The Most Cringe-Worthy Things That Have Ever Happened At An Awards Show

1.When Zac Efron Dropped a Condom On The Red Carpet For a Children's Film

The fun thing about award shows is the unpredictability of it, you never quite know what's going to happen next. There could be an upset, there could be a rousing speech from an unexpected guest, or there could be a hilarious flub.

To celebrate the spontaneity of the most memorable (and awkward) show moments, here are the most shocking award show moments that made everyone in the audience want to bury their head in their hands. We couldn't have seen them coming.

Zac Efron, the ultimate heartthrob, has embarrassing moments just like everyone else! During the premier of kids movie, The Lorax, he dropped a condom from his pocket onto the red carpet.

2. When Shia LeBeouf Did This

When speaking of the incident he said, "I never really had a pocket checking policy before going on the red carpet before, but now we've fully instated one." Yikes!

After storming out of a press conference for Nymphomaniac, LeBeouf announced he was going to withdraw from public life entirely.

3. The Most Famous Forms Of Canadian Tuxedos

While heading to a Berlin screening of the film, he proceeded to cut eyeholes into a paper bag with the words, "I'm not famous anymore" in big black letters on it before placing it on his head while wearing a dapper tuxedo.

In 2001, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were the hottest and most gossiped about couple in Hollywood.

4.When Lady Gaga Did Anything Ever

For a while, they were a perfect match, just like these matching denim outfits they wore on the red carpet.

Lady Gaga is the embodiment of the word "mystery". Whether she's wearing a dress of raw meat, or being shuffled onto the Red Carpet in a giant egg all night.

5.When A Streaker Ran Across the Stage at The Oscars

Nobody has ever been more shocking and more surprising than Lady Gaga with her antics.

Nobody could have expected the surprise at the 1974 Academy Awards as host, David Nivens went to the mic to announce Elizabeth Taylor as the presenter for Best picture. As he was speaking about how entertainment is a salve for the insanity of the world, a young man ran across the stage, compeletely naked and flashed the peace sign.

6. Natalie Portman's Awkward Acceptance Speech

The audience cheered and the band began playing a funny tune to deal with the awkwardness.

We could blame this on her pregnancy brain at the time, but Portman made us all hide our heads in embarrassment when she accepted the Golden Globe for Black Swan in 2011. Thank you to Benjamin, who is helping me to continue this creation of creating more life," she said of her partner. "Benjamin choreographed the film and also you might remember him in the movie as the guy when they ask, 'Would you sleep with that girl?' and he's like, 'No.' He's the best actor.

7.When Marlon Brando Declined His Oscar

It's not true. He totally wants to sleep with me," she said, commencing the most awkward laugh in Globes history.

In 1973, Marlon Brando won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1973.

8. Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley's Awkward Kiss

However, instead of accepting the award, he sent Native American activist Sacheen Littlefeather to decline the award and protest Hollywood's treatment of Native Americans.

When Newlyweds Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley kicked off the 1994 VMA's, it was in a very awkward fashion. The King of Pop was attempting to silence rumors about his eyebrow-raising marriage to the Princess of Rock n' Roll by saying "nobody thought this would last" and then pulled her into a suffocating and awkward kiss.

9.Then, When Michael Jackson Accepted an Award That Didn't Exist

Everyone felt uncomfortable. Also, it didn't last, they divorced in 1996.

In 2002, the VMA's fell on Michael Jackson's 44th birthday and so MTV had Britney Spears say some words before presenting him with a trophy as a present.

At one point during her introduction, she said she considered him to be "the artist of the millennium." He then came out and accepted the award for "Artist of the Millennium".