Mom Loses $10K Ring, Learns What 6-Year-Old Did

Devastating Discovery 

She raced through the house, tears already streaming and her heart pounding.  

They couldn't be gone. There were years of memories and feeling attached to them! They were irreplaceable. She had to find out where they ended up. She just prayed they weren't lost forever. She hoped there were still honest people out there.

Beach Time 

For Caitlin Adkins of Dublin Ohio, it was supposed to be a relaxing family day at the beach.   

The plan was to munch on veggie sticks while her kids played in the sand, maybe even get in a few minutes of reading. But before the day could move forward, there was one vital step.

Sun Protection

It also turned out the innocent sequence of events would lead to one of the biggest heart attacks Caitlin would have in her life. 

She pulled out a big bottle of waterproof sunscreen and slathered it over his kids. Even if they complained it felt “slimy” there would be no debate – health and safety first. Then, she looked at her hands.

Getting Clean 

The sand and sunscreen had mixed into a yucky, uncomfortable paste.  

Since her kids had already moved on to making sandcastles, she used the moment to run to the public bathroom and wash her hands. This is where she took of the rings and quickly slipped them in her pocket - big mistake.

Not Good Enough

When she returned, there was already a huge pile of sand with shells and other bits of decorations. 

Her daughter, however, didn't look happy. "It's not pretty enough. The princess won't like it." Caitlin suggested looking for some flowers or other pretty thing to put on her creation. The little girl started scouring their immediate area for anything shiny.

Kids Will Be Kids

Up until that point, the day had gone perfectly. 

But when it came time to go home, she spotted her daughter laughing and jumping on the sandcastle. She thoroughly destroyed it, mashing the sand back into the beach. It wasn't until they walked into the kitchen did she feel something strange.

Terrifying Realization 

Her wedding and engagement ring had been on her finger forever.  

So, when she felt they were gone, a light bulb clicked and she reached into her pocket. Her gut dropped - the same feeling as the first few seconds of an intense roller coaster. Her lungs stopped but her heart went into overdrive. The rings weren't there.

Not Just Rings 

Most people who have been married will know the soul-crushing feeling when they think they've lost a wedding ring. 

Caitlin pulled out her pockets. When nothing fell out, she turned out her purse. She swore she had them on her the entire time. But, it wasn't just the symbolism that was dear to her. There was two other priceless things attached to those rings.

Back To The Beach

Not only were they valued at $10k, but she had intended to give them to her daughter when she got married. Then it clicked. 

Her girl had been looking for something pretty to decorate her castle with. She rushed to her daughter and asked if she had found the rings in the sand and used them. From there, the story got only more unbelievable. 

Looking Everywhere 

Caitlin piled her kids back into the car and raced back to the beach. 

If she got there, maybe they would still be there. She would dig up the entire shore if she had to! She even ran to the lost and found at the information hut to see if anyone had found them. Her final answer was waiting for her, and it was unbelievable. 

Not Her Daughter 

Her little girl had nothing to do with the loss.

 It turned out, they had fallen out of her pocket while she was washing her hands in the bathroom. They had tumbled on the floor. Someone had found them and left information for her to get them back. But the good samaritan would end up making her heart melt.

Another's Daughter 

Caitlin waited in the parking lot for her savior. 

A little girl, no older than her daughter jumped out of an SUV and raced to her, holding out the rings with a huge, toothy grin. This child had found her precious rings ... and knew immediately what she wanted to do with them.

Stunned, But In A Good Way 

The girl's father strolled over with the same bright smile and a glow of pride.

Caitlin listened with amazement how he explained the girl never thought, even for a moment, of keeping them. Her immediate reaction was to find the owners because they looked "special and important and pretty." But that wasn't all.

Integrity And Character 

The little girl's mom wasn't there, but she had brought her words with her.

 "It's what we do when people aren't watching is what makes our integrity and character." The little thing knew immediately she wanted to do the right thing. Tears welled up in Caitlins eyes as she threw her arms around the little girl. She also had a special gift ready for the amazing tot.

A New Ring

It wasn't worth a lot, but Caitlin's daughter said the girl would like it because it was pretty and sparkly.

She handed over the new ring to the little girl - a gift and thanks for being so special. The smiles that were had in the parking lot that day would stay with both families forever.