Funny Subway Moments Captured, Discretion Advised


Anyone who regularly rides the subway knows that it's the best place to do some people-watching. 

The cross-section of humanity that you can find ranges from funny to downright strange. Little did these weirdos know, all their antics were caught on camera. Get ready for a wild ride!

He Bagged A Husky

When this man heard the rule that only dogs carried in bags are allowed on the subway, he decided to play along.

While huskies aren't enormous dogs, I'm sure his shoulder is taking some strain!

His Favorite Things

This photo just invites speculation. Was this an elaborate costume, or just a prank?

Either way, the fact that this guy was allowed to board with a bathtub full of ice is just downright weird.

Mound Of Moss

The woman sitting next to whatever this is supposed to be looks absolutely baffled.

I would be, too... she has no idea what's underneath that pile of moss sitting next to her.


Well, it's not every day that you're treated to the sight of a zebra-centaur waltzing through the turnstiles.

Having four legs must make fitting through rather difficult, though.

Pennywise Is Not Above A Commute

If you've seen Steven King's IT, you'll know exactly why a whole new generation now has Coulrophobia.

Coulrophobia is no laughing matter... it's an extreme fear of clowns. This guy dressed up as Pennywise is certainly contributing.

Completely Covered

I'm not sure if this is meant to be a costume, or if this woman is taking COVID very seriously.

Or maybe she just doesn't want anyone to recognize her while she rides the subway to work?


This guy takes his roleplaying very seriously. 

Judging from the woman in the background, at least this Spidey is spreading laughter wherever he goes.

That Works... I Guess?

While I appreciate that this woman is following mask protocols, I don't think that's how it's supposed to work.

Or, maybe this woman is just really smart and she's using her mask to get some shuteye on the subway... at least she is covering her mouth and nose.

Bendy Goddess

Dressing up from head to toe in green latex wasn't enough for this woman. 

She is showing off just how limber her long green limbs are - and while her flexibility is impressive, I don't think the disapproving woman in the back asked for a show.


The Japanese Pokemon star Pikachu is terribly cute, but this one's anatomy is somewhat confusing. 

The hand coming out of Pikachu’s mouth to steady him on the bumpy journey makes for a very strange image.

Army Man

It’s like a green army toy has come to life on this subway train. 

Looking like he’s been carved entirely out of plastic, it’s hard to tell if this is really a person or a statue.


When you don’t want to be recognized on the train there are a few things you can do. 

This subway traveler was able to travel incognito thanks to a creative mask and a leopard print outfit.

Subway Demon

This passenger may have wanted to elicit a few looks of fear from fellow travelers by dressing head-to-toe in a petrifying outfit. 

Unfortunately, his travel-weary passengers are pictured looking completely oblivious to the red-eyed, long talon monster sitting in their carriage.


We can only assume this subway passenger has either attended a furry convention or just enjoys dressing as a fox. 

Either way, with his long bushy tail and pointy ears we do know the denim-clad fox is about to indulge in his favorite take-out thanks to his plastic bag full of goodies.