue. 

Dino’s co-workers were equally as lost for words when they saw who Dino was with. But for all the wrong reasons. 

Friends Had Their Suspicions 

Most of Dino’s friends were proud of him for landing such a good looking woman, but some were slightly more suspicious. One of his friends Josh found Andrea to be one of the most self-centered and attention-seeking people he’d ever met

Hindsight is 20/20 and unluckily for Dino, he didn’t have the ability to foresee what would happen, yet the warning signs were most certainly there. 

Selfish And Stubborn

Andrea, at times, could be very selfish and shallow. She blamed it on her childhood troubles and her parents’ divorce, and like most men in love, Dino dismissed her troubling behavior. 

Soon enough, Andrea moved into Dino’s condo. At the start, things were going absolutely fantastic. But then Dino started getting suspicious while he was away at work.

Something’s Not Right 

Things seemed a bit off when Dino looked at his bank statement. He left Andrea with a card so she could take care of herself while he was out of town. When looking at his statements, Dino saw a $300 grocery purchase, another $200 grocery purchase a couple of days later. 

Either she was eating $500 worth of groceries a week or she was pumping cash-backs from the grocery store into her purse. A terrible feeling hit the pit of Dino’s stomach. 

He Had To Find The Truth

The bizarreness of Andrea’s behavior made Dino start to suspect that she might not be remaining faithful. After all, she had the perfect opportunity to have an affair when he was away, not to mention having access to his money. 

So Andrea was very possibly betraying him. Dino was smart, though, and made a plan. He arranges to fly back home a few days earlier. Dino’s strong suspicions would be confirmed, but things only went downhill from there.

Coming Home

Andrea didn’t expect him home for a couple more days, so when Dino entered his house, his home that he worked so hard for, it caught her completely by surprise. 

For Dino, it confirmed the worst suspicions he had of the woman he once thought was the one. 

His Heart Broke Into A Million Pieces 

Dino can feel his heart crumble into a million pieces as he walks into his bedroom. The woman he wanted to marry and grow old with, was indeed cheating on him. But Dino kept his cool. He didn’t lose his temper, he just told the guy to get out. 

He then told Andrea to get out too. He handed her the key to a hotel room, 50 bucks for cab fare, and told her to leave. But Andrea wasn’t leaving. 

Removing Her From The House 

Andrea kept screaming, crying, apologizing and proclaiming her love for him in one breath, and cursing him with the next. This ended up with Dino telling his security guard to call the cops. 

Andrea wasn’t on the lease, so once the police arrived and verified who owned the home they removed her. That should have been the end of it, but Andrea was vindictive.

Taking Everything Away 

Dino had taken away a lot of the comforts Andrea had become used to. His cash, his card, and his home. Andrea had to face the music: Dino wasn’t going to provide for her any longer. He took all of Andrea’s things and had them placed in a storage unit. 

But Andrea wasn’t going to just sit around and be stubbed in that manner. She wasn’t going to let him leave her in the dark. She was going to hit Dino back where it hurts.

Not What He Wanted To Find

Dino’s pride and joy - aside from his condo - is his white Chevy Monte Carlo. Several weeks after the breakup, Dino returned home from another stint at the oil rig. Instead of finding his car in tip-top condition, it was something much worse. 

Four flat tires, a smashed windshield, and a can of red paint had been poured over it! All of Dino’s friends wondered who would do such a thing. But Dino knew the answer.

He Won’t Forgive Or Forget

Andrea had just done something that Dino would never be able to forgive. While most men would hit back where it hurts immediately, for Dino he decided to be patient. He knew that the perfect time to strike wasn’t now.

Dino returned to his routine and daily life without missing a beat as if nothing had ever happened. But he hadn’t forgiven or forgotten what Andrea had done to him. Soon, he would find an opening, somewhere to strike back at his ex-girlfriend — and he would do it hard.

Plotting His Plan For Revenge 

Dino would never forget what she did, so when he learned that she was getting married, he started plotting. learned of the engagement through a friend of his, Nancy. Her sister, Cathy, happens to be very good friends with Andrea, but Nancy knew the real Andrea and passed the information on to Dino. 

She would become a co-conspirator along with him, and together they made sure that what was supposed to be the best day in Andrea’s life was the worst day…

Thankfully, Nancy knew exactly what type of person Andrea was. When she received the invitation to the wedding, the first thing she thought about was how Andrea had betrayed her good friend, Dino. 

She took advantage of the fact that he had property and made good money, mooching off of him as she messed around with other men. In return for everything that Andrea did, though, Dino started off just with an anonymous letter addressed to Andrea…

A Mysterious Letter

About a month before the wedding, Dino sent an anonymous letter in the mail. In the envelope was a picture of a Monte Carlo, a wedding dress, and a ketchup packet. There was a single sheet of paper too, with three words: ‘Red on White.’ 

If Andrea had thought Dino would just turn the other cheek, she was mistaken. He hadn’t forgotten what she had done to his heart and his car, and neither had she. He was going to get his revenge, and with this mysterious message, she knew it was coming. 

Inside Info

The note was enough to make Andrea worry about her pure white wedding dress. Nancy had given Dino a little piece of information that she had heard from her sister: the name of the store where Andrea was getting her dress. 

Dino went to the store “and asked the guy if he wants to make an easy hundred bucks. All he had to do is call Andrea, and tell her that they need her to come to the shop and choose the red lace trim for her gown.”

Who Did It?

“Andrea showed up 20 minutes later, freaking out, and demanding to know what this was about,” Dino’s friend continued. 

“The guy said he got a call from her fiancé and ordered the red lace for the dress. Andrea knew that it wasn’t the fiancé,” and she had a pretty good idea of who was behind this sabotage. She was freaking out with good reason; his staining her white dress red wasn’t a matter of “if” to her, but rather a matter of “when.” She was spooked…

More Threats Await

With the wedding soon approaching the bride-to-be Andrea was freaking out. Dino waited until a couple of weeks were left until the big day. Nancy had a “slip up” and told her sister that a friend of Dino’s worked at the company hired to cater the food for Andrea’s wedding.

Andrea flipped out as soon as she heard of this. She immediately deleted the pasta dishes and had tomatoes removed from the salads in fear that Dino’s non-existent buddy might dump a plate on her. This wasn’t where it would end, though.

A Lipstick Delivery

Dino had about 30 different red lipsticks sent to Andrea’s house from a variety of Amazon sellers, all paid from prepaid credit cards. She wasn’t able to trace them back to him, but she knew it was him. 

Dino then had a red sharpie placed under her windshield wipers for her to find one fine morning. By the time of the wedding day, she was a complete wreck, expecting to be sprayed by red paint at every turn. It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. 


In reality, it was in Dino’s interest for the wedding to be really enjoyable for all of Andrea’s guests, just not her. At the wedding reception, Andrea was a basket case. She demanded that all the red flowers be removed from the centerpieces on all the tables. 

She refused to get within 10 feet of anyone holding a red drink. She spent more time and attention looking for the ambush she was certain was coming, and Dino didn’t even do a thing.

Got What She Deserved 

Indeed, he had to make sure guests like Nancy could witness everything. He turned her into a Bridezilla, and Nancy, who was invited, kept him updated with a running commentary as the night progressed. 

Right in front of all her family and friends, Andrea exposed herself to be an erratic and paranoid person that was demanding everyone bend over backward every time there was a problem. In the end, the only thing stained was her reputation.