Eco-Friendly Home Hacks For Your Home

Here is the thing, as much as you may choose to ignore the environment and contribute to it being dirtied, you still need it to sustain yourself. From the oxygen you are getting to the food you are probably munching on right now, it all comes from the environment. Taking care of it is a form of self-care since you are dependent on it. In the end, it becomes a cycle of sustenance between us and the environment so any time we get, we need to make environmentally friendly choices. Here are some hacks you can use in your home to make it eco-friendly.

Water Conservation

Water is an environmental resource that needs to be used wisely and conservatively so that it can be equally distributed among everyone else. Some of the things, such as closing the tap in between brushing your teeth and sealing the tap properly, can be simple but very helpful for the environment. You should be mindful of how you use water and when possible, use it sparingly. Consider installing low-flow taps and fixing any leaks as promptly as possible. You should also run full loads of laundry when possible so that you don’t waste water. Whether it's gardening, bathing or cleaning, just ensure that you are conscious of the fact that water needs to be conserved and implement conservation mechanisms where possible.

Energy-saving Lighting

You can save electricity by installing mechanisms such as energy-saving lights. Instead of traditional bulbs, LED lights have proven to be eco-friendly, so it may be wiser to make use of them. You should also switch off your lights during the day and allow natural light inside your house.

Natural Cleaning Hacks

Have you considered the damage that some of those detergents that you use are doing to the environment? Those toxins damage the environment and disrupt the ecosystem. To avert this, you should opt for natural cleaning remedies that are environmentally friendly like vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice and homemade air fresheners. By substituting these toxic products with equally efficient natural cleaners, you help the environment in more ways than you can imagine. Consider this the next time you are shopping for detergents; you may even find that you like natural cleaners better.

Indoor Plants

There is no better air purifier than plants. You need to substitute all those products that feign air purification while leaving traces of toxins in the air with natural plants that will do a better job at it while sustaining the environment. These plants will also act as humidifiers, helping to save energy on electrical ones. A plant in your home will not only make it aesthetically more pleasing but it will also allow you to save money and the environment all at once. So much for a 2 in 1 deal right? If you enjoy buying appliances, the next hack is for you.

Buy Smart Appliances

Next time when you are buying an appliance, instead of focussing on the colour and make only, you should check the Energy Star rating as well. You need to use appliances that are efficient while they also save power. You also need to ensure that your home appliances are maintained well to avoid excessive power usage. Every time you buy smart appliances, you are saving the planet by conserving electricity and energy, making the world eco-friendly. Always monitor your appliances and ensure that after use, you switch them off as a plus for the environment.

Make Use of Solar Power

Are you aware of how much damage is done to the environment every time electricity is being made? From the dirty fumes of charcoal being burnt to the Land degradation that occurs at water bodies just so you can get electricity, the environment is being left exhausted and polluted. Why then not make use of the sun? By doing this, no one is harmed and the environment is left happy and healthy. If you can, install solar panels and store the energy in batteries so that you can have lighting, heated water and conduct yourself as usual, only better now that the environment is also left safe.

Preserve Food

The environment gives us food in abundance so that we can sustain ourselves. Through this, we can process it into other things and enjoy variety. However, this is not a free pass to be wasteful of food. We need to preserve it and use it sparingly so that the environment remains unexhausted and generous. Whenever you can, refrigerate, dry or make use of leftovers and food. Do not be wasteful.

Pack Your Trash Right

Why are you still throwing everything in one trash bag? You can’t still be mixing food that you throw away with plastic, glass, cupboard and tin all at once. You need to label your trash and throw food that rots in the compost, plastics and tins in the recycling bag and non-recyclable items in their bin.


Instead of always throwing out old items, you can be creative and reuse them in newer, innovative ways. This does not only make you creative, but it does so while preserving the environment. Instead of throwing away glass jars, you may repurpose them into vases. You should also consider buying reusable items over single-use items. So instead of plastic grocery shopping bags, you may use cloth ones. You could also replace paper towels with cloth dish towels. All this is eco-friendly and in doing this, you and your family are making a difference to the environment.