If You Can Unscramble 19 Of These Words, You're A Total Genius!

Did you know that a large number of people experience difficulty in spelling? And did you know that misspelling is a multilayered problem related to the brain? according to a 2016 study made by John Hopkins University scientists, misspelling roots from different malfunctions in the brain. One is related to long-term memory difficulties, which makes people have difficulty remembering less "intuitive" words like camp and sauce. Another is related to working or short-term memory, where people have trouble recalling letter order and selection. However, in 2008, a study suggested that another reason for being bad at spelling is because of genetics. The study says 60% of our spelling ability is likely related to our genetics. Interesting! So if you want to test how active your brain is, take this word scramble quiz and find out if you're a master at unjumbling words!


{"answers":[{"answer":"star lion","correct":false},{"answer":"transition","correct":false},{"answer":"train station","correct":true}],"answerText":"","answerImage":""}


























