Man Tells Woman No Mask No Service, So She Comes Back Wearing This

He was amazed at how rude and inconsiderate she was, and he hoped he would never see her again. 

But unbeknownst to him, she was thinking about the sinister plan she was about to execute. 


Michael owned a general store. He had met many interesting people, and he loved the social aspect of being a store owner. 

But one day, he would meet an "interesting" lady that would turn his life upside down. 

Not Personal

When the woman entered the store without a mask, Michael politely asked her to put it on. 

He explained to her that it wasn't anything personal. But the woman didn't care. Instead, Michael's simple request made her angry. 

"No mas, no service"

The woman disregarded the "no mask, no service" sign on the door as she entered the store. 

This rarely happened at Michael's store, so he was naturally shocked. Once the woman got inside, she just stood there without moving. What was she trying to do?

Breaking The Rules

She had a self-satisfied smirk on her face. It seemed like she was enjoying the fact that she had broken the rule. 

But what she didn't know was that Michael wouldn't let her get away with this. 

"No, I Don't!"

Michael approached her and kindly asked her to put a mask on. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but you’ll have to put a mask on if you want to shop here," he said. 

The woman gave him a disgusted look and then answered, “No, I don’t!"

"Wear a mask, or leave the store"

The woman began reciting her rights, but Michael had heard it many times before. 

Once she was done with her long speech about human rights, he looked at her and said: “Wear a mask, or leave the store.” Little did he know what he was getting himself into... 

Looking For Attention

The woman simply said "no." Michael again pointed at the sign and explained that it was the policy. 

The woman laughed in his face as she walked out. She was looking for attention, and this is what she had planned the whole time. Michael breathed a sigh of relief when the woman left the store.  

She Didn't Leave 

He soon forgot about her and resumed his work duties. But the woman never left the parking lot. 

She was still watching him from her car window, planning her next move. Michael wasn't prepared for what was going to come next. 

She Returned 

An hour later, the woman entered the store again. But this time, she had a mask on. 

But it wasn't just a regular surgical mask. It was a very particular mask. When Michael realized what she had on her face, he was furious. "Get out, now!" he shouted. 

The Husband

“I have a mask on! the woman responded. Then, suddenly, her husband came in. 

He was dressed in a police officer's uniform that looked totally fake. He arrived to defend his wife, who was wearing a mask with a Nazy symbol on it. 

He Kicked Both Of Them Out

The man was also much shorter and slimmer than Michael. So he didn't feel intimidated by him. 

Michael quickly banned both of them from ever visiting his store again. Karen and her husband were enraged, but they had no other choice but to leave Michael's store. 

They Were Furious 

It turns out that Michael's store was the only store they had close to their house. So now, they would have to drive for over an hour to the next town any time they wanted some snacks. 

The couple told Michael they would seek revenge on him, but he wasn't worried. 

Going Viral

Michael later shared his story on Reddit and received a lot of support from people worldwide. 

People were impressed with how he handled the situation with the two anti-maskers on his own. 

Support And Applause 

“She…was trying to push every button this shop owner had because people like Karen want to own the libs any way they can. It’s pathetic!” one user wrote. 

While another person wrote, “Hell yes, dude. I hate stories where corporate rolls over because they “need the business.”…I could never see myself serving some Nazi regalia wearing moron. I wish everyone was as empowered/willing to do this as you”.