FBI Shares Statistics: Which "Zodiac Signs" Are The Most Dangerous?

There is much said and written about the characteristics of star signs, such as “Virgos never forgive, Aries people are determined” etc.

But this time, we are going to tell you about real statistics! The FBI shared the birth dates of serial killers and people who show psychopathic tendencies.

And as you can imagine, statistics can show which star sign is more inclined to which types of crimes. Let’s see which zodiac signs are more psycho-like!

12. Gemini

Everybody talks bad about the people who are born under Gemini sign, but it turns out that it is the least dangerous star sign!

As they don’t take anybody seriously enough to kill or hurt them, Gemini people get blood on their hands least. Or instead of killing them, they probably prefer boring people to death by talking and talking to them. It does make sense!

Notable Gemini Celebrity - Angelina Jolie

Yep, the iconic actress Angelina Jolie is a Gemini. 

She might look like she could hurt you because of her role, Maleficent, but she definitely won't!

11. Aquarius

Aquarius is the second most innocent zodiac sign! They care a lot about justice and have strong egos that can’t be smashed easily. 

We don’t know exactly why but these people are the second most innocent star sign after Gemini. Or maybe, they don’t get caught because they are smart enough to not leave any evidence behind; and that’s how they don’t get caught and become a part of these statistics.

Notable Aquarius Celebrity - Oprah Winfrey

Just like Oprah Winfrey, an Aquarius celebrity who has a good heart. 

In fact, she already donated millions of money to support education in different communities.

10. Leo

Don’t be fooled by all that roaring, they are just cats! Leos also stay away from the trouble. Leos also stay away from the trouble.

It was also mentioned that when a Leo commits murder, it is mostly to attract attention.WOW!

Notable Leo Celebrity - Robert De Niro

A well-known celebrity under the Leo zodiac sign is Robert De Niro. 

His characters might be telling the other way around, but in real life, he’s not like that!

9. Libra

We know Libras as just, kind, and patient, but these people commit more murders than Leo and Aquarius, which is weird. Well, even patience has its limits.

It is likely that Libras resort to violence when others take advantage of their good intentions.

Notable Libra Celebrity - Snoop Dogg

One of the celebrities with a Libra zodiac sign is Snoop Dogg. 

And looking back at his experiences and records, do you think he lives up to his zodiac sign? 

8. Virgo

An averagely psycho and very neat killer: Virgo!

We should point out that Virgos are more prone to theft and fraud rather than murders, though.

Notable Virgo Celebrity - Michael Jackson

A celebrity under the Virgo zodiac sign is Michael Jackson. There's no way this iconic artist has that description! 

But if he does, then it's a different discussion. What do you think?

7. Pisces

You think Pisces people are cute? You are wrong. John Wayne Gacy (aka Killer Clown), Richard Ramirez, and Aileen Wuornos (with her very sad story) are some of the most famous Pisces serial killers.

People born under Pisces sign usually commit more extraordinary murders thanks to their tendency toward addiction.

Notable Pisces Celebrity - Rihanna

One famous Pisces celebrity is none other than Rihanna. 

Yep, the description is way too impossible to imagine. Let’s just hope this won’t turn out real.

6. Capricorn

While the number of serial killers born under Capricorn sign is pretty average, the serial killer that murdered most people is a Capricorn! Although they are known for their respect for laws and rules, it seems that Capricorns shouldn’t be pissed off.

People born under Capricorn don’t kill often, but when they do, they go all the way! "El Chapo" was born under this sign.

Notable Capricorn Celebrity - Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper was found to be a Capricorn. 

This guy looked like he had respect for the law, but not the other description. That’s a no-no thing.

5. Aries

Aries people, who are known to be crazy, do not surprise. Their anger is abrupt but it doesn’t last long. That’s why we see Aries at the 5th place in this list.

If you piss off an Aries, make sure you stay away from them for a while. Then they will forget why they got mad, to begin with.

Notable Aries Celebrity - Robert Downey Jr.

One Aries celebrity is the phenomenal Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. His character is indeed not someone you would like to piss off, but the real Robert? Who knows?

4. Taurus

The wrath of Taurus is intense! But fraud is more common among these people than murder. But fraud is more common among these people than murder.

They like luxury, what can they do?

Notable Taurus Celebrity - The Rock

You might think that there’s no way The Rock is a Taurus. 

But yeah, he’s definitely one of the coolest guys on earth. But he shared that he had some history when he was young!

3. Sagittarius

And now the top three! Sagittarius takes the third place in our list! And these people don’t go for small-scale individual crimes.

For example, Ted Bundy, Pablo Escobar, and Stalin were all Sagittarius. They go for bigger crimes and kill in masses and announce themselves “leaders.”

Notable Sagittarius Celebrity - Jay Z

This sure is a lot to process, knowing that serial killers are Sagittarius; Jay Z is also in this zodiac sign. 

Is an American rapper committing these crimes? Is that even acceptable?

2. Scorpio

Official psychos! Scorpio takes the second place! Is there anybody who surprised? Is there anybody who surprised?

Because most serial killers were born in November, the majority of them are Scorpios and the rest are Sagittarius. They are known to be sadistic murderers.

Notable Scorpio Celebrity - Drake

Are you a fan of Drake? Well, he’s a celebrity who took the 2nd place on this list. 

A scorpio guy. Just hoped he wouldn’t live up to this theory. Oops!

1. Cancer

The first in our list, the head of maniacs is surprisingly Cancer! They usually kill because of jealousy.

Their mood swings seem to cause trouble!

Notable Cancer Celebrity - Tom Cruise

The last but not the least, Tom Cruise took the most dangerous zodiac sign, Cancer. 

But surely, these descriptions does not totally describe the given celebrities, it’s just merely based on their birthdays. Let’s just hope this is the case!