Stalker Follows Girl Home, Dad Is Waiting For Him

 Someone Creeping

As she jumped off the school bus and walked home, eager to wind down after a long day, she didn’t know who was creeping behind her. It was someone who had been observing all her movements for weeks. 

As she got on her way, he followed her from a distance, trying not to call any attention to himself. Little did he know that predator was about to become prey.


The world can be a dangerous place. There are true monsters walking the streets freely, and sometimes there’s no way of knowing about their malicious intentions until it’s already too late.

Most people carry through their days doing their best, trying to do the right thing, and just building the type of life they want for themselves and their loved ones. However, danger can be waiting at any corner. 

Evil Lurking

No matter how safe of a life you think you lead, true evil can lurk and creep into the cracks in almost every shelter. Threats are not always obvious, and wolves can often learn how to disguise themselves as sheep.

What can you do then to protect yourself and your loved ones from evil? This story tells us. If you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.

A Safe Neighborhood?

The neighborhood where this story took place is not known as a dangerous one. It’s a suburban area, mainly inhabited by families. 

For the people living there, serious crime is something they only hear about in the news. The gravest issue or conflict that usually takes place there is a neighbor parking their truck in someone else’s driveway. This was about to change for good. 

Laura Oliver

Laura Oliver is a 15-year-old student in Franklin High School, Livonia, Michigan. She lives with her mom Cindy, her dad Mike, and her 19-year-old brother Chris.

Recently, the Oliver family was close to experiencing a traumatic episode that could have destroyed their lives forever. Luckily, the aggressor didn’t know something: the family was ready to protect themselves from anything, anyone, and by any means. He would forever regret ever messing with the Olivers.

A Hidden Menace

Laura, who just completed 10th grade recently, has always been known as a joyful and bubbly girl by everyone who knows her, from the people in the neighborhood to the school staff and students. 

However, her cheerful existence was about to get threatened by someone. As a matter of fact, it was someone she knew in person.

Radric Roberts

She could have never known that Radric Roberts, the man who worked in the neighborhood bakery where she bought from time to time, was secretly obsessed with her.

This wouldn’t be so grave if the young man kept his sick infatuation to himself. However, no one knew that he was a deranged, twisted individual with grim intentions.


Unbeknownst to Laura, Roberts had spent months stalking her before the incident. He found out about the high school she attended and found her social media. It didn’t take him too long to learn where she lived.

After the incident took place, the police found footage in CCTV cameras that showed Roberts walking up and down Laura’s street. And that wasn’t even the most sinister part.

He Stalked Her

As the footage showed, Roberts would sometimes stand in front of Laura’s house and stay there for hours, staring at what was going on inside the house through the windows.

In retrospect, it’s clear what he was up to: he was trying to figure out the family’s routines and habits, getting ready for the heinous act he was planning to commit. He was scheming how to access the house and do as he pleased without getting caught.

Fateful Day

Finally, one day, Roberts set his plan into motion. He knew about the times and routes the Franklin High School bus followed. He waited at the stop where he knew Laura would leave the bus.

The man thought there would be no one else at home at that time of the day. He had seen that there wasn’t any car parked in front of Laura’s parkway. He thought it was his best chance to unleash all his evil desires.

He Followed Her

Roberts saw Laura getting off the bus and walking home. He followed her from a distance, trying not to look suspicious. The streets were completely empty. He may have had the temptation to do something right then and there.

Who knows if he could have gotten away with it if he had tried it? But instead, he decided to wait until Laura was home. Little did he know that someone was waiting for him there.

Mike Oliver

Laura’s dad, Mike Oliver, is what you may call a tough guy. The man is an Army veteran; and despite his age, he’s well-versed in several styles of martial arts and self-defense.

That day, he was home with his wife and son. They had taken the car to the mechanic just that morning, which was the reason why Roberts thought they were away. That would turn out to be the biggest mistake of his life.

He Saw Him

As Mike saw Roberts walking towards the front yard right after Laura walked through the door, he knew something was wrong. He went outside and asked the man what he was doing on his property.

Right then, Roberts knew he had messed up. He tried to turn around and run, but Mike chased after him, reached him, and tackled him down.


“Grabbed him by his hair,” Mike recounted the fight when he talked to the media. “He was like an alligator just twisting, and he got away. He ran around the corner.”

But Laura’s dad wasn’t willing to let him get away. Quickly, he called their neighbor next door, told him about what happened, and asked him for his truck. Then, he chased Roberts around the neighborhood while his son Chris called 911.


Soon enough, a group of police officers arrived at the scene and arrested Roberts. Right now, he’s waiting for trial, and Laura is safe and sound, although the incident has caused her a significant degree of distress in her everyday life.

"My daughter is doing well in school this year. She didn't even wanna go to school today because she was fearful for her life," Cindy Oliver, the girl's mother, said. This is what the hero dad has to say about it:

Doing Right

“He could’ve been laying there on the ground today,” Oliver said, referring to Roberts and what. “This could’ve been so much worse for him. But, this isn’t about being right. It’s about doing right,” the Army veteran added.

This is not the first time a father resorts to taking justice into his own hands. There are plenty of stories like that: sometimes, a father’s revenge can be ruthless; however, it’s easy to understand the type of rage these brutal outbursts may come from. 

What Could Be Worse?

After all, what can be more infuriating for a dad than seeing his own son or daughter aggrieved or even threatened by some random scumbag? Recently, one father who found himself in such a predicament decided to take action and shared his story on Reddit. 

It’s one of those revenge stories that leave a sweet taste after you’ve read how the plot develops. One thing is for certain: he had it coming.

A Harsh Revenge

The narration posted on Reddit by the avenging father is heavily edited; the father would rather preserve the privacy of everyone involved, including the offender, a softball coach who had been getting handsy with the girls on the team.

Some may argue that the man in question should be exposed, but trust us, what happened to him after this father found out what he did is enough of a punishment.


The father starts off the narration by introducing us to the context in which the story takes place: “I have coached both of my daughters' softball teams at some point in my life. At the time of this story, I was the secretary for the Softball Booster Club.” 

“As is customary in Pennsylvania, the previous board had conspired and stole a lot of money from the Booster Club.”

Meet Steve

“They all resigned, and a new Booster Club was elected, including a new president. President Carl decided that if the previous members paid the money back in full, then we wouldn’t press charges. They paid it back. End of back story.”

“We still let the previous president, Steve, help out with coaching because most people still really liked him, and he wasn’t a total douche all the time.” However, that would soon change.

Something Off

“Normally, I would head coach for my older daughter’s team and be a “dugout dad” for my younger one,” the father recounts.

“I took the year off coaching and decided to just be a (loud and excitable) spectator. A few games into our season, I noticed Steve was overly affectionate with the girls, nothing terrible, hugging and stuff. Still struck me as odd.”

What Steve Did

“Game 6 or 7, my daughter Carrie cranks a ball against the left field fence, and she gets a stand-up double. We all cheer, moment over. The next two girls walk, and Carrie ends up on 3rd.”

“As she’s getting ready for the next pitch, Steve, as the 3rd base coach, leans up to her, says something, and smacks her on the butt.”

Not Fine With That

And that’s where it all started. “Well, I may be overprotective, but I’m not cool with that,” understandably states the protagonist of this story.

“After she comes in and I say a good job to her, I pull Steve aside and tell him that’s not OK with me, and please don’t do it again. He agrees. Happy ending? Nope.”

It Happened Again

“Two games later, I’m sitting behind the fence on the 3rd baseline, and he does it again in the batter's box. I’m seeing it all from my seat, and I know for sure I’m not going to let that slide.”

“As a boisterous parent, I yell ‘Steve!’ When he looks over, I shake my head no. He nods and pumps his palms to the ground to say, ‘chill out.’ I let it go.”

But Steve Didn’t Let It Go

“For the rest of the season, Steve goes around telling all the parents and coaches about how I’m such a prick, how I embarrassed him, and I shouldn’t be part of the league.”

“At this point in my life, I’ve only been in this town for six years, so most people shockingly side with Steve. The guy has lived here his entire life, his name is even on the Little League field, but I’m still pretty pissed.”

The Plot Thickens

“The whole stealing thing was one of those ‘we never addressed it in public’ type of things, the worst kept secret in town. Steve and his daughter also run the Civic Center and Little League, and rumor is that they’ve been skimming from them for over a decade.”

“Usually, our Booster Club Meetings are low key, general business, bookkeeping, etc. We often donate to other local organizations. Given the shenanigans at the Booster Club and Little League, we declined that year to make a donation. Well, Steve goes mental.”

Steve’s Reaction

“So Steve goes, ‘how can you hurt these kids’, etc. It’s all aimed at me, and I’m an adult, so I take it. As he’s storming out, he says verbatim, ‘and your kids suck at softball.’”

“Nope. Nope. Instead of charging after him or yelling, I stew in my chair. I go home and tell my wife, who’s just as pissed. Word gets around school about what Steve said, my kids hear, and I’m even more pissed.”


“So, I did what any rational parent would do and wrote an anonymous letter to the FBI. I included everything, ledger statements, dates, and missing receipts.”

“It took 3 months of the FBI raiding all of our local charitable organizations in town, but they charged Steve, his daughter, and son. Over $80,000 between the three of them. On top of that, his wife left him.” But that wasn’t all.

Steve’s Downfall

“And I’m sure what really messed with Steve’s head the most and still drives him crazy was when they took his name off the Little League field.”

“In the end, he must have scrounged up all the money he had, but his family paid it all back. He received a two-year sentence and is forbidden from being involved in any more charitable organizations.”

A Happy Ending

So, in the end, Steve got what he deserved. Not only was he a handsy creep, but he had also been taking advantage of people’s goodwill for his own enrichment.

And the best thing about this father’s revenge was that he only did what was right and lawful; he didn’t have to take justice into his own hands, and he left it to law enforcement. In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead are entirely coincidental.