20 Foods This Beachbody Coach Recommends Eating Daily

20. Ezekiel Bread

Meet Clay Manley. A Beachbody coach and personal trainer out of Southern California.

We've paired up with him to provide you with convenient and simple tips to achieve the 'beach body' of your dreams! Find out what foods he recommends adding to your shopping list.

Staying away from white breads and pastas is one of the best things you can do for your body. And this is why Clay swears by Ezekiel bread.

19. Whey Protein

It’s a “sprouted” bread, meaning the whole grains have been allowed to sprout. Clay personally enjoys a piece with peanut butter in the mornings, which is a great way to get your metabolism going first thing in the day.

Clay recommends a whey protein-focused shake to keep you full and get an adequate dose of quick digesting protein daily. Shakeology is a meal replacement shake that is a great source of whey protein among other things. He suggests replacing your worst meal of the day with one of the shakes.

18. Unsweetened Almond Milk

I personally followed his plan and lost five pounds in five days. It works, folks.

Almond milk is low-calorie alternative to cow’s milk. Unsweetened almond milk is low calorie while also eliminating sugar.

17. Green Tea

Clay recommends using unsweetened almond milks to thicken your shake while only adding 30 calories.

Green tea has so many health benefits! One being, it’s not soda or juice.

16. Raw Cashews

Part of Clay’s daily plan is avoiding beverages that contain too much caffeine and sugar, such as soda, energy drinks and more than one cup of coffee. Besides the health benefits of drinking tea daily, it also helps you avoid unwanted calories and guilt found in sugary drinks.

Raw cashews are a great natural and healthy snack. The Beachbody plan has you eating some healthy fats, including raw cashews.

15. Sweet Potatoes

However, you need to be careful not to overdo it as nuts can be high in calories.

During our discussion, Clay was so excited about sweet potatoes as he said they’re amazing. These potatoes are high in beta-carotene, have the ability to raise levels of vitamin A, and they contain complex carbs (aka healthy carbs) to keep you full.

14. Reduced Sugar Oatmeal

Plus, they’re fast and easy to cook!

Oatmeal will probably forever be an under-rated breakfast option. In particular, Clay recommends reduced sugar oatmeal.

13. Greek Yogurt

Just make sure you don’t pour on the sugar afterwards! You can throw some berries in for sweetness if reduced sugar doesn’t do it for you.

Clay eats a Greek yogurt at least once a day. Seriously, it’s all about habits with this guy!

12. Lean Beef

Greek yogurt is a good source of protein, something which Clay and Beachbody recommend eating with every meal. As with oatmeal, you can add fresh berries to jazz up your yogurt.

We’ve all heard that red meat isn’t really that healthy for you, but Clay is here to clear the air. Lean beef is the way to go when eating red meat.

11. Quinoa

It has less fat and less cholesterol— two things you want as little of as possible.

Quinoa may seem like a strange new food being pushed by the likes of Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, but this Beachbody coach recommends adding it to your diet. Not just because it’s trendy right now, but because of its nutritional value.

10. Natural Peanut Butter

Quinoa is amazing on its own, or mixed into a salad. Give it a try next time you eat out.

Peanut butter is another one of those healthy fats. It’s even healthier when it’s natural!

9. Tuna

Clay loves to smear his Ezekiel bread with a serving of natural PB as he gets ready for the day, and you should too!

While Clay is steadfast in his personal dislike of tuna (who can blame him?!), he does recommend this protein option for his clients. You can skip on the traditional tuna sandwiches, and try something like this avocado-tuna salad instead.

8. Raspberries

Maybe it’ll changes Clay’s mind, too.

Like most personal trainers, Clay is big on fruits and veggies. Namely, berries. I can’t stress enough how good raspberries are for you!

7. Bananas

In fact, researchers are saying raspberries may even increase metabolism in fat cells. Say what?!

Bananas are a great fruit to eat on-the-go! While not the best fruit to have with each meal because of sugar content, bananas are far healthier than most convenient snacks.

6. Spinach

They’re packed with plenty of nutrients, and you can even eat it while stuck in traffic!

Spinach is amazing and amazing for you.

5. Dark Chocolate

Next time you make or order a salad, make sure it’s packed with plenty of spinach. It's an easy way to add greens and proteins to your diet, and great for those worried about flavor — you can't taste it in a shake!

“How about a fun one?” Clay said as he added dark chocolate to the list.

4. Celery

If you’re like me, then you desperately need some sweets even when dieting or eating healthy, and dark chocolate is your savior.

Celery is another great option in Clay’s professional opinion. Indeed, research has proven celery helps you feel fuller.

3. Blueberries

It’s full of water and low on calories, which makes it a must for your shopping list.

2. Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast

Commonly referred to as a “superfood,” blueberries make for a great snack or addition to Greek yogurt.

Clay is a big fan of boneless, skinless chicken breast. He eats it almost every day!

It's a wonderful source of protein and doesn't come with the negative health implications as red meat.