Groom Shares Secret At Altar, Bride Passes Out

Frozen In Her Tracks 

Maggie is mortified, frozen in her tracks. This had to be some kind of joke right? She couldn’t believe this had happened, and in front of everyone too; her family and friends. She would never live this down.

She stood soaked in embarrassment and betrayal. How could her soon-to-be-husband say something like this? She wanted to scream at him and show him her emotions, but no words come out. She felt sick to her stomach. Then suddenly, everything went black for Maggie and she dropped to the floor. 

Just Friends To Start

Caleb and Maggie had been friends for a very long time. They were both from Asheville, North Carolina, and had been friends in high school. 

They had similar friends, so were around each other pretty often and everybody suggested that the two should start a relationship. However, it wasn't until after high school had ended that the pair took a chance on love. But when it finally came to their wedding day a few years later, Maggie found out a secret about Caleb that she couldn't ignore...

Catching Feelings

As time went by, Caleb and Maggie had begun to feel an undeniable spark between them. In the fall of 2013, they officially began to date and both of their families were ecstatic for the young lovebirds; they knew that the timing had been perfect.

As the pair's relationship blossomed, they began to realize just how happy they made each other. It was only a matter of time before their relationship entered an exciting new phase. But the devoted couple had no idea what was coming. 

Maybe This Could Be Forever?

Caleb was sure that he loved Maggie and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. So, he decided to ask her to marry him. 

He headed to the ring store and carefully picked out something that he thought would look perfect on her finger. Even though the pair were still very young, there was no question in Caleb's mind that this was the woman he wanted to spend forever with. But did Maggie feel the same way?

Young And In Love

Caleb had his ring, her parent's permission, and he had his faith. With all of these things, he asked Maggie the biggest question he would ask in his life. 

Nevertheless, he still breathed a sigh of relief when Maggie responded with a resounding "Yes!" Although 22 may seem like a young age to get married, they had no regrets about the decision they had made. They were young and in love, and that was all they needed - or so they thought.

Hard Workers

Caleb and Maggie were usually quite laid-back by nature. Very rarely did something phase the lovebirds, and that was one of the traits that had drawn them to one another. 

They quickly discovered that planning their wedding took up all their free time. They only hoped that it would all be worth it in the end. They had no idea how wrong they were. 

You Gotta’ Have Faith

Both individuals had been raised with strong religious beliefs, and they trusted that everything was going to happen as it should. 

They trusted in God and his power, and they would be grateful for each day that they could be together on the earth. Little did they know, God had a special plan in store for them...

Marrying A Marine

Caleb and Maggie may have been young, but they were very mature and hard-working individuals. Caleb had succeeded in reaching his all-time goal which was to be a part of the United States Marines. It was a very honorable job, but it was also extremely demanding.

Caleb was away from home for long periods of time and it wasn't easy for the recently engaged couple to be away from each other. Maggie had to spend the majority of her time alone. It was hard for her to have no idea what was going on with her partner, and little did she know what he was up to. 

Finding A Photographer 

The couple hadn't wanted over the top plans for the wedding. They wanted to focus on their faith, their family, and their friends. However, they struggled to find a decent photographer for their big day. 

Thankfully a few weeks before the big day, the couple hired Dwayne Schmidt; a well-known and talented photographer. Maggie and Caleb felt relief knowing they had finally found someone to take snapshots of their big day. But what they didn't know was that this photographer was about to turn their lives upside down.

Planning Galore 

The wedding planning had been a stressful time for Maggie and Caleb but now things were really beginning to fall into place. Everything was getting sorted and there hadn’t been many disasters. 

The night before Maggie let out a deep breath; appreciative that everything had come together so effortlessly. It really seemed that all their prayers had been answered... they had no idea how wrong they were. 

The Big Day Is Here

When the big day finally came, Dwayne was happily snapping away, capturing all the special moments at the wedding. He was taking all kinds of photos for the couple and their family, documenting them as they got ready for the most important day of their lives.

When it was finally time, the guests in the room saw Caleb enter, and then a feeling of excitement and anticipation lingered in the room as they all waited with bated breath. The guests had no idea what was coming. 

Never Going To Forget This 

Caleb, with his eyes down, was becoming more and more nervous as he walked closer and closer to Maggie. They had both waited for this moment for such a long time, and now it was finally upon him. 

He could only imagine what his beautiful soon-to-be wife looked like behind the wall. It was a moment he will never forget. And he was so right.

The Moment Is Here 

Caleb finally made it to the set of stairs near the far wall. A door beside the stairs was ajar, and Maggie was waiting just on the other side of it. She had been waiting for him all along, and now they had finally reached their moment. It was now or never.

She met Caleb in the doorway. At that moment, the couple grasped hands and connected. Then, just as their hands met, they immediately broke down. But Caleb had something he just had to get off his chest. And what he would say would leave everybody speechless. 

Didn’t Know What Was Coming 

Caleb and Maggie were completely absorbed with one another in their own private moment. But the rest of the room couldn't help but feel some of the magic as well. 

All of the women in the room were totally emotional watching the couple find each other's hands in the doorway. It was such a beautiful moment, and it wasn't even close to being over yet.

Shared Prayer

The couple was emotional, but they wanted to make sure that they said everything they wanted to say at this moment. Tears rolled down Caleb and Maggie's cheeks as they decided to say a prayer. 

With trembling voices, hands firmly locked together, they asked God to bless their marriage. But Caleb couldn’t hold it in any longer. He had to tell the truth. 

A Beautiful Surprise

Caleb and Maggie had planned to say their prayers together, but Maggie wasn't prepared for what would happen next. After the prayer together, Caleb said something that he had prepared carefully and on his own.

Caleb's words came as a surprise to Maggie and she was totally shocked. In front of all of the people watching, Caleb built up the courage to speak out.

Lost For Words

Everyone in the room was totally silent, on tenterhooks. With shaking hands, Caleb asked God to bless his beautiful bride-to-be and to also bless his amazing future family. 

Caleb believed that it was right to ask for this before they were married, and Maggie was completely touched by all of this. She covered her face with her hands and knew that she had made the right decision. The couple never suspected that the moment would be shared by so many.

An Ever So Special Moment

Dwayne had taken one picture in particular that he was very excited about. It showed the lovebirds holding hands, completely absorbed in love and affection.

The photo was so beautiful and heartfelt that he decided to post it on his Facebook page. It was on Facebook that people began to see the photo and share it. In all his days of being a photographer, Dwayne had never experienced such a response from one photo.

Going Viral

Everyone responded very positively to the story of Caleb and Maggie. They loved what the photo stood for, and they loved that Dwayne was able to capture such raw emotion in the couple.

It captured the couple's commitment to each other and to their faith in a very genuine way. He was beyond proud and honored. To his surprise, the views on social media kept growing, and people continue to support his talent and react to the amazing story.

What A Touching Story!

At the end of the big day, the couple couldn't have been happier with how everything turned out. Although it was overwhelming at times, the couple didn’t care; now they were able to spend their time together forever. With that in mind, Caleb and Maggie were very thankful to their guests, and to Dwayne in particular.

Their day would not have been nearly as amazing without being able to share it with these special people. And when they look at the moment that Dwayne captured so beautifully, they know that they will never forget the promises they made that day. But a few states over, another set of unexpected circumstances were happening.

Following The Rules

Her instructions were clear: No formal wear and no colors outside the agreed color palette. But the man felt like he needed to make a statement. 

This was his wedding, too, after all. Instead of following the rules, he got a different suit and attended his wedding. What happened next was enough to show him that his fiance wasn't playing. 

Mike And Terry

Mike and Terry had dated for two years before they decided to tie the knot. Soulmates in every way possible, the two had built a beautiful life together.

People always said that the two fed off each other, given their similarities in what they loved and hated. But one day, a simple difference would come between them, stopping one of the biggest days in their lives.

A Chance Meeting

Mike met Terry at a friend's Halloween party a few months before they started going out. He was the quiet guy brooding in the corner, and she was the energetic miss dancing to music and talking to everyone. 

Of course, she gravitated to him as he had to her. A wonderful friendship would grow from this chance encounter and, from that, a two-year-long courtship. Who would think it would all come crashing down at the altar?

A Difficult Wedding

Mike and Terry's wedding was a difficult one from the start. Mike had always been understanding, with Terry always compromising to make things work between them. 

But as they started the wedding planning process, it soon became apparent that what they'd first perceived as a manageable process would test them to their limits. The end would be disastrous.

Her Demands

The first thing that Terry asked for was enough to make Mike shoot to his feet with his eyes wide open. "You don't want any kids at the wedding ceremony?" he repeated what she'd said.

She shook her head, explaining that she didn't only want kids at the ceremony but that the event wouldn't take place in a church. Knowing Mike had deep roots in religion, Terry waited for his reaction. 

She's Serious

Mike paced around the living room for a few minutes before sitting down. He stood again, hands on his waist, and asked Terry if she was serious. 

"I have nieces and nephews looking forward to this," he grated, still unsure if his fiance was genuinely considering a childless wedding. "And where do you presume we're going to get married if not a church?" he asked.

Barn Wedding

"The wedding will be in a barn at night," Terry began, handing Mike a few choice photos. She showed him what she was looking for, a barn wedding lit with rows of candles and wreathed in white roses. 

"But I don't want the roses and candles," she said, and Mike's brows crooked. "I want tattered rags everywhere, dark colors, and red bulbs." But she'd only begun.    

Red Paint

"I want wet red paint that will mimic blood," Terry said with a straight face. She handed Mike another set of photos, gesturing at what she was talking about.

"I want the guests to either dress in monster costumes or in colors that will adhere to this color palette right here." She pointed at an array of colors ranging from black, red, silver, grey, and dark purple. But she wasn't finished. 

Are Those Zombies?

"This is going to be a Creature Feature wedding," she said. "I don't want my dad to walk me down the aisle, but a mob of zombies chasing me to you."

"I'm thinking we should do this around Halloween to save money and also to go with the whole monster theme." She smiled even though she could see how much the news had stumped Mike. Would he agree to any of this?

Creature Feature Rules

Mike knew how much Terry loved creature feature media. She had countless books, comics, games, movies, costumes, and dolls centered around monsters.

Although he wasn't opposed to most of her wedding wishes, he couldn't help but feel he was being left out of the planning process. He asked one question to show him his place in Terry's life. 

Clearing The Air

"Who will we dress as?" Mike asked with his hands folded over his chest. The idea felt good, although he didn't like the part about his nieces and nephews not attending his wedding. The least he could do was hear Terry out. 

"We can go as Dracula and Mina," Terry said. She explained that the ceremony's theme was too dark for any child to attend. “But on a lighter note, our costumes are already at the tailor's,” she shared. Mike's heart stopped. 

Vlad The Impaler?

"Dracula?" he stammered, already picturing standing before his friends and family in full makeup and a weird red cape. As much as he loved his wife, he couldn't do that to himself. 

"This is crazy," he whispered under his breath. That simple comment would start a long war between the two over their wedding details, ending in a chaotic exchange on their wedding day. 

Final Touches

Terry arranged her dream barn wedding and invited all the friends and family comfortable enough to stand by her in her creature feature ceremony. 

Dressed in a 19th-century bespoke dress, with makeup that made her resemble a vampire's beautiful bride, she raced down the aisle with zombies hot on her heels. But what she saw made her stop in her tracks. 

A Changed Man

Mike was standing at the altar in a regular blue suit. His hair wasn't swept back like Dracula's, and he wasn't wearing any makeup. Terry's bouquet fell to the floor. "Get out," she stammered. "Leave!"

Mike walked away, disappearing in the barn's red lights. But he came in a flowing red cape and full makeup a minute later. His entrance was majestic, his face split by a breathtaking smile. But one thing was still the same.   

Red Light

Mike had kept his blue suit, but his shirt's collar was stained red. He also had fangs and golden irises that made his eyes shine in the barn. Leaning in, he whispered into Terry's ear, "Hello, bride," in a Romanian accent. She shivered excitedly. 

Mike and Terry exchanged their vows under the barn's red radiance. Before them stood creatures of all kinds, from vampires and werewolves to Frankenstein, witches, and zombies. How great would their marriage be if their wedding was wild and fantastic?