Just Minutes Into Their Wedding Ceremony, the Bride Found a Secret About the Groom That She Just Couldn't Ignore Any Longer

Caleb and Maggie were madly in love and they were more than ready to finally tie the knot. However, after weeks and months of planning, nothing could have prepared them for what the bride found out at the altar that left her running. After everything they had been through, they truly hadn't expected this. Think about it, what could be the worst thing that could happen on your wedding day? 

Is it an unruly guest, or the possibility that the band might not show up? Well, what about illness? If you were to experience an illness during your wedding, would you have reacted the same way that Maggie did? It was pure chance that the videographer took the video of the exact moment she walked away and passed out. However, when the video went viral, Maggie and Caleb were puzzled.

Caleb and Maggie had been friends for a very long time. They were both from Asheville, North Carolina, and they had been friends in high school. They had similar friends, meaning that they were around each other pretty often. Since they had grown up in the same circle of friends, they got to experience every bit of high school together. From high school pep rallies, homecoming, finals and even prom. Of course, Maggie had thought about the possibility of dating Caleb since they had so much in common and were such good friends... but it just never seemed like something that would ever happen! 

They were constantly asked by everyone why they did not date in high school. Even though the pair might not have seen it at the time, many people thought that there was some potential for these two to finally get together. However, it wasn't until after high school had ended that the pair took notice. They had crossed paths after high school and decided to give it a try since they had so much history together and had been such great friends. But when it finally came to the wedding day Maggie found out a secret about Caleb that she couldn't ignore....

While they were in high school, Caleb and Maggie just weren't focused on relationships. They were hardworking and busy students and they had specific goals in mind throughout high school. Caleb had his eye on becoming a marine, and his determination was unshakable. With that in mind, the two students remained friends throughout their high school days. They encouraged and supported each other, and were happy for the other when they succeeded. Although the tone of their relationship didn't shift for quite some time, these two were destined to become internet stars -- they just didn't know it yet.

When Maggie and Caleb finally finished high school, they began to see one other in a different light. And now that they were older, the priorities in their lives were changing. Slowly, the pair began to realize that there might be potential for something more. Although they couldn't pinpoint the exact moment that it happened, something had changed. Yes, they were both still very busy with certain goals to accomplish, but they decided to try and make time for the other no matter what. They wanted to see where this relationship might take them, and whether it was worth the long wait. When Maggie and Caleb finally finished high school, they began to see one other in a different light.

As time went by, Caleb and Maggie had begun to feel a spark between them that was undeniable -- it had just been lingering underneath the surface. In the fall of 2013, they officially began to date. Both of their families were ecstatic for the young lovebirds, and they knew that the timing had been perfect. As the pair's relationship blossomed, they began to realize just how compatible they were, and how happy they made each other. Naturally, everyone was thrilled for them. It was only a small matter of time before their relationship entered an exciting new phase.

Caleb was more than sure that he loved Maggie, and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. It seemed like there was no better time than now to declare his undying love for her, so he put himself out there and he let everything happen as it was meant to. In due time, Caleb headed to the ring store and carefully picked out something that he thought would look perfect on her finger.  Even though the pair were still very young, there was no question in Caleb's mind that this was the woman he wanted to spend forever with. But did Maggie feel the same way? 

Caleb had his ring, her parent's permission, and he had his faith. With all of these things, he was pushed forward to ask Maggie the biggest question he would ask in his life. 

Nevertheless, he still breathed a sigh of relief when Maggie responded with a resounding "Yes!" The day was an incredible one for the couple, who would only be 22 at the time of their wedding. Yes, they were still young, but they had no regrets about the decision they had made. They were young and in love, and that was all they needed -- or so they thought.

Caleb and Maggie were usually quite laid-back by nature, and it was one of the traits that had drawn them to one another. Even though they both tried not to fret when the time for the wedding planning came around, they soon learned that planning their nuptials would prove to be more difficult than they had expected.

They quickly discovered that planning their wedding took up all their free time -- time that they would usually have spent with each other and their families. They only hoped that it would all be worth it in the end.  

Caleb and Maggie had gone through some tough times, but Caleb was still absolutely sure about what he wanted. Now that he had won Maggie's heart, he intended to keep it. In an interview with 'Today', Caleb made his intentions crystal clear. 

He said that he understood that he was very fortunate to be with her and that he had absolutely no option but to try and make forever as good as possible with her. Even in high school, he had felt protective and proud of her. He knew that he wanted to feel those things forever -- whatever it took.

Caleb and Maggie may have been young, but they were already very mature, hard-working individuals. Caleb had succeeded in reaching his goal, and he was now a part of the United States Marines. It was a very honorable job, but it was also extremely demanding. 

The honor of serving his country was too high to give up for the comforts of family life, no matter how tempting that may be. Caleb was away from home for long periods of time and it wasn't easy for the couple to be away from each other. Maggie had to hold down the fort and handle life’s challenges alone. It was very hard for Maggie to have no idea what was going on with her partner.

Caleb had always had very specific goals in mind, and he was very driven to reach these goals. He was so driven that he had become a United States Marine by the young age of 19. Caleb had already been in this role for three years before he and Maggie were married.

Although this achievement was impressive in itself, it also provided a helpful insight for their upcoming marriage. Before they tied the knot, they already had an idea of what they could expect from his career. But just what effect would Caleb's career have on the young couple?

To be a part of a relationship while holding down such demanding careers should have been difficult. However, Caleb and Maggie were determined to make the very best of it. It was much easier given the fact that they believed in the same faith.

Both individuals had been raised with strong religious beliefs, and they trusted that everything was going to happen as it should. They trusted in God and his power, and they would be grateful for each day that they could be together on the earth. Little did they know, He had a special plan in store for them...

Sharing the same faith and beliefs was a huge part of why Caleb and Maggie's relationship was so strong. Even when the pair weren't able to be together for long periods of time, they trusted in God's plan and in one another. 

They believed that their love was destined to last for the rest of their lives, and that they should treat their relationship and each other with the utmost respect. Over time, it was clear that not even danger and distance could keep them apart. Then, the fateful day finally arrived.

The couple hadn't had over the top plans for the wedding. They wanted to focus on their faith, their family and their friends. However, the couple struggled to find a decent photographer for their big day. They had made sure that they had begun to look early, but all of the people they were interested in were already busy on their date. 

The couple worried since it looked like a photographer was the only big part missing from the wedding. It looked as though the couple might have to go without a photographer. Caleb and Maggie weren't used to worrying, but they were cutting it close.

A few weeks before the big day, the couple was still searching for the answer to their photographer problem. They knew they were cutting it fine, but they were convinced that they would find someone amazing to capture all the memories and special moments on their big day. Fortunately enough, a friend of the couple gave the couple suggestions.

The friend knew of someone who was a popular suggestion by the name of Dwayne Schmidt. He was a well-known and talented photographer, but because he was in such high demand, the couple prayed that he would be available at such short notice.  A few weeks before the big day, the couple was still searching for the answer to their photographer problem.

The couple met with the suggested photographer a few weeks before the wedding, and he showed them some of his previous work. The couple fell in love with his portfolio, and it was clear that he was the best man for the job. In fact, the couple was so impressed with this work that they asked him to photograph their wedding on the spot!

They hoped he would be free on that day, and luckily he was. Maggie and Caleb had finally found someone to take snapshots of their big day and never regretted their decision. But what they didn't know was that this photographer was about to turn their lives upside down.

With the photographer booked, everything finally seemed to be falling into place perfectly. The bride and groom couldn't imagine anything going wrong until it did. With a little more than a week left before their wedding, they received the devastating phone call. 

They couldn't believe the news they had just received. The couple quickly began scrambling to figure out what they could do. This hadn't been in their plans, but this one short phone call had them worried that their entire wedding would fall apart. Caleb and Maggie had been thrown a curveball that they could never have seen coming.

Caleb and Maggie got a call from their wonderful photographer. They had no idea that he would be bringing news that could potentially ruin their entire wedding. It had turned out that he needed emergency surgery. The operation involved the photographer having his kidney stones removed just a week before the wedding.

 It seemed like it was going to be an intense surgery, and he wasn't sure if he would be completely healed by the time their wedding came around. Maggie and Caleb were incredibly nervous but decided to stay the course. They had a plan to deal with any obstacles that came their way.   

The amazing thing about Caleb and Maggie was that the two showed unwavering and strong faith. They had shared it all of the times that duty called Caleb away, and they shared it now that they were faced with a tough obstacle. 

This was just an example of the kind of thing that the pair would go through that would test them. Luckily, the couple knew exactly how to get through the hard times with unwavering strength. They trusted in their path and refused to let the situation get them down, they were going to put their faith in God.

It seems as though the couple's prayers seemed to be working. The couple was overjoyed when Dwayne told them that his surgery had gone very well. He was now home resting, and he had a week to get better before the day of the wedding.

 In the meantime, Maggie and Caleb tried to focus on making sure that everything else had been in place. It helped keep their mind off of the photographer issue at hand. It reminded them that the day was still going to be amazing -- no matter what. It also helped them put things into perspective...

Caleb reached out to the photographer just a few days before the wedding to get an update about the situation and his recovery, although he didn't have high hopes. The couple was totally awestruck to find out that Dwayne had completely healed. And, even more surprising, he was still going to make their wedding.

Caleb and Maggie were thrilled; Dwayne had a full recovery, and he was going to be able to photograph their big day. The planning had been a stressful time, but now things were really beginning to fall into place. It really seemed that all their prayers had been answered...

Caleb had a reputation for upholding tradition in all aspects of his life, but on his big wedding day, he wanted things to be a bit different. He had something particular in mind for their photographer, and when he told him his idea he was thrilled about it. 

Caleb reached out to the photographer and he requested that they do some very special photos of the couple before the ceremony. Dwayne was shocked! He was excited that the couple was breaking tradition and wanted to do something unique and unusual. This would be an opportunity to break away from the traditional wedding photos and showcase his love of art and composition.

When the big day finally came, Dwayne was happily snapping away, capturing all the special moments at the wedding. He was taking all kinds of photos for the couple and their family, documenting them as they got ready for the most important day of their lives.

 And just like Caleb requested, the photographer knew that he would be entering the same room that Maggie was in at some point. He was well-prepared for this moment, but he still wasn't sure what would happen. Nevertheless, he was curious and excited to witness the outcome of all the photos.

Dwayne was with the bride and her bridesmaids and the room was full of excited women who were getting dolled up for the day.

 Dayne was snapping photos throughout the whole process, documenting every detail as they had their makeup and hair done, all the while anticipating the entrance of Caleb.

When it was finally time, Dwayne was ready. Caleb could be seen through the lens, entering in through a door at the back of the room.

Dwayne could tell from his body language that Caleb was very, very nervous about the moment. Dwayne made sure to take photos.

Maggie was around the corner, completely unaware that Caleb was even there. The rest of the women in the room saw Caleb enter, and then there was an air of excitement and anticipation in the room as they all waited with bated breath. 

Caleb, with his eyes down, was becoming more and more nervous as he walked closer and closer to Maggie. They had both waited for this moment for such a long time, and now it was finally upon him. He could only imagine what his beautiful soon-to-be wife looked like behind the wall. It was a moment he will never forget.

Caleb finally made it to the set of stairs near the far wall. A door beside the stairs was ajar, and Maggie was waiting just on the other side of it. She had been waiting for him all along, and now they had finally reached their moment. 

It was now or never. Dwayne was entranced as he snapped away, focusing on Caleb as he approached the stairway and leaned with his back against the wall. The door slowly opened, and Caleb could hardly contain himself. Maggie slowly leaned out of the doorway, careful not to look at her future husband.

The couple did not look at one another, as they promised that they would still keep up with some classic traditions. They did not want to be connected before they had spoken their vows in front of their loved ones, friends, and family. With that, Caleb reached out his arm from around the doorway and blindly searched for Maggie's hand with his.

She responded, meeting Caleb in the doorway. At that moment, the couple grasped hands and connected. Then, just as their hands met,  they immediately broke down. It was a very emotional moment, one that Dwayne was determined to capture forever.

Caleb and Maggie were completely absorbed with one another in their own private moment -- only they existed to each other. But the rest of the room couldn't help but feel some of the magic as well. All of the women in the room were totally emotional watching the couple find each other's hands in the doorway.

Dwayne was busy at this moment. He did not just want to capture the bride and groom, but he wanted to capture the other's reactions as well. It was such a beautiful moment, and it wasn't even close to being over yet.

The couple was emotional, but they wanted to make sure that they said everything they wanted to say at this moment. Tears rolled down Caleb and Maggie's cheeks as they decided to say a prayer. With trembling voices, hands firmly locked together, they asked God to bless their marriage. 

It was an overwhelming moment for everyone who witnessed it. Both Caleb and Maggie asked for the support and guidance they were seeking, and they asked that God go with them into their marriage until the end. They wanted to share their lives together according to the will of God.

Caleb and Maggie had planned to say their prayers together, but Maggie wasn't prepared for what would happen next. After the prayer together, Caleb said something that he had prepared carefully and on his own. Caleb's words came as a surprise to Maggie and she was totally shocked.

 In front of all of the people watching, Caleb built up the courage to speak out about his true feelings and his faith in God. But when he began to speak, Maggie just listened to him silently from behind the door, soaking up every unforgettable word that he said. But she wasn't the only one.

Everyone in the room was totally silent, on tenterhooks. They wanted to make sure that Maggie had heard every word that Caleb said. Right before the ceremony began, and with teary eyes, Caleb spoke. With shaking hands, Caleb asked God to bless his beautiful bride-to-be and to also bless his amazing future family.

 Caleb believed that it was right to ask for this before they were married, and Maggie was completely touched by all of this. She covered her face with her hands and knew that she had made the right decision. The couple never suspected that the moment would be shared by so many.

The beautiful moment had been documented, and family and friends who had not seen the moment in person were able to witness the whole thing. It was a great way for the couple to be able to share their moment with everyone who hadn't been able to make it to their wedding. Most of all, they were thankful for Dwayne being there to capture the moment. 

Suddenly, more and more people started to ask them if they could see the touching photograph after they had heard about it. Of course, Maggie and Caleb were happy to share it with all of their guests.  The beautiful moment had been documented, and family and friends who had not seen the moment in person were able to witness the whole thing.

Dwayne had taken one picture in particular that he was very excited about. It happened while the couple was holding hands around the corner. Maggie and Caleb both bared their souls in that instant, and Dwayne felt privileged to have witnessed it. 

 The photo was so beautiful and heartfelt, and Dwayne was getting so many compliments from Caleb and Maggie's family, that he decided to post it on his Facebook page. It was on Facebook that people began to see the photo and share it. In all his days of being a photographer, Dwayne had never experienced such a response from one photo.

Everyone responded very positively to the story of Caleb and Maggie. They loved what the photo stood for, and they loved that Dwayne was able to capture such raw emotion in the couple. 

Dwayne felt as though people could not only see but also feel the emotions that the couple was feeling when they looked at the photo. It captured the couple's commitment to each other and to their faith in a very genuine way. He was beyond proud and honored. To his surprise, the views on social media kept growing, and people continue to support his talent and react to the amazing story.

At the end of the big day, the couple couldn't have been happier with how everything turned out. Although it was totally overwhelming at times, all they could think about was the fact that they were now together forever. 

With that in mind, Caleb and Maggie were very thankful to their guests, and to Dwayne in particular. Their day would not have been nearly as amazing without being able to share it with these special people. And when they look at the moment that Dwayne captured so beautifully, they know that they will never forget the promises they made that day.

After Dwayne posted the photo of Maggie and Caleb, the demand for his work increased tenfold. 

So many people had shared the sweet photo, that soon more and more couples were exposed to his work. 

With his newfound fame, Dwayne began to receive hundreds of requests from couples who were looking for an exceptional wedding photographer. 

Things got so wild that Dwayne had to turn down 16 weddings in one summer because of one amazing photo that had been shared hundreds of times. At the end of the day, Dwayne couldn't help but have his own bit of faith.

And the photo that Dwayne took is still gaining attention, and its effect shows no signs of slowing any time soon. The photo was featured on the cover of 'I Do!', and the Facebook post Dwayne made has gotten more than 100 shares and more than 900 likes, loves, and teary-eyed emotions.

 The original photo of Maggie and Caleb's heartfelt moment that Dwayne posted has since garnered more than 61,000 likes, 9,00 shares and more than 3,000 comments. People of all walks of life seem to be coming across the photo, and it never fails to stir the deepest emotions.  

After their wedding took place, Caleb and Maggie assumed that they would be leading a normal life. However, after their special photo began to go viral, things changed drastically. They had attracted an enormous amount of attention and fans.  

The couple, famous overnight, was asked to go with Dwayne on a lot of talk show appearances, and they took part in all kinds of interviews discussing their faith, love, and their wedding day. It was odd to the couple, who were simply thrilled that they were able to help Dwayne's business -- all because of a twist of fate that had brought the photographer into their lives.

It was a remarkable occurrence that Caleb and Maggie were even introduced to Dwayne in the first place. All they had wanted and hoped for was for their special day to be remembered for the rest of their lives. Now, they had the most incredible photos and videos to watch forever.

And they aren't the only ones who will never forget that unforgettable moment in the doorway. Many people are still moved by the story, and the couple hopes that other couples will be able to enjoy their special day as much as Caleb and Maggie did. It surely was an incredible moment that no one will forget.

In 2015 Samantha Carisch and Taylor Sinclair finally tied the knot after a turbulent engagement. Following their dream ceremony, they made their way to the dance floor for their first dance. As the newlyweds started to move, the band stopped playing and announced that there was a wedding crasher. 

 The bride, as well as the crowd, looked on in silence. She had wanted her special day to be everything she had ever dreamed of, and more. What could she possibly have done to deserve this? She clutched her stomach and widened her eyes in disbelief, watching as it all unfolded. 

Carisch met Sinclair at a baseball game as he was playing for minor league side Visalia Rawhide. She had been watching him carefully from the stands, and when his eyes fell on her he knew he just had to get her number.

 After just two dates, he announced that he had to leave town for the new baseball season and Carisch had been devastated. She had thought that everything was going so well!  But could their new love go long-distance? And would it withstand such a long time apart? Only time would tell.

They dated long-distance until Sinclair finally relocated to California to be with Carisch. The young lovers dated happily for 4 years until Sinclair finally proposed in 2014 to the love of his life while they were on their vacation in Cancun, Mexico.

 Of course, Carisch accepted and immediately started to plan her fairytale wedding. Although being apart had been tough, the couple was now stronger than ever, and they were excited to start a new chapter in their lives. “It’s just made us even stronger,” Carisch says. But they never suspected that something sinister lay ahead, right in their near future.

As soon as the couple arrived home, they excitedly threw themselves into wedding planning. They wanted to have the wedding back where it all began. No, not on a baseball field but rather in beautiful Cancun, where Taylor had proposed. It was to be a destination wedding.

But Unfortunately for the couple, their fairytale wedding wasn't meant to be... They had big dreams of being surrounded by all of their family and friends while they said their nuptials, but then overnight, tragedy struck. One day, they received some devastating news that would change their lives forever.

The day after the couple returned from a wedding planning trip to Mexico in October 2014, Carisch got some disappointing news. But not everything had been easy for the couple. Leading up to the wedding tragedy stuck suddenly.  As Samantha gleefully told her mother of all her wedding plans she felt something was amiss.

Her mother was very quiet, not at all her usual self and Samantha’s heart sank when her mother told her multiple sclerosis had worsened. She would never travel again. And she would not be able to travel to her daughter’s wedding.

They immediately changed their wedding destination idea and instead started planning a ceremony local in California. “Taylor immediately said, ‘If that’s the case, we’re abandoning that idea,’” Samantha recalled.

 They began to outline new plans with a wedding in San Diego, so as to be closer to her mother.  Samantha’s hope restored that her mother would be at her wedding as she has always dreamed and everything was back on track, but catastrophe was not done with them yet. After a month looking at venues, the couple was dealt yet another challenge...

Carisch’s mother's health continued to decline, and that's when she learned that she had colon cancer. She went for a battery of tests and x-rays, but her doctor said the prognosis did not look good. With her mom’s health hanging in the wind, Carisch and Sinclair abandoned their wedding plans once again. 

Carisch resolved to roll with the punches and deal with whatever life threw at her as best she could. She knew exactly what she had to do, even if it meant she wouldn't see her beloved Sinclair as often as she would have liked.

She relocated from their home in Redondo Beach, CA, to Simi Valley, CA, so that she could care for her mother. This meant she only saw her fiancé on weekends. It was during this desperate time that the bride-to-be searched online for ideas on how to throw a cheap wedding.  

During this challenging time of uncertainty, Carisch tried to hold on to her now idle wedding plans... even a courthouse or backyard wedding crossed her mind. She wanted to spend her life with Sinclair but didn’t have time to plan much. None of the ideas were exceptional however, she stumbled across something that would change her life forever.

Carisch found an online competition and showed her friends, they later told her that they had all nominated her for the “Win A Dream Wedding” competition. Everything would be completely taken care of, the food, venue… everything including the wedding expenses. 

She was relieved that she would be able to continue helping her mother, but little did she know that another huge obstacle was coming. Every couple that enters the competition stands a chance of having their entire ceremony paid for by the wedding website 'The Knot'. The only catch is that every detail of the wedding would be voted on by members of the American public.

With a snowball effect, the votes for them came in, bringing her closer to her dream wedding. She even received an email from a woman in Australia saying that she was voting for the couple… There was one twist.  If she did win the competition, would the terms and condition be worth a free wedding?

 While many brides would find relinquishing control of their wedding an unthinkable thing, Carisch thought it sounded perfect! If she won, it would take so much pressure off her and she could focus on what was really important: her mother's health.

Finally, as one of six finalists from thousands of applicants, Samantha got the news that she had won the competition. “We’ve always said the most important wedding detail is each other, and everything else will fall into place.” 

With all the other weird things that would be part of the wedding she knew he would be enough. The couple would be able to concentrate on their family while the public took care of planning their wedding. The couple only really had to show up to say "I Do"

Almost every aspect of their nuptials had been voted for online so Carisch and Sinclair felt super prepared for their big day. There was still one surprise in store, their first dance as husband and wife. 

Sam and Taylor chose the Country song, “Love You Like That” by Canaan Smith for their first dance number. This was the song that reminded them of their love for each other and made them smile when they were apart. As the melody of the song began they started dancing and something truly incredible occurred.

The wedding band abruptly cut out before the song had even begun and one of the musicians declared, “You know what, we have a better idea,” to the couple, over the microphone. The couple was confused... had something gone wrong? 

Then, they heard “Sam and Taylor, we have a special guest who’s here to sing you your first dance song.” Samantha’s heart stopped beating as she wondered what was happening. The crowd fell absolutely silent as they waited for what would happen next. What was going on? Then, they saw him and couldn't believe their eyes.

Samantha slowly spun around and spotted Canaan Smith himself walking toward them, towards the dancefloor! The Knot had asked the country singer to fly out to California to sing a live version of their favorite song. 

The newly-weds were frozen in disbelief and in that moment of sheer joy, Samantha hugged the singer as he came to take the stage and begin his special performance “Love You Like That”, just for them.  Being a newlywed himself, Canaan Smith couldn’t turn down the idea of giving the couple the surprise of a lifetime. But that wasn't the only surprise they received that day.

“That was beyond our wildest dreams,” Sam joyfully recounted to the camera crew. She went on to explain, “We’ve loved that song from the second that we heard it…I showed it to Taylor and I said, ‘Taylor I think this should be our first dance song.’ And he was like, ‘Oh, absolutely.’” But there were more surprises to come... 

A drone captured pictures and live footage of the entire ceremony, Sam had a GoPro camera tucked, neatly hidden in her bouquet, and a production crew was assisting to live stream the entire event to thousands of viewers, including Sam’s mom. A robot bartender served the drinks, and the 3D printed cake topper was an exact mini replica of the bride and groom, Samantha and Taylor even wore Fitbit heart rate trackers to document what made their heart race.

The time came for them to say their vows and become joined as one in holy matrimony. She was so nervous and all that was in her mind was how can she go through this.

She has already made up her mind the night before that she could not marry him. She had her whole life ahead of her and not to mention she was still in love with her childhood boyfriend.

She felt terrible that she had let it gone this far. As they walked up to the altar and it was time for them to say the vows. 

He went first his said "I have to catch my breath to believe this is real, that I am marrying my true love, my heart's desire, and my best friend." It was now her turn..... She paused for about a minute but felt like an eternity. She simply said "You're not enough" and walked away leaving him at the altar...