20 Incredible Health Benefits You Didn't Know CBD Offered

Protects Against Cancer

We live in a country and a culture that considers scientific facts and evidence above all factors to make crucial decisions. For this reason, our legislation, our politicians, and our medical experts are becoming more and more accepting of the idea to use cannabis to cure or prevent adverse medical conditions. So much evidence now exists attesting to the positive affects of cannabis on health, we can no longer ignore it. Some people still remain very skeptical of using cannabis, and others do not want the psychological effects that accompany cannabis use. Luckily, recent medical discoveries have uncovered a compound within cannabis that offers all of the crucial medical benefits, and none of the psychological alterations: Cannabidiol, or CBD.

CBD contains none of the compound called THC--the compound in cannabis that gets people "high." CBD is still a relatively recent discovery, but with incredible breakthroughs. Some call it a "miracle oil," or even a panacea because its elements have the ability to cure such a wide variety of ailments. Since it is still new though, it is still widely misunderstood, and many people are not aware of all of the health effects and benefits. Find out the top 20 incredible health benefits that we were in awe to find out CBD helps with!

According to 2,042 separate studies, CBD is anti-proliferative by inhibiting cell growth and tumors to fight cancer and tumors. Even though CBD is not a cure by any means, studies have proven that it might help act as a preventative measure. In the study, individuals who were given CBD were less likely to develop tumors and more likely to fight off cancer cells.

Reduces Nausea

Also, cancer patients going through chemo claim that CBD helps curb some of the painful side effects of the treatment. Even the National Cancer Institute reviews several studies that show cannabidiol may have a protective effect against cancer. This review includes research investigating the benefits of CBD treatment for a variety of cancers, including breast, colorectal, and lung cancers.

Cannibidiol acts as an antiemetic, meaning it reduces vomiting and nausea. When ingesting CBD, it eases the symptoms by killing the bacteria that causes those symptoms. A study conducted by the Michigan Department of Health in 1982 involving cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and seeking to alleviate nausea and vomiting involved 165 participants who were randomly placed into one of two control groups: Those using cannabis and those taking a pharmaceutical drug called Torecan. If the initial treatment was declared a failure, patients could elect to switch to the alternate therapy.

Decreases Seizures

This unique research revealed that 90 percent of the patients who received cannabis desired to continue using it; only eight of 83 patients randomized to marijuana chose to discontinue and try Torecan. However, of the Torecan group, 22 of the 23 patients elected to discontinue its use and switch to cannabis. The study concluded that 71 percent of the patients who received cannabis reported no vomiting and only moderate nausea following chemotherapy treatment.

Powerful evidence exists suggesting that CBD is anti-epileptic, possessing the ability to reduce seizures and convulsions. According to 221 Studies, Cannabidiol displays anti-seizure properties. In a 2013 case study published in the Journal of Epilepsy and Behavior, children in the study we taking an average of 12 anti-seizure drugs. After introducing CBD, 84% of the families reported an improvement not only with seizures but also increased alertness, and improved mood. 300,000 people affected by epilepsy in the U.S. alone, and of those, 1/10 are children for a total 336,000 children under age fifteen. Moreover, more than 1/10 children with epilepsy have not found adequate treatment.

Relieves Rheumatoid Arthritis

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted University of California at San Francisco researchers permission to study the effects of the purified cannabidiol drug on children with uncontrolled seizures. Study participants are all between the ages of 1 and 18 years, and all suffer symptoms resistant to conventional treatments. Many participants have Dravet syndrome, a condition that begins in early childhood and causes frequent, disabling seizures on a daily basis. The FDA and Drug Enforcement Agency promise to monitor the research closely. Pending FDA approval, more institutions will take up the study.

Research suggests that Cannabidiol may be helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis of all types including Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout and other types of inflammatory joint diseases. By definition, arthritis is any acute or chronic inflammation of a joint, often accompanied by pain and structural changes and having diverse causes, such as autoimmune (rheumatoid), infection, crystal deposition (gout), or injury. The major symptom of any type of arthritis is pain and swelling and, depending upon the effected joint(s), may cause moderate to severe debilitation.

Reduces Blood Sugar Levels (Anti-Diabetic)

In laboratory studies, CBD and other cannabinoid derivatives have been shown to be effective in down regulating inflammatory chemicals and cells and may help with the regulation of the immune response to injury and further degradation of bone and tissue. By decreasing inflammation the amount of pain, both acute and chronic, may be significantly reduced.

CBD has been shown to benefit diabetes patients by naturally lowering the body’s blood sugar level as well as chronic inflammation which increases the development of insulin resistance within the body and type 2 diabetes. CBD assists in controlling blood sugar levels and secretion of insulin as well as helps utilize blood glucose effectively.

Reduces Risk of Artery Blockage

A study was published in 2009 that discovered mice who were fed this all-natural oil had less insulin resistance and less body fat.

CBD is also anti-ischemic, reducing the opportunity for artery closures. Accumulating evidence now suggests that CBD is beneficial in the cardiovascular system. CBD has direct actions on isolated arteries, causing both acute and time-dependent vasorelaxation.

Reduces Pain

In vitro incubation with CBD enhances the vasorelaxant responses in animal models of impaired endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation. CBD protects against the vascular damage caused by a high glucose environment.

Doctors call CBD an Analgesis: 1,784 studies suggest that ingesting CBD suppresses pain. Dr. Manny Alvarez (health editor Foxnews.com) recently interviewed Chris Kilham (also featured on Dr.


OZ) about using cannabidiol to treat chronic illness. In it they discussed how the science of CBD relieving pain goes back to the 1890’s. “There is evidence to support the use of cannabinoids for the treatment of chronic pain and spasticity,” said study co-author Penny Whiting, a senior research fellow in epidemiology and health services research at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom.

CBD helps for people with insomnia, as well. 50-70 million US adults suffer from some sort of sleep or wakefulness disorder, and the Center for Disease Control has declared sleep insufficiency to be a nationwide public health epidemic.Roughly 60 million Americans are affected by a sleep disorder each year, and around 1 in 3 people suffer at least mild insomnia.

Improves Blood Circulation

295 studies suggest that  improves sleep; it helps to cause drowsiness by easing anxiety and promoting relaxation.

One of the most consistent effects of cannabis intoxication is an increased heart rate.


It also acts as a smooth-muscle relaxant, relaxing the walls of the arteries, which can result in lower blood pressure and increased blood flow to the tissues.

Researchers have claimed that CBD relieves depression faster than any other anti-depressant.
A study done on OBX mice (mice which are surgically modified to act as a stand in for testing of depression medications) found that the mice that were treated with CBD showed an almost instant improvement in their condition – around 30 minutes after the CBD injection the mice were observed having a noticeable decline in hyperactivity, which is a symptom of anxiety and depression in humans. “Our findings indicate that CBD could represent a novel fast antidepressant drug, via enhancing both serotonergic and glutamate cortical signaling through a 5-HT1A receptor-dependent mechanism,” researchers wrote.


CBD contributes to the cure to so many chronic ailments due to its ability to reduce inflammation.

Reduces Contractions in the Small Intestine

Cannabis has 20 times the anti-inflammatory power of Aspirin and 2 times more than Hydrocortisone.

The CB1 cannabinoid receptor has specifically been found to inhibit motility of the intestine in a variety of laboratory and farm animals. The effect is specific, indicating that endogenous cannabinoids to be responsible for regulating smooth muscle tone in the intesting, and the rate of peristalsis.

Reduces Anxiety

Rosell first demonstrated that cannabinoids inhibit contractions of the small intestine in the rat. Shook & Burks found that THC reduced the frequency of intestinal contractions, and reduced the flow of food in the small intestine. Kulkarni-Narla noted "Cannabis has been used for centuries in the medicinal treatment of gastrointestinal disorders."


413 studies show anxiety relief with CBD.
"Epidemiological studies have indicated that the most common self-reported reason for using cannabis is rooted in its ability to reduce feelings of stress, tension, and anxiety.”

One study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology tested the effects of CBD on heart conditions (myocardial dysfunction), oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell death.

Bone Stimulant

The results revealed a significant reduction in the intensity of the ailments tested, once again proving the case for CBD.

New bone is always taking place and bone destruction or resorption is always taking place. Osteoblasts, create new bone and Osteoclasts resorb and help to remodel bone as stresses change. It is the balance of these two processes that determine if we get more bone laid down or we lose more bone. it works by changing the ratio of osteoblasts to osteoclasts.


The Times of Israel reports that researchers at Tel Aviv University found that rats with broken bones healed much quicker when given the non-psychotic marijuana component, cannabidiol or CBD. The study, published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research on Thursday found that the bones not only healed quicker, but were also stronger and more resilient against a repeated fracture. The scientists behind the research believe that this is due to a connection between cannabinoid receptors in the human body and the stimulation of bone growth.

CBD is known to kill or slow bacterial growth. CBD has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties.


“CBD helps in fighting harmful bacteria like listeria monocytogenes and helicobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lambli."

CBD has been shown to be tranquilizing, and therefore used to manage psychosis. CBD also combats psychological issues, including working as an antipsychotic to combat psychosis.

Muscle Relaxant/ Reduces Spasms

Additionally, 802 Studies suggest that CBD helps fight neurodegenerative disease.

CBD helps eliminate muscle problems and stiffness – In yet another study, a group of 160 patients suffering from either spasticity, spasms, bladder problems, tremor, or pain were treated with CBD. The result was a significant decrease in the patients #1 troubling symptom with the strongest being control of muscle stiffness and spasms.

Relieves Psoriasis

Due to their anti-inflammatory affects, CBD can be used to treat some symptoms of Psoriasis.

Relieves Crohn's Disease

It is used to ease the itching.

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract.

CBD also helps with this disease due to its anti-inflammatory affects.