Makeup And Fashion Mistakes That Are Aging You

Age Gracefully

Old age comes for us all and there's absolutely nothing wrong with mother nature running its course. It's just something that happens as the days go by. That said, people shouldn't age before their time.

There are a lot of things that people like to do that may actually make them look older! Whether they do it unintentionally or not, we're here to pick on a few.

Big Hair

Back in the 80s, having the biggest and poofiest hair was all the rage. Hairspray helped keep the volume up but nowadays it's quite easy to go overboard.

Volume in moderation can have positive results, going overboard results in ten years of age you didn't want to pick up. Instead of using hairspray, try drying it upside down. this will add a lot of natural mass to your hair.

Extremely Long Hair

While having locks flowing past your shoulders can leave you looking younger, on the other hand, having it very long can have the opposite effect. 

When your hair starts to fall past your waist it weighs you down. This flattens your hair and can leave you with the notorious "Cat Lady" look and not with your desired "Fairytale Princess" look.

Big, Loud Jewelry

Jewelry is for pairing well with your fashionable attire, but when the jewelry itself is standing out more than your outfit then it can be a bad thing. "Loud" jewelry can cause an unflattering, aged look.

It's been many years since jewelry was a status symbol -- where the most extravagant jewelry would make someone the most noticed. Nowadays, it's better to accessorize in moderation and leave the flashy jewelry to the elderly.

Too Much Fake Tan

I think there's at least one thing most people can agree on when it comes to fashion choices. But still, it seems there are a few people who need to be told. Spray-on fake tan does not look aesthetically pleasing.

A natural tan can create a beautiful "at the beach" look, but fake tan just looks, well fake. It's unflattering and can make you look more withered -- which means older, too.

Over-Plucked Eyebrows

Over-plucked Eyebrows scream of the early 2000s. Our favorite stars had them, think Pink or Christina Aguilera. It may have inspired people 20 years ago, but please don't try to revive this trend today.

In this day and age, people prefer thick, natural eyebrows. Not everyone likes it but that's fine. Just don't overpluck your poor eyebrows, they'll leave you looking a lot older.

Pastels From Head To Toe

Don't think we hate pastels, in fact, pastels can look incredible if matched with the right attire. The subtle colors can complement anything and it's all the rage now.

But that doesn't mean you can't kill the look. Dressing in pastels and only pastels will leave you looking washed out and subsequently older. The best outfit with pastels is strongly contrasting dark colors, like dark jeans.

Floor-Length Skirts

We understand not wanting to show too much skin, not one of the worst ways to cover up is by wearing a skirt that goes down to the ankle. On shorter people, they can really make your legs look disproportional to your body.

If you're set on these skirts there are methods that can improve the way they look. They are complemented by a pair of heels and a fitted top. Just no baggy tops or running shoes.

Cakey Makeup

Makeup is amazing because it can really complement our existing attractiveness and bring it to a whole new level. But too much of a good thing can really leave a different effect on the face.

Smearing makeup on your face in high quantities won't hide your spots. In fact, it will only make them more visible instead of your beauty. It can also leave your face looking rough, with your pores more visible. A moderate amount of foundation can really make a difference.

Covering Your Neck Up

When it's chilly out, we know turtlenecks are almost a necessity, but don't let them become a daily occurrence. Leaving your neck exposed can go a long way!

There are still ways of making an exposed neck look great or make you look older. Having your hair up and a bit of makeup will look great. Having a lot of makeup and an enormous amount of volume (remember volume!) can have an aged effect on your face.

Never Changing Your Hair

Many people believe in the phrase "if it's not broken, don't fix it", but this shouldn't apply to hair. Hair is actually our most important accessory and if it always looks the same, it gets old and uninteresting.

Not only that, but wearing your hair in the same style for years is typical of older people while experimenting with your look is associated with youthfulness. Even doing something as simple as putting it up in a ponytail one day and in a bun the next day and then wearing it down after that can make a big difference in how your present yourself.

Dark Lipstick

Dark lipstick can either make or break a look. If you manage to pull it off, you'll look absolutely incredible, but if you don't know how to do it, you'll do more harm than good. The first thing you have to do is make sure you choose a shade that looks good with your skin tone.

Dark lipstick looks the best with cool tones such as grey, white, and black. Also, it tends to be the focus of your whole look, so having flashy clothes with patterns and too much jewelry will derail the look right away. Keep it simple!

Wearing Too Much Jewelry

Like we've said before, jewelry is meant to complement you, not take over the spotlight. Wearing big, chunky jewelry is just as bad as wearing too much jewelry. As Coco Chanel once said:

“Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” Choose your accessories carefully and pick whatever enhances your outfit the best. Wearing a bracelet, earrings, a necklace, rings, and sunglasses all at once is probably going to backfire.

Floral Patterns

If floral patterns could talk they would scream "grandma!". While there are some patterns that do work and can make you look delicate and classy, the rule is that most floral patterns make you look older.

The key to do them right is to keep them simple and not overdoing it. The colors of the patterns also play a big role in how they look, so you can test them like this: if the pattern looks like it works on a tablecloth, then don't wear it.

Shiny Pantyhose

Pantyhose used to be one of those things that women did not leave the house without. It used to be unthinkable to wear a dress or a skirt without pantyhose, but times have changed and quite frankly, people look better without them.

Because it is an old trend that mostly elderly women continue to follow, tan, shiny pantyhose just age you. If you really like tights or you want to fight the cold while wearing a dress, opt for opaque styles or dark tights such as black or blue.

Heavy Eyeliner

Eyeliner is one of the best inventions of humankind. It makes you look awake, sexy, and fearless. However, too much eyeliner actually makes you look more tired and older, and here's why.

Too much eyeliner weighs your face down. Not only that, but after a few hours, it starts to smudge, and nothing looks worse than having faded, smudged eyeliner on your face. Unless you are Avril Lavigne, this look is not for you.

Grandma Handbags

While there is no definition for it in the dictionary, we all know what a grandma handbag looks like: small, stiff, sometimes with a loud floral pattern or just a neutral color. There is a very thin line between a chic purse and the infamous grandma handbag.

If you're willing to walk that fine line, tread carefully. Relaxed styles tend to be more youthful, but if that's not really your thing, just avoid stiff handbags with patterns at all costs. Also, make sure the rest of your outfit is youthful at least.


Much like pantyhose, brooches used to be a staple of every woman's wardrobe. They used to be statement pieces that made someone look classy, but nowadays they just make people look old.

It is good to bring back vintage stuff every once in a while, but brooches have not made a comeback since the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. You can keep them in a jewelry box in case they miraculously make a comeback someday though.


High water pants and capris are pretty trendy right now, but that does not mean they are flattering. When the weather gets warm, many people go for these kinds of pants rather than shorts because they don't want to show their legs.

Your legs are not something you should be ashamed of, no matter what they look like. At the end of the day, these types of pants are unflattering and do not really help you out when you're burning up in the middle of the summer. Don't be afraid to show your legs!

Wearing Colors That Don't Suit You

We all have to face the harsh truth at some point that we can't rock every color on the rainbow, and this has a lot to do with our skin tone. Through trial and error, your should figure out which colors bring out your beauty and which ones cause the opposite effect.

One way you can determine your skin tone is to see how your skin reacts to the sun. If you get sunburned easily, then you may have cool undertones and if not, then you may have warm undertones. Cool skin looks better in blues and greens, while warm skin goes better with reds and golds.


While tweed is trying to make a comeback, it makes most people look old and washed down. If you're one of the very, very few people who look good in it, then congrats! But in reality, there's a high chance that you belong to the general population.

While it gives a chic, elegant vibe, this fabric is too heavy to look youthful. Flowy, relaxed fabric is far more flattering and, most importantly, comfortable. Remember, you can look elegant and young at the same time.

Too Much Blush

Blush is meant to brighten your look, especially if you're really pale. Unfortunately, many people forget that they are only supposed to use a little bit of blush to create a subtle, rosy look, and end up looking sunburned.

Too much blush is usually associated with looking older because older people love packing on the blush - and we can't blame them because they are following the trends of their time! If you want to stay current and youthful, however, tone the blush down and grab the highlighter instead.

Outdated Eyewear

Look, just because you need your glasses every day for probably the rest of your life it doesn't mean you must stick to the same frames forever. Eyewear also evolves with time and trends come and go, so a good way to stay youthful is to stay up-to-date with the trends.

Nowadays, simple, thin frames are totally in because they don't take much attention away from the rest of your face. Big, colorful glasses with rhinestones used to be a total hit… 15 years ago. If yours look like that, throw them away!

Using The Wrong Foundation

This mistake is nowadays considered almost unforgivable with the rise of beauty and makeup techniques on the internet. The very first thing you have to make sure of when you're doing your makeup is that your foundation matches your skin tone.

Not only does it have to match, but it has to be blended! Make sure you blend it into your neck so that it looks natural. The key to look youthful is to go for a natural look, and this definitely does not look natural.


It is true that there was a time when tracksuits where the hottest fashion trend around, and that time was over in 2004. Those who still wear matching tracksuits are either gym teachers or people stuck in the past.

Not only are they outdated, but they weren't even flattering in the first place. Unless you are 2002 Paris Hilton, ditch the tracksuit right now. And especially, don't pair it with high heels.

Shoulder Pads

Shoulder pads are proof that just because something is trendy, it doesn't mean it is a good idea. While they were a huge trend a few decades ago, shoulder pads make 90% of people look like robots trying to pass off as humans.

If our shoulders were meant to look like that, they would. There's nothing flattering about having your shoulders be the center of attention, so it is time to leave this awful trend in the past - unless you want to look like a grandma.

Suits That Don't Fit

Wearing a suit can really give you a chic, elegant, classic look, especially for work. However, this comes with a price. Suits must fit your body, otherwise they just make you look aged and sloppy and all the chicness is thrown out the window.

This does not mean that relaxed suits don't work and that all suits have to be tight. The thing is, only one piece has to be relaxed. If the pants are looser, pair them with a fitted blazer and the other way around.

Kitten Heels

Kitten heels were huge back in the day, but now they are the ultimate grandma shoes. These short heels don't make your legs look longer and just make them look shorter, and the only person who should be allowed to wear them is the Queen of England.

There are more comfortable options out there for those who don't like stilettos. For example, a blocky, square heel is perfectly comfortable and much more in line with current fashion trends.


Much like matching tracksuits and flashy glasses, rhinestones need to be left in the early 2000s. While they used to be a "fun" way to brighten up an outfit, now they look outdated and tacky.

If you want to sparkle up your outfit, don't bedazzle it. Wear a sparkly top that has glitter instead of rhinestones, or just wear delicate, sparkly jewelry to bring some light into your outfit.

Blue Eyeshadow

OK, this one may be a little controversial, but stick with us. Like many of the items on our list, there's a right and a wrong way to do blue eyeshadow. First, make sure that the color actually suits you. Second, don't wear bright lipstick with it because it will be too much.

And most importantly, don't do it if you don't have experience with makeup because bright-colored eyeshadow needs to be blended properly. Also, the eyeshadow will be the main attraction of the look, so keep the rest simple.

Chunky Highlights

Chunky highlights are the ultimate Karen look. Their name itself is contradictory because the word "highlights" implies a subtle, bright area to bring light to the rest of the hair. If your highlights are bigger than the rest of your hair, then you just have two-colored hair.

Don't believe us? This is what an expert at L'Oreal said: "Look at any celebrities these days and you’ll never see a stripy highlight; everyone has balayage because it’s painted in exactly the right place to suit you."