Girlfriend Shares Crazy Way Her Boyfriend Proposed to Her, People Slam Him For It

Getting the right moment to pop up the question is essential. We all want it to be a special moment that we will never forget and relive that even over and over again. Maybe it doesn’t have to be in front of the Eiffel Tower, but it has to at least be a little special, even if it’s just while you’re cuddling on the couch.

However, there are some don’ts when it comes to marriage proposals. Well, here’s one clueless boyfriend that chose his timing and location wrong!

Admit it, most of us want the marriage proposal to be perfect. You’ve got to put some thought in it and it has to be romantic.

But not everyone is as inspired as they should be, and that perfect proposal ends up an actual fail!

There’s a reason for which there are Facebook groups sharing the worst marriage proposals, and that’s where this woman told everyone how her boyfriend proposed to her.

The reaction her story got was on point.

As long as it’s caught on camera, the proposal is there, to remind you of that incredible or awful moment.

So, it’s no wonder the internet is filled with marriage proposals - all of them tear-jerking, but for very different reasons.

Take for instance a very uninspired lad who had the bad idea proposing to his girlfriend at the mall. He declared his love to her, and although he had only known her for three weeks, she was the one.

Then, as the band is singing, the woman cannot stand it anymore and hits her boyfriend with a mandolin. Then, there’s this other dude…

This YouTuber took his girlfriend with him in a plane and faked an engine malfunction, urging her to help him. As she read the instructions, she realized it was actually him asking her to marry him.

While she said yes, we think recalling this moment won’t exactly put a smile on her face!

Another very uninspired boyfriend asked got on one knee and asked his girlfriend to marry him. That was in the mall, as everyone was watching them.

The woman was so embarrassed that she ran away. And talking about running away…

It was during a Jesus Jam when this man dropped on one knee and his ‘future bride’ covered her face in shame and then left the stage after telling him “NO!” Well, you’d think that the girlfriend that shared her story on Facebook had the same reaction, but she didn’t!

We’ve seen how strange some people are and we can all agree they have a very different idea about what a romantic gesture is. But hey, if you’re both into pizza, why shouldn’t a marriage proposal be delivered right at your door?

Well, things were a bit different in this woman’s case, when her boyfriend knocked on a different door…

Ever since social media rose in popularity, people have decided to share some moments from their private lives, including wedding photos, family dinners, Christmas photos and so on. And yes, marriage proposals too, unfortunately for those uninspired lads, though!

But this woman wasn’t even mad…

It may seem like there’s no exact great moment to pop up the question. You’re on a walk in the park and you think it would be a great idea, but something has to go wrong. After all, this is real life.

But there was one guy who decided to propose to his girlfriend while they were at home. Here’s what he did…

You see, the guy thought that just being spontaneous and taking his girlfriend by surprise, it was good enough of a proposal. So, he built enough courage and he knocked on her door!

After all, it was better than sending her a card or asking her to marry him in a mall, right? Umm… wrong!

You’d think why would this be a big deal? Well, this bloke’s girlfriend was in the bathroom!

He asked if he could come in the bathroom, and she said yes, so there he was, going down on one knee, while his lady was on the throne. Her reaction?

The woman was stunned, but she laughed it off and accepted his proposal! She even shared it online and when you read her story, you’ll see just how casual everything was.

But people start slamming not just him, but also her!

We think she is sharing a bit too much information, right? Some things should be kept private, but maybe it’s just us, judging and being all jealous over the romantic setting these too had!

The reactions she got on that group were just what we were expecting…

The reactions online were on point, filled with word play. It’s difficult not to laugh at!

Well, others had a different reaction, including someone praying that the girl did this one thing before she put the ring on.

Yes, we also hoped she washed her hands and then took the photo. The last story is as funny as this one, though!

But we’re not done yet!

The woman did put the ring on, so it looks like she was pretty pleased with the proposal and the ring. It may not be romantic, but at least it put a smile on her face!

And sure, this proposal wasn’t the only awkward and random think that had happened so far. Just check these other poor souls trying their best to be romantic…

Popping the question while you’re hiking and surrounded by incredible landscapes can be a great idea. But what this guy didn’t think about was the possibility of dropping the ring in the water.

Well… at least she said yes.

If you’re strict when it comes to being grammatically correct, then you’d definitely say ‘NO’ and then move the petals so that they can properly spell “Marry” instead of “Merry.” That’s what we’d do!

Check this next guy who raised the bar when it came to random proposals…

This guy probably heard his girlfriend tell him she likes Pepsi, so he went ahead and created this elaborate setting for Steph to notice him.

You know, we’re happy the spelling was correct otherwise it would have taken some work to fix that!

We made it clear that it’s best to plan ahead and choose a good moment to pop that question. However, don’t do crazy things like this guy did.

Imagine if Caroline says no - what will you do then?

Did we mention you have to choose the right moment? Well, this guy didn’t read the crowd too well.

He chose to propose her during the game and she said no. That’s sad…

So, wherever you’re going to propose, as long as you think your partner will be okay with it, we’re sure it’s fine to go down on one knee and ask her to marry you.

But pretty please, try not to do it in a bathroom!

Think about a place you both enjoy being together, and do it right.

It will be a moment both of you will remember, and even a small romantic gesture will make everything perfect.