Father Trails Mother-In-Law And Son To Restaurant, Unveils The Reason Behind His Constant Hunger

His Only Opportunity

Matthew hung back. He couldn’t risk getting caught. Something wasn’t right, and this was his only opportunity to get to the bottom of it. 

A nagging feeling gnawed at him, urging him to uncover the truth. Quietly, he hurried toward an unoccupied table, carefully taking a seat as he prepared to unravel this mystery. But he'd lose it as soon as he saw what was truly happening.

A Silent Watcher

Matthew had the perfect view of his son and mother-in-law from where he was sitting. The sad look in the little boy's eyes tugged at his heartstrings, a clear indication that something was wrong.

Still, Matthew did not approach him or his mother-in-law. But as a waiter stepped up with their food, Matthew saw red.

Nothing Out Of The Ordinary

Something wasn’t adding up. When little Mason first complained that he was hungry, Matthew didn’t think much of it.

He assumed his son was going through a growth spurt and that it was nothing out of the ordinary. To him, this was an issue that could be solved with a quick visit to the fridge. The dad had no clue that something more was at play here.

A Daily Occurrence

But Matthew had no reason to believe that anything suspicious was at play. He believed grandmas were the best when it came to feeding kids. 

If anything, his son should have been complaining of being too full. Matthew let the issue go, quickly forgetting it even existed. But soon enough, this became a daily occurrence. 

The Cycle Continued

It started with some unexplained kitchen visits by the little boy, who rarely went to the kitchen unless he really had to. 

Every evening, when Matthew got home from work, Mason would be in the kitchen, waiting for dinner to be served. He’d be fist-deep inside any leftovers in the fridge, eager to find anything to chow down. At first, this made the man chuckle. 

Wolfing Down The Leftovers

He watched his son stuff his face like he hadn’t eaten in days. From a bowl of shredded turkey, slices of cornbread, and cranberry sauce to a full glass of juice, the boy wolfed down all the leftovers from the previous day with a wide smile. 

But when the cycle continued for weeks on end, Matthew grew concerned. Surely, it wasn’t healthy for him to eat so much, right?

It Didn’t Add Up

In the mornings, Matthew and his wife, Emma, would serve the boy a bowl of cereal before they would be off to work. 

They would also leave a selection of fruits like apples, bananas, and mangoes, each high in fiber, to ensure their son would feel full throughout the day. Additionally, as soon as they left, Emma’s mother, Lilian, would take care of the young boy. 

Clear Instructions

Although Matthew and his wife always left their son with enough food to last him for hours, they also instructed his grandma to feed him a large meal around lunchtime.  

But as the days passed, Matthew realized that his son was seemingly ever-hungry. He started to wonder if his mother-in-law was following this rule. It sure didn’t seem that way. 

His Mother-In-Law

The days turned into weeks, and the little boy continued complaining that he was hungry. He’d raid the kitchen every evening, clearing whatever edible food he found in the fridge or pantry. 

Silently watching him, Matthew grew concerned. Suddenly, the worries over his mother-in-law feeding his son started increasing. Was Lilian giving the boy enough food while Matthew and his wife were away at work? 

Talking To Her

As Matthew had never been one to jump to conclusions, he decided to approach the matter in the best way possible. One afternoon, he called Lilian to the side and asked about his son’s eating habits. 

When he asked whether she was feeding him as instructed, the woman assured Matthew that his son was getting everything he needed. But Matthew could tell that something was up. 


Matthew’s worry grew. He started watching his son with the keenness of a hawk. He’d noted that over the weekends, everything seemed fine. 

The boy would have a proper lunch and a decent amount of dinner. But during the weeks when he was left alone with his grandmother, he would be ravenous by the time dinner rolled around. 

It Continues

As more time passed, Matthew and Emma’s son continued his behavior. Every evening, he’d appear in the kitchen, looking for anything to eat. 

He’d complain that he was hungry and chow down anything his parents put before him with the zeal of someone who hadn’t seen food in days. Matthew and Emma grew more concerned about their little boy. But they had no idea how awful the situation truly was.

His Suspicions

The situation only seemed to worsen as more weeks went by. Matthew, now concerned about his son’s health, decided to get to the bottom of the mystery. 

He started studying his mother-in-law as well, mapping out her activities throughout the day. He suspected she was lying about feeding the boy. But he had no idea how to prove it. 

Hitting A Wall

But as much as he looked into it, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He didn’t sense any hostility or resentment from Lilian toward his son. 

He’d also noted how caring she was when it came to the boy. He thought he’d hit a wall in his investigation. But that all changed one Tuesday afternoon when he decided to follow his mother-in-law to a diner. 

The Woman Of His Dreams

Born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi, career people Matthew and Emma Jones met on the job. At first, they weren’t interested in one another. 

They each saw the other person as a cog in the grand machine, someone to work with for a few months or years before moving on to wherever life would take them next. But that all changed when the pair bumped into each other at a mutual friend’s dinner party. 


They talked first about their work and what they found interesting about their chosen career paths. Then, their conversation went beyond the office, allowing them to discuss their likes and dislikes.

Before he knew it, Matthew was head over heels in love with Emma. It wasn’t until two years later that they decided to get married. 

Career People

Matthew couldn’t explain how they got here. Those two years had been the best years of his life, and he couldn’t believe he still had decades more of the same still waiting for him. 

As a newlywed couple, he and Emma were solely focused on their careers. Matthew had just become head of his department, while Emma was offered a job at one of the biggest law firms in town. Life couldn’t have been better. 

Having Kids

For the longest while, their careers were their lives. They had already agreed on reaching the peak before trying to have kids. 

On paper, the idea was splendid. The two even had a toast that night, having come to such a sound understanding. Neither of them ever thought they would have any children until something tragic happened. 

Terrible News

The news, like any bad news, came at the most unexpected time. Matthew and Emma were at home, enjoying a peaceful Saturday afternoon, when Emma’s phone started ringing.

She received it and immediately froze. The caller had just informed her that her mom was in hospital. Her entire world came crashing down around her. As soon as she got the news, she was by the old woman’s side. 

The Reason

Emma’s mother, Lilian, had never been the healthiest woman. She was overweight and had a massive sweet tooth. How many times had Emma tried to deter her from her chosen diet, which usually consisted of fried foods and sugary desserts?

Emma’s heart sank when her mother was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and they didn’t know if she was going to make it. 

Her Only Family

It was at this time that Emma had the chance to stop and think about her family. She was terrified that something would happen to her mother. Her father had passed away years prior, a tragedy that Emma and Lilian had never fully recovered from. 

An only child, Lilian was all Emma had left from her side of the family. She cried that night by her side, knowing she needed to change this simple fact.

Building A Family

Lilian had always wanted to become a grandmother. She’d always discussed this with Emma, even before Emma met Matthew. 

“Don’t make the mistake I did,” she’d said. “Have many kids early so that your house is always full of love. Have kids so that I can watch them grow before my time is up.” For the first time, Emma was considering bringing a child into the world. 

They Were Trying

Lilian’s words rang inside Emma’s head as she sat beside her. By morning, she made up her mind to talk to Matthew about having kids. She was elated when Matthew agreed without wasting a second. 

As the weeks passed, Lilian started to improve, but that didn’t stop Matthew and Emma from trying to fall pregnant. They had been married for a few years, and they were finally ready to start a family. 

Good News

Before the couple knew it, Lilian was released from the hospital. She looked healthier than when the doctors wheeled her in. 

Emma was thankful, more so because her mom had fought her way from the brink of death. Emma held her hands and shared some good news of her own. She was expecting their first child. They had no idea what was in store for them.

Intense Dieting

carbs from her diet and would spend a considerable amount of time walking around town to ensure she stayed fit. 

Soon, her symptoms began evaporating before her very eyes. Emma watched as the woman got healthier by the day. She couldn’t be prouder of all her mom had achieved. If only she knew what the woman would do to her son down the line. 

A Complete Change

Months went by, and Emma’s pregnancy continued wonderfully. On the other hand, Lilian had lost nearly fifty pounds! She was also more energetic and lively, always brimming with joy. 

Her diet had changed completely, and her daily routine as well. Matthew and Emma were happy for her. Little did they know that her intense dieting would affect their child. 

The Happiest Day

It was only a matter of time before the day Matthew and Emma had been waiting for came. Emma’s water broke, and Matthew, anticipating the moment for days, rushed her to the delivery room. 

The two parents welcomed little Mason into the world, marking the happiest day of their lives. As Matthew stood in the delivery room with the baby in his arms, he finally felt a kind of love he had never experienced before. 

A Promise

Like many dads who are usually present when their children are brought into the world, Matthew received little Mason and placed a delicate kiss on his head. Ever so gently, he lifted him up and called out his name, something he’d long wanted to do. 

On that day, he promised to protect his son at all costs. But he had no idea that his son would be in a dangerous situation just a few years later. 

Years Passed

Before they knew it, six years had passed, and little Mason was no longer so little anymore. The boy had grown into a happy and healthy boy, a constant source of joy for Matthew and Emma. 

For the past six years, Emma had been a stay-at-home mom. She’d given her all to ensure Mason had the best early years of his life. But now, she was itching to get back to work. 

Back To The Office

As she always did whenever something was on her mind, Emma talked to Matthew. She told him how much she missed the office, and after hearing her out, Matthew agreed that it was an excellent time for her to get back to her career.

But although the two made a quick decision about Emma returning to the office, they knew they needed to settle the matter of Mason’s babysitter.

A Growth Spurt

After plenty of discussions about the topic, Lilian offered to take care of the boy while her daughter and son-in-law were away at work. The parents didn’t see any issue with the agreement, but things were about to take a turn for the worse.

It started right away. When Emma returned home after her first day back at work, she was overjoyed to see her son. Matthew stepped through the door just a minute later, and that was when little Mason first complained that he was hungry.

He’s Hungry

“Mommy, do you have anything to eat?” he said with wide eyes and dry lips, looking like he’d spent the day fighting on some unknown front line. 

Matthew and Emma didn’t think much of it. Emma hurried to the fridge and fixed the boy a sandwich. As soon as Lilian left, the pair prepared dinner and set the table, but that night, they witnessed something truly strange. 

Unusual Behavior

Matthew couldn’t believe his eyes as his son dug into his mashed potatoes and gravy. It didn’t help that the boy had down not one or two chicken sandwiches before dinner but three! 

To Emma and Matthew's surprise, he polished his plate in record time. They didn’t even have to beg the boy to eat his vegetables. 

The Biggest Eater

“Maybe he had a long day playing outside, and that’s why he’s so hungry,” Emma theorized that night. But neither she nor her husband were worried about their son’s newfound appetite.    

But the next evening, they watched with wide eyes as Mason devoured nearly two whole plates of food. He’d never been the biggest eater, but Matthew and Emma initially didn’t think much of it.  

Waiting For Dinner

But the same thing happened night after night. Every evening, when Matthew got home from work, Mason would be in the kitchen, either scrounging for a quick snack or eagerly waiting for dinner to be served. 

At first, this made Matthew chuckle. As a man, Matthew loved food and sometimes ate until he couldn’t think. He thought his son was finally following in his father’s footsteps.

It’s Too Much

A proud dad, Matthew watched Mason stuff his face like he hadn’t eaten in days. Day after day, the boy would eat as if he was at a food-eating competition. 

But when the cycle continued for weeks on end, Matthew’s fascination devolved into worry, soon graduating into raw dread. Surely, it wasn’t healthy for him to eat so much, right?


“I’m starving,” the little boy said one evening, hopefully looking up at Emma, who had just tied her apron and was getting ready to start dinner. 

Those words concerned Matthew, who had been watching close by. As he lay in bed that night, he couldn’t stop thinking about his son and his sudden change in appetite. Was he sick, or did Lilian have something to do with it?

The Cause Of The Problem

Matthew tried to pinpoint the cause of the problem. He hated that all fingers pointed toward his mother-in-law. He wasn’t sure, but the more he thought about it, the more suspicious he became of Lilian. 

Over the weekends, Mason seemed fine, but as soon as he was left with Lilian during the week, he would complain. Did she have something to do with it?

He Needed Answers

It was becoming increasingly clear that what was happening here revolved around Lilian. Wasn’t she in charge of Mason’s food whenever the parents were away?

The following day, Matthew couldn’t stop thinking about it. He wanted to know what was happening when he and Emma weren’t home. Was Lilian not feeding the boy? He couldn’t help the uneasy feeling that bubbled in his stomach. 

Lilian And Emma’s Relationship

He wanted to bring it up with his wife but didn’t know how she would feel about it. He knew how close Emma and Lilian were to each other. They were the last of their line, with Mason acting as the sole guarantee that their lineage would continue. 

Such a dynamic between mother and daughter wasn’t anything to scoff at. But could Matthew tell Emma that he suspected her mother of having something to do with this?

An Awful Situation

Matthew spent his morning quiet in his office. He was motionless in his chair, thinking about the awful situation he had found himself in. 

His son was struggling, seemingly spending his day without any food. Matthew thought back to the day his son was born. It was the day he promised to protect him no matter what.


Something fishy was at play, and the worried dad had to figure it out and help his son. He needed a sure plan that wouldn’t jeopardize the relationships around him if he was wrong. 

He started plotting, mentally trying to figure out the best way to bring Lilian’s actions to light. But just then, his phone pinged, revealing Lilian’s name. 

A Text

He had received a text from his mother-in-law. He rushed to open it, reading the words, “I’m taking Mason to the family pub downtown for lunch.” His eyes widened as he got up from his seat.

Although he had a good relationship with Lilian, she rarely texted him. But usually informed Emma of her whereabouts whenever she left the house with Mason. “This is my chance,” Matthew said as he reached for his jacket. 

Leaving The Office

This was the perfect opportunity to see what was going on. He couldn’t explain why Lilian had texted him instead of his wife, but he was glad nonetheless. 

As the hour was leaning toward midafternoon, Matthew assured his superior he’d be back and hurried. Without a second thought, Matthew jumped into his car and floored the accelerator. He had to see what was going on. 

After Lunch Rush

The drive downtown seemed to last a lifetime, even though the roads were clear and Matthew was driving as fast as road rules allowed.

The sun was bright before him, the winds cool. But Matthew couldn’t enjoy the ambiance. For the entire duration of his journey, he thought about his mother-in-law and his son. He wondered what he might see once he reached the restaurant.

Lunchtime Traffic

Eventually, after zipping through the nearly nonexistent lunchtime traffic, Matthew stopped in front of the massive family pub. 

The diner’s name shone before him, the sweet and savory aromas welcoming him as he pulled away from the road. Lilian’s car was in the parking lot. But he was about to stumble across a terrible truth. 


Matthew, who hadn’t had lunch yet, had to steel himself from the inviting smells and scene. He was here on a different agenda and needed to stay on course. 

He slowly walked into the restaurant, hesitant to show his face. If Lilian knew that he was there, spying on her, it would cause months' worth of trouble. “Hello, sir, table for one?” A young waitress asked. 

He’s Not Here For A Table

Matthew knew he couldn’t sit for food. There was a chance the waitress might walk him through the dining floor where his son or mother-in-law might see him. 

“Uh, no. I’m looking for an old lady and a child. It’s my mother-in-law, but they can’t know I’m here," he explained. The waitress had a suspicious look on her face as she walked him through the restaurant. 

Hanging Back

Matthew was keen to stay hidden as he followed the lady to a secluded table. He gave her a knowing nod, silently thanking her for agreeing to his request despite how odd it was.  

Matthew sat. He couldn’t risk getting caught. Something wasn’t right, and this was his only opportunity to get to the bottom of it. To fully blend in, he asked the waitress for a small beef slider and fries. 

He Sees Them

As the waitress hurried off, a curious Matthew started scanning the restaurant. He was glad his table had a great view of the entire establishment. 

From where he was sitting, he had the perfect view of his son and mother-in-law. He couldn’t help but notice the sadness in the little boy’s eyes. Matthew wondered why the little boy seemed so miserable. 


He watched from afar, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Lilian and Mason were waiting on their orders as they made small talk. 

Matthew watched Lilian closely. She seemed just as caring as she usually was when he and Emma were around. She even made Mason smile on one occasion. Matthew couldn’t help but wonder if he’d made a mistake coming out here. 

A Good Person

He’d never really had any issues with his mother-in-law. From his experiences with her, she was a good person through and through. She’d never given him a reason to doubt her until today.  

But just then, as he stared at the pair, he noticed a waiter approaching their table with two small plates. That’s when he saw red. 

Side Salads

The waitress shared a look with Mason before sliding his plate close to him. Her sight lingered on him for seconds. Her eyes gleamed with pity. 

Matthew watched with wide eyes as the waiter placed nothing but a side salad in front of Lilian and Mason. The little boy looked extremely disappointed as he stuck a fork into his plate, bringing a piece of cucumber up to his mouth. 

A Small Plate

Matthew’s molars ground against each other. Why on earth was his son eating such a small lunch? He needed protein and starch! 

He and his wife had chosen to trust Lilian, and yet here she was, feeding their son a small plate of salad! Why did she decide to take such a route with Mason? Matthew couldn’t take it any longer. 


Matthew shot up from his seat, barely able to contain his anger. The waitress who’d taken his order was hurrying back with his food. But he couldn’t care less.  

He approached Lilian and Mason’s table unheard like a grizzly on the prowl. Mason noticed him first, his little face lighting up when he saw his father. Lilian was stunned to see her son-in-law. “Matthew, what are you doing here?” she questioned. 

The Wrath Of A Father

Matthew could hardly contain his anger. “Is this his lunch?” he barked. He’d spent weeks wondering why his son was always hungry. He’d never thought the reason would be this heartbreaking! 

“Is this what you have been feeding him?” he asked, and everyone in the restaurant turned to him. “No wonder he has been starving!” Lilian was in a state of shock at his words. 

She Had No Idea

“Starving? What do you mean he’s been starving?” Lilian asked. Her eyes bounced between her son-in-law and grandson. She looked like she had no idea Mason was always hungry.  

“I’ve just been feeding him healthy, low-calorie meals,” she said, still stunned by Matthew’s outburst. “The last thing we want is for him to end up sick like Grandma over here,” She explained. 

Guilt And Embarrassment

Matthew’s face softened when she said those words. He looked around, seeing that all eyes in the restaurant were trained on him. He knew then he’d tackled this situation wrongly, raising his voice at his mother-in-law.

Suddenly, he felt terrible. Guilt and embarrassment flooded his veins, and he had to sit down, or he’d fall over. Lilian had no idea that the boy had been starving. She was just trying to keep him healthy. 

An Explanation

Matthew took a seat opposite his mother-in-law and explained the situation, stating that his son was far too young to be on a diet.

He told her about the many times Mason had wolfed down everything in the kitchen because he was starving. Lilian felt terrible as he explained this to her. She had no idea that what she was doing was affecting the boy negatively. 

All A Misunderstanding

Matthew accepted her apology and ordered himself and his son a decent meal while the old woman finished her salad. 

He told Lilian how glad he and Emma were that she was leading a healthy life. They were equally happy that she’d decided to help them with Mason. He also apologized for his outburst. It was all a misunderstanding, and at the end of the day, all was sorted out.