20 Little Known Facts You Didn't Know About Donald Trump

Trump Vodka

Dutch-made vodka that cost $31 per bottle.

Married x3

Trump has been married a total of three times: Ivana Trump, Marla Maples and Melania Trump (current).

Height (according to Donald)

Yep, the media has made statements that Donald is exactly 6'2.

But, Donald has spoken out against this and claims he is 6'3.

Team-time only

It's all very important.

Trump palace

Donald Trump claims to have never once had a sip of alcohol.

Taking the lead

Located in Palm Beach, these towers are one of the tallest landmarks on the coast.

The building is a staggering 18 bedrooms.

Twitter king

Up against his Republican candidates, Trump has always been at least 5 points ahead.

Apparently, Trump receives an average of 67,000 new Twitter followers per month.

Mineral water

At the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago, a bottle of mineral water costs a whopping $25 from the mini bar.


While Trump may be extremely successful, he has also had 4 casinos go bankrupt.

Trump Tower

The Trump Towers located in Chicago are 98 stories high, it has even been said that it is the tallest residential structure in the world.


Trump had to sell his 282-foot yacht back in 1991 to pay off his bankruptcy debt.


While you already know he has a massive following, he also tweets around 372 times a month (that's 12 a day)!

Golf fanatic

As he should be, considering he owns 16 luxury golf courses.

A Hollywood Star

Trump received a star for his role in "The Apprentice."

Age 27

By the time, Donald was 27 years old, he owned over 14,000 apartments.

He started with a $1 million "loan" and built the Trump Management Corporation.

"The Apprentice" earnings

Ever wondered how much Trump made himself from that show?

Try a whopping $275,000 PER show.

Net Worth

According to Forbes, Trump is worth $4.5 billion.

Liquid cash

During an interview with Fox's Sean Hannity, Trump revealed that he has $400 million in spendable, liquid assets, annually.