28 Genius Life Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

Defog Your Glasses

If you’re tired of getting your glasses foggy, try to rub a tiny amount of toothpaste on your lenses, then gently wipe it off with a soft cloth. It’s better that you use a cotton cloth!

The toothpaste will create a thin, invisible layer that prevents fogging. This trick also works wonders for swimming or skiing goggles, giving you a clear view in fog-prone situations. Keep reading for a genius running hack!

Secure Your Keys With A Rubber While Working Out

No need to worry about your keys or phone while you run. Simply place a rubber band on the inside of your pocket, securing your belongings!

Keep reading to see what happens when you mix Cola with toothpaste!

Mix Toothpaste With Cola

Sometimes, the weirder combinations give the best results. Cola and toothpaste is one of them. Mixing them together creates a powerful paste which can be used for multiple surfaces as a cleaning product.

It’s really effective as an anti greaser and helps clean your pans really well. Next time you see a hard stain, try to use this miracle paste. Keep reading to know why you should always have frozen grapes in your freezer!

Frozen Grapes Instead Of Ice

A genius way not to get your cold drinks watery is to use frozen grapes instead of ice cubes!

Trust us, this is a must-try! Next, you'll find another life-saving hack; how to keep your avocados fresh in the fridge!

Keep Your Avocados Fresh With Olive Oil Or Lemon

To keep them nice and fresh, simply apply a thin layer of olive oil or lemon on top of the freshly cut avocado.

This way, oxidation is slowed down, and your avocado is protected from going bad! Keep reading for the most useful beauty hack ever!

Remove Blackheads

Did you know that you can use toothpaste as a blackhead remover? Toothpaste can actually help exfoliate your skin to unclog the pores, leaving your skin smoother and cleaner.

Simply mix your toothpaste with baking soda or salt and apply in on your nose or any other area that is affected! Read the next hack-it will truly change your life! 

Repair Nail Holes In Walls

Another genius use of toothpaste is to repair any nail holes in your walls. Simply use some toothpaste in the holes until its overflowing, then let it dry completely. Sand smooth it so that it’s even with the wall, and you’re done!

Click next to see how toothpaste can help you with frizzy hair! 

Say Bye To Frizzy Hair

A genius beauty hack is to tame your frizzy hair with toothpaste. Toothpaste usually contains glycerin, which works similarly to hair serum, providing temporary control over frizz.

Use this hack in a hair emergency, and be cautious about overusing it. Keep reading for more genius hacks. Next one is a game-changer! 

Keep Your Matching Sets Inside A Pillowcase

Not only is this super satisfying, but it comes in pretty handy when you want your sets to be organized and manageable!

Next hack is probably the best one on this list! 

Use Nail Polish To Fix Frayed Shoe Laces

It's surprisingly simple, but it's 100% effective. If the ends of your shoelaces are threading apart, use a tiny amount of nail polish to fix it.

Forget the expensive repair materials! That's the only solution you need. 

Clean Your Car’s Headlights

This one is a real game-changer. If you’re tired of dirty, and stained headlights, use a small amount of toothpaste to make them look like new. Make sure you’re using plain toothpaste that doesn’t contain any gel or colors.

After you rub your headlights with some toothpaste, rinse it off with warm water. Try this and thank us later!

Toothpaste Tube In Your Toilet’s Tank

Save your money from expensive products and keep your toilet clean by just using a toothpaste tube. Grab a sharp object, and make a small hole on the bottom of the tube, then insert it in the toilet tank.

What happens next? Every time you flush, a small amount of the toothpaste will come out with the water, keeping your toilet clean, good-smelling!

Polish Jewelry

For a quick jewelry refresh, use toothpaste on rings, bracelets, or necklaces. Apply a small amount, scrub with an old toothbrush, and rinse with water.

 This removes tarnish and gunk buildup, making your accessories sparkle like new. Just avoid soft stones like pearls, as toothpaste might scratch them! If you want to make your life easier, keep reading for more clever hacks! 

Stop Itchy Feet

Toothpaste can provide relief for the burning and itching foot. Apply a mint-based toothpaste to the affected area, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wash it off.

The cooling and drying properties of the paste soothe the skin and help keep it dry, making it a simple home remedy for minor cases.

Keep Ants Away From Your Home

Another surprising effect of toothpaste is the fact that it can keep ants or other small bugs from crawling into your house.

 Ants dislike the scent of mint, which makes toothpaste an effective, natural deterrent. Spread a small amount over cracks or holes where ants enter, and the combination of blockage and smell will keep them at bay!