Dog Viciously Barks At A Woman, Then Realizes Something Is Wrong

Vicious Barking

She was having her coffee when a big black dog dashed into her garden. It slowly raised its head, locked its gaze on her, and started barking menacingly.

It was then joined by another, larger dog. Her eyes widened in surprise - what were they after? Then she realized they'd come to get her.

Something Out Of Ordinary

Alexandra Naspolini lived in a tranquil Florida suburb, unaware that calamity was about to strike right outside her door. She was typically out and about at this hour of the morning, but she decided to take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee in her living room while admiring her front yard.

That's when she saw something out of the ordinary.

A Small Town

Nobody in St. Johns, Jacksonville, had ever felt the need to build massive fences and towering walls around their properties. The crime rate was low in this area, and the people had always felt safe. It was a small town, and everyone knew everyone else's business.

When Alexandra watched the huge dogs run into her garden on that December day, she knew something was horribly wrong.

Usual Routine

Maureen Hatcher, 62, was going about her usual routine just a few doors away. Before taking a shower, she fed her Labradors, Sadie and Bella, and made her own breakfast. Her grandson, Tyler, was usually with her, but she was alone today. 

After completing her chores, she went to take a shower, that's when her security camera caught something unusual.

Caught On Camera

Bella and Sadie start barking loudly and then make their way to the front entrance. They can be seen in the CCTV tape cleverly opening the unlocked door by its handle and rushing outside. 

They then make a beeline for Alexandra's yard. Their behavior is perplexing to an onlooker. When Alexandra sees them, she realizes they are pleading for help.

Bad Feeling

Sadie was the first to arrive at the garden. “I usually am very routine, but that day, I didn’t do my usual,” Alexandra recalled. “I was sitting on the floor drinking coffee and saw her outside. Then I heard the other dog barking.”

Naspolini couldn't shake the feeling that a tragedy was playing out directly in front of her eyes.

Neighbor's Dogs

The two dogs were evidently distressed, barking non-stop. Alexandra knew they were the neighbor's dogs. She chose to return them to her house. They walked a few paces ahead of her before stopping and looking back to check whether she was following.

They were directing her in some direction. “Where’s mom? Where’s mom? ” Alexandra said, not really expecting a reply.

Ringing The Bell

The doorbell security camera captures Alexandra as she comes up to Maureen's house and rings the doorbell, but there is no answer. An unfathomable sense of horror floods over her. There was something strange about the whole thing.

How did the dogs escape? And where had Maureen gone? She pauses for a few seconds before entering rather than turning around and leaving.

A Horrible Scene

As Bella and Sadie accompany Alexandra into the house, they continue to bark. "Hello?" she asks hesitantly after a little delay. She follows the dogs into the kitchen and then into the bedroom. 

Her heart skips a beat as she realizes why the dogs wanted her to come into the house with them. In the bedroom, she witnesses something she will never forget.

The Bedroom

Sadie enters the room before Alexandria and walks over to the bed. Bella stays back and gives out a little whimper before falling silent. The curtains are drawn, and the room is completely dark.

Alexandra takes a few seconds to adjust her eyes, her retinas burning from the bright brightness outside. Something is on the bed.

Something On The Bed

Alexandra goes forward, her heart thudding loudly in the dim light, drawing closer to the bed and the heap on top of it with each step. "Mrs. Hatcher?" she asks softly but receives no response. The woman on the bed makes no movement.

She takes a deep breath and reaches out to touch the woman's shoulder before jumping back in horror.

The Owner Of The Dogs

Mrs. Hatcher, who is lying on the bed, makes a low groaning sound as she raises her head, and Alexandria instantly knows that something is seriously wrong with her.

As she tries to get the words out, one side of her mouth droops downwards with a terrified grimace.

Time Ticking Away

Alexandria grabs her phone and dials 911. She is aware that something terrible is actually happening, but there is nothing she can do about it. Maureen Hatcher's brain is being starved of oxygen, and she may never recover if aid does not arrive soon.

Every second Maureen lies there is a second too late, and she is well aware that time is ticking away.

Help Arrives

Within minutes, St. Johns County Fire Rescue arrives. Both dogs whimper in despair as their owner is loaded into the van. “When the brain is deprived of blood, cells die and permanent brain injury can occur. Timing is everything,” Nima Amim Aghaebrahim, an interventional neurologist, explains.

Things weren't looking good for her.

Wishing For Speedy Recovery

“One of the most important factors that can lead to a good outcome for patients in these situations is to get the blood vessel opened quickly and successfully,” Aghaebrahim explains. 

Alexandria hoped and prayed for a speedy recovery for her neighbour. Staff worked as quickly as they could, while Maureen Hatcher counted every second... Was it too late for her to undergo treatment?


Using a sophisticated dye, Baptist Medical Center surgeons were able to locate the blood clot that had caused Maureen's stroke and then transfer a stent retriever from her leg to her neck.

“It’s one of the highlights of our career that we’re able to help people such as Mrs. Hatcher,” Dr Aghaebrahim explains.

Successful Surgery

Thankfully, the procedure only took 20 minutes, and the skilled surgeons at Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville had successfully removed the blood clot that had threatened Maureen's life. She regained strength in her left side three days later and was given the all-clear and discharged. 

And she owes her life to her amazing dogs, Bella and Sadie!

Always Grateful

"I am blessed I don't have any residual effects," Maureen says tearfully, "and I attribute that to Dr. Nima and the staff there." But she wasn't just thankful for her doctor's swift and decisive response. 

She is eternally grateful for the lengths to which her dogs went to look for help on that dreadful day. She understands she might not be living if she didn't have them.


“Had it not been for my dogs going and getting my neighbor, I wouldn’t be here today,” she said. “I had an angel across the street, I had a great rescue in the neighborhood, and the hospital.”

She feels blessed to have such amazing and helpful dogs. Angels, truly.

Not Trained

Mauren's response when asked if Bella and Sadie had been trained as service dogs shocked everyone who heard it. “…The next thing I knew, I was eating the floor and couldn’t move, And I said to my girls [the dogs], ‘I need help.’” she recalls. 

“Someone asked me, ‘How did you train them to do that? And I just told them, ‘I didn’t train them.’”

Special Treatment

Maureen planned a special treat for her incredible dogs during Christmas. “There were presents under the tree and prime rib for dinner, and they were spoiled rotten,” she said, laughing

The security film of her dogs trying to get help for their beloved owner has since gone viral, and internet users can't get enough of it.

Going Viral

People began to share their own amazing stories about dogs defending their owners. One commenter wrote: “Many years ago my dog saved me when another dog attacked me while I was jogging."

"I saved her from being put down in a shelter, and she saved me. She was the best girl ever. No greater love.”

Intelligent Dogs

Labrador Retrievers were bred for both working and companionship purposes. They were bred to assist fisherman in catching fish and hauling in their nets. They are one of the most intelligent dog breeds, which makes them ideal for support work. 

Their pleasant demeanour makes them ideal for families with youngsters. It's no surprise that they're America's most popular dog breed! However, before you decide to adopt one, you should carry out your own research.

Right Breeders

Because the Labrador Retriever is America's favourite dog, irresponsible breeders, puppy mills, and pet stores all have plenty of puppies available. Always avoid these and make sure you purchase a puppy from a reputable breeder who has examined their dogs for hereditary disorders and temperament.

Look for breeders who are more interested in improving the genetic line than in making a profit.

Man's Best Friend

If you do your homework before getting a Labrador, you will find that they are wonderful dogs. They require basic obedience training, despite being very trainable. Both with people and other animals, the Labrador is known for his gentle demeanour and sociability. 

They have a high level of emotional intelligence and are outgoing and eager to please. And, as Sadie and Bella have demonstrated, dogs are indeed man's best friend!