Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants Which Are Easy To Take Care Of

Indoor plants can take your home to the next decor level. Not everyone has a green thumb when it comes to keeping plants alive, but that's okay since there are plenty of hard-to-kill houseplants available to fill your space. Don't be misled by their fragile look; they're stronger than you think, and some can even tolerate severe neglect. Instead of having to personally adhere to each plant's regular watering schedules, we've compiled a list of some of the beautiful indoor plants that don't take any care at all.

1. Spider Plant Spider plants are popular as potted and hanging plants. Put your spider plant in a bright, sunny area, and it will grow quickly, but it can also flourish in low light and even thrive in a windowless, fluorescent-lit-filled office. It holds water effectively and can withstand a few missed waterings here and there. It also spawns offspring, which you may pot and give to pals!
2. Peace Lily Peace lilies come in beautiful white, pink, or purple. Peace lilies can thrive in low light conditions, making them perfect for office environments. They do not handle cold air or drafts well, so place them somewhere where no air is blowing on them. If you use fertilizer to help your plant blossom, use an organic one because they are sensitive to some chemicals contained in fertilizers.
3. Snake Plant This resilient, carefree succulent grows practically everywhere. Snake plant (Sansevieria spp.) withstands carelessness but thrives with proper care. Leathery, sword-shaped leaves with yellow or white edges develop. Snake plant is ideal for novices, but experienced houseplant gardeners like its striking upright shape as well. The small rosette cultivars are ideal for use as desktop or tabletop plants.
4. Pothos Pothos are quite resilient. Allow the soil to dry between waterings and place it in bright, indirect light. It's also known as devil's ivy since it not only stays green in the dark, but it's also difficult to kill. When the plant is thirsty, the leaves will droop and wilt, but give it some water and it will perk back up.
5. Parlor Palm As an indoor plant, Parlor Palm adapts well to a maximum growth length of two to six feet. The extra benefit of growing this plant at home is that it may stay green for up to 40 days after being cut, making it excellent for floral arrangements and Palm Sunday decorations.
6. String of Pearls Senecio Rowleyanus, often known as String of Pearls, has delicate tendrils of round pearls that overflow its planter. These are ideal for hanging or draping over a pedestal, especially somewhere out of direct sunlight. Plant in loose cactus soil and prevent overwatering for the best results.
7. Peperomia These semi-succulents are from Central and South America. They thrive well indoors with minimal care such as indirect sunshine and moderate watering from the bottom to avoid dirt sogginess and leaf disease. Peperomia is also known to thrive under fluorescent lighting.
8. Jade Plant Jade plants (Crassula ovata) are exceptionally attractive succulent because of their unusual bush-like structure, which makes them perfect for bonsai. Pink flower buds may even appear under the correct conditions! With too much sunshine, these plants may become red or yellowish, but they require relatively little water in the summer and even less in the winter.
9. Money Plant They are low maintenance and believed to bring good luck and fortune. It grows easily, is pet-friendly, and thrives in mild to strong indirect light. They look stunning in short pots. These resilient plants grow rapidly with a weekly watering (depending on the temperature in your house) and thrive in sunny places but do not require direct sunshine.
10. Aloe Aloe vera is usually referred to as medical aloe. It is a fantastic plant to keep at home not only because it reproduces easily, but also because of its therapeutic characteristics, which range from its everyday usage as a moisturizer to the cooling and healing powers of its gel-like sap. Aloe may be grown in containers that are sandy and well-drained. Except for preventing overwatering and rain damage, it does not require much care.
11. Rubber Plant Rubber plants (Ficus elastica) are well-known for their broad, thick leaves and are quite simple to care for. Having said that, you can’t ignore them for weeks at a time. Rubber plants will grow if given the proper quantity of water, nutrients, and sunshine. Overwatering, which can cause root rot, is something you should avoid.
12. ZZ Plant Another plant that is well-known for its resilience to neglect is the ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia). Small, lustrous leaves can grow up to 6 inches long on these tropical plants. These plants aren't picky when it comes to light, but they will develop faster if they get enough of it. They thrive in well-draining soil and should be planted in a container with drainage holes at the bottom.
13. Chinese Evergreen These Southeast Asian herbaceous perennials are distinguished by their variegated silvery-white and green foliage. This plant thrives in warm temperatures with high humidity and enjoys diffused sun or indirect light. Low watering is preferred from fall through winter.
14. Cast Iron Plant The slow-growing cast-iron plant (Aspidistra elatior) lives up to its name. It's nearly indestructible, withstanding neglect, poor light, low humidity, and a broad variety of temperatures—ideal for a dark nook. Because plants develop slowly, begin with huge plants.