People Under 40 Can't Guess These Items

Difficult To Identify

Television and movies showcased many items from past decades, but despite this, there are still loads of items people won't be able to identify. 

Eager to see how well you can identify ancient gadgets? Well, let's find out!

What Is The Purpose Of This Item?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Ruler Confirming","correct":false},{"answer":"Measuring Shoe Size","correct":true},{"answer":"Quick Calculations","correct":false},{"answer":"Dividing Graphs","correct":false}],"answerText":" This device is more commonly known as the \"foot measure\" but you get the gist.  One can still be found at several shoe stores. They're especially beneficial for children who are still developing and whose parents want to make sure their children are getting the correct size – especially when stores don't want you to try on too many pairs. ","answerImage":""}

Can You Identify This Item? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Apple Corer ","correct":false},{"answer":"Stamp Melter","correct":false},{"answer":"Pimple Popper","correct":false},{"answer":"Cigarette Lighter","correct":true}],"answerText":" Many years ago, every car had one of these in the dashboard! It was as simple as pushing it in, waiting a minute, and then pulling it out. The coil end would be red hot when you removed it. It's no wonder that this device burned many curious, small hands.

Can You Identify This Item? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Drinking Flagon","correct":false},{"answer":"Perfume Bottle","correct":false},{"answer":"Car Flower Holder","correct":true},{"answer":"Cream Separator","correct":false}],"answerText":" Despite this device's fancy-looking appearance, it was really used in cars.  People used this device to make their cars smell nice long before air fresheners came around! All you had to do is add some flowers and a bit of water and viola! ","answerImage":""}

Can You Identify This Item? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Pasta Maker","correct":false},{"answer":"Meat Grinder","correct":false},{"answer":"Yarn Twister","correct":false},{"answer":"Pencil Sharpener","correct":true}],"answerText":" It's crazy to think that there was a time where the school provided the children's school supplies.  One of these was fastened to the front ledge near the chalkboard in every classroom. It was as simple as getting up and sharpening their pencils for the youngsters. When the compartment became too full, teachers frequently assigned students the task of clearing it out. ","answerImage":""}

Can You Identify This Item? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sock Warmer","correct":false},{"answer":"Toaster","correct":true},{"answer":"Branding Press","correct":false},{"answer":"Portable Heater","correct":false}],"answerText":" We know how this one looks. Scary to think that a lot of older inventions weren't necessarily user friendly...  This was basically a toaster, just without the protection.  ","answerImage":""}

Can You Identify This Item? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Sewing Machine","correct":true},{"answer":"Ticket Puncher","correct":false},{"answer":"Thread Maker","correct":false},{"answer":"Hole Punch","correct":false}],"answerText":" The design of sewing machines have stayed pretty consistent over the years.  Back then, they were driven by a foot peddle that you would squeeze and release to make things spin. An electric variant is used in the current versions.

Can You Identify This Item? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Classified Ads","correct":false},{"answer":"Business Directory","correct":false},{"answer":"Yellow Pages","correct":true},{"answer":"Company Pages","correct":false}],"answerText":" These books were important to get into contact with, well, anyone! After the white pages (residential numbers), there existed a division called the yellow pages. These were used to list businesses. They were separated into categories based on the sort of business, then further divided into subcategories based on names. So you'd go to \"S\" for \"Shoes\" and then look up the address and phone number for the one you're looking for.

Can You Identify This Item? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Doorbell","correct":false},{"answer":"Remote Control","correct":true},{"answer":"Recorder","correct":false},{"answer":"Cassette Player","correct":false}],"answerText":" To work with new remote controls, one needs a degree so complex are they! But they didn't require flashy bells and whistles back then. One switch to cycle among the channels (there weren't that many), one for volume, and one for on/off were all that was required.

Can You Identify This Item? 

{"answers":[{"answer":"Rolodex","correct":true},{"answer":"Card Catalogue","correct":false},{"answer":"Name Spinner","correct":false},{"answer":"Business Card Holder","correct":false}],"answerText":" While the general population relied on phone books and yellow pages, businesses relied on Rolodexes to keep track of the phone numbers and contact information of anybody they required. All you had to do was twist the side dial and the machine would move around until you reached the letter you required in the alphabet. Handwritten information, a business card, or a typed insert would be placed on the blank cards.

What Is This?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Cassette Tape","correct":false},{"answer":"VHS","correct":false},{"answer":"Radio","correct":false},{"answer":"8-Track","correct":true}],"answerText":" Vinyl records are still around because some enthusiastic love the sound more – and it’s true, the sound is amazing. However, afterward there was a quick succession of audio inventions. Before digital, there were cassettes. And before those were 8-tracks – but they didn’t stick around that long. ","answerImage":""}

What Is This?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Telephone","correct":false},{"answer":"Rotary Phone","correct":true},{"answer":"Dialer","correct":false},{"answer":"Turnephone","correct":false}],"answerText":" Yep! Once upon a time people had to turn the dial for each digit in the phone number. Zeros were the worst and people wanted to pull their hair out if they made a mistake because they would have to start all over again. However, the sound and feeling the dialing made was, for some reason, quite satisfying. ","answerImage":""}

What Is This?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Ski Shoes","correct":false},{"answer":"Roller Skates","correct":true},{"answer":"Track Runners","correct":false},{"answer":"Four Line Skates","correct":false}],"answerText":" While the first reported use of roller skates was on a London stage in 1743, the first patented roller skate was introduced in 1760 by Belgian inventor John Joseph Merlin. His roller skate wasn't much more than an ice skate with wheels where the blade goes, a style we would call inline today. ","answerImage":""}

What Is This?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Steamer","correct":false},{"answer":"Bug Gasser","correct":false},{"answer":"Vacuum Cleaner","correct":true},{"answer":"Sander","correct":false}],"answerText":" The first vacuum-cleaning device to be portable and marketed at the domestic market was built in 1905 by Walter Griffiths, a manufacturer in Birmingham, England. His “Griffith's Improved Vacuum Apparatus for Removing Dust from Carpets” resembled modern-day cleaners. ","answerImage":""}

What Is This?

{"answers":[{"answer":"Reel to Reel","correct":true},{"answer":"Two Reel Recorder","correct":false},{"answer":"Reel Threader","correct":false},{"answer":"Dual-Tape Roller","correct":false}],"answerText":" Reel-to-reel audio tape recording, also called the open-reel recording, is a magnetic tape audio recording in which the recording tape is spooled on a reel. Originally, this format had no name since all forms of magnetic tape recorders used it. The name arose only with the need to distinguish it from the several kinds of tape cartridges or cassettes such as the endless loop cartridge developed for radio station commercials and spot announcements in 1954. ","answerImage":""}