Date From Hell: People Share Their Worst Date Stories

"We spent most of the date going shopping for clothes for another date she had later that week. It's kinda funny, seeing as how she was the one that asked me out." -Reddit user (deleted)

"Met a guy from OKCupid. He seems nice but never stops talking. After interrupting me for the 3rd or 4th time, I finally ask him, "Do you want to hear anything I have to say?" He apologizes profusely, says, "You're right, I'm so sorry!" and pulls out a pad of paper and a pen.

He then jots notes as I'm telling him about myself and whatnot. I finally ask him what he's doing, and he says, "Oh, I'm writing down things I want to tell you when it's my turn to talk again." -Reddit user Breakfast27

"First date.

The girl started lighting matches, would put them out with her fingers, then eat the burnt matchstick head." -Reddit user boinga_boinga

"Got stood up at a cafe. She called and told me an emergency had come up, and she wasn't going to make it.

I had only been waiting for 3 or 4 minutes and wasn't too upset about it, so I called a friend to see what he was doing. Ended up meeting him across town at the bar he was drinking at, where he introduced me to my date he had just met playing pool there." -Reddit user (deleted)

"A guy in college took me out, not to a Chinese restaurant, but to the parking lot of a Chinese restaurant to look at a tacky plastic Buddha statue.

We had to walk through several blocks of a sketchy area in the dark to get there, and he kept rubbing my back the entire way there and back even after I asked him to stop." -Reddit user CeruleanTresses

"Didn't have much of a chance because I was hungover badly from the night before. Then he took me to the university dining hall for dinner.

That's not too bad, but he didn't even offer to pay, and he had a universal dining card, so it would have cost him $0. Then we went to a show but got there 2 hours early, and so we were just sitting there watching the band set up, not talking." -Reddit user avoidingmykids

"I thought I had made it clear we were going on a date.

Show up at the movies, she's late and brought a guy friend with her." -Reddit user (deleted)

Me: "You're not having anything to drink?"Her: "LOL, no, I'm only 17."Me: "Check, please." -Reddit user xladiciusx

"We went to his house, and he immediately turned on Adventure Time.

When I tried to speak, he shushed me." -Reddit user flabbey

"When I was 15, I was invited over to this girl's place. I had a crush on her for ages. Watched The Notebook. She started to cry.

Locked herself in the bathroom for two hours. I couldn't comfort her or convince her to come out again. Read newspapers and magazines in her living room for two hours and even left before she came out. I was so helpless and confused that I didn't dare to visit girls at home for a long time." -Reddit user odd_bacon

"Met a cool guy at a beer shop in the UK... got his number, went on a date to a neat burger joint a week or so later.

At the end of the night, he parks and starts telling me about his pregnant wife. Also, it was my birthday. I laugh about it now, but at the time, it was most devastating." -Reddit user lolcheme

"Well, there was that one time a guy I met off of OkCupid tried to move into my new apartment and didn't leave for two days.

He even added stuff to my grocery list." -Reddit user lucybluth

"Went on a date with a girl that was trying to impress me, so she only had a Caesar salad for dinner, we then went for drinks where she had a few too many, and she ended up puking in the car.

The smell of caesar salad always came out on a hot day." -Reddit user notn

"Oh, the one where things were going really well...until he showed me his neo-nazi tattoos. WHAT.

No no no no no." -Reddit user gertrudeblythe

"Once, a guy I was meeting up with for a first date texted me to make sure I brushed my teeth before the date because he was going to kiss me.

I was more surprised that he didn't ask me to floss, too." -Reddit user (deleted)