Couple Remodels The House, Finds Life-Changing Treasure

Treasure Hunt

We all talk about remodeling our house, but we always find some reason to postpone it. But once you read this story you will leave all your work and get to it right away.

This is a story about a hidden treasure found at home, and it definitely beats finding a couple of nickels down the back of the couch.


On October 19, 2016, Imgur user "branik12" shared his incredible discovery with the online community. The 35-year-old DIY enthusiast was finally getting around to remodeling his family's home.

The house was pretty old, dating back to 1940. The remodelling was pending for a long time. 

Scratches On Wall

Having completed the first and second levels of his home, he thought it was past time to update the cellar. So, branik12 went into the basement and began tearing down the walls of his 1940s home. There wasn't much to see at first — just a few odd names and faces scratched on the wall.

Perhaps they are the children of a previous owner making their mark?

Something Hidden

In any case, the basement ceiling was the next task. Of course, removing all of the material to reveal the original beams made a huge mess. But it had to be done. 

There was dust imploding everywhere. And Branik12's sharp eye caught something hidden in one of the wooden panels in the midst of the bursting dust cloud.

A Tin Box

Yes, a green and grey tin box was securely hidden concealed between two rafters. And, while it was evident that branik12 was eager to find out what it contained, he was also eager to share his discovery online.

He reported on Imgur, writing, "Cool! A treasure. I must document this for Imgur. It’s about time I contributed to the community."

Joint Search

What was inside the dusty box, though? And would its contents make a difference in his life? So, after extracting the mystery object from the beams, he took it outdoors for a closer look. 

Soon after, he was joined by his wife, and the curious pair made a spectacular discovery that would change their lives forever.

Pristine Shape

The box, which was held together by a piece of string, was in nearly pristine shape. The handle, however, had significant wear and tear - presumably from the prior owner carrying it around?

The pair, on the other hand, didn't care at this time. They were only interested in what was within.

Size Comparison

Branik12, on the other hand, chose to search his house for a banana. No, his new finding hadn't suddenly made him hungry. In truth, he was looking for another thing to put next to the box for size comparison. 

Unfortunately, he only found what appears to be a baby-sized banana toothbrush. Nonetheless, it aided him in documenting the entire procedure.


Branik12 speculated on Imgur about what the box might contain, anticipating its secrets. "It has something inside, but not heavy like coins or gold bars. Might get lucky though. Could be old sports cards," he wrote. 

"Could be old sports cards?" That wouldn't be a bad discovery. Old soccer and baseball cards may be rather valuable. Finally, he opened the box.

Hidden Treasure

As he pry open the tin box, he discovered what seemed to be wax paper covering the hidden treasure. It had most likely been stored aside for years, perhaps not decades. In fact, as branik12 subsequently explained in a post comment, the 1940s house's original owner was a lady in her fifties.

So, did she leave something inside the box, pack it away, and then forget about it?


In any case, branik12 discovered that the contents were wrapped in a vintage newspaper sheet. This page from the Cleveland Plain Dealer from 1951 shows a '50s pinup being taught how to bowl by some stylish looking guys. 

Classic advertising slogans stated that “a light smoke is better for you” and that “baldness may be prevented.”


Although historically significant, the newspaper was not the main discovery. That's because there were three packages underneath it, each separately wrapped in wax paper. And the green hue emerging through the wax strongly suggested the possibility of a stack of dollar bills. 

On Imgur, branik12 had excitedly predicted the discovery. He wrote, “There’s money in here! I am a guessing a thousand [dollars] or more! Is that a twenty?”

Proven Right

And, after carefully unwrapping the first batch's contents, his predictions proved correct. Inside was a massive bundle of early-twentieth-century $20 dollars. Assuming the other two parcels contained the same items, branik12 calculated his probable haul.

He wrote, "There may be a couple of thousand here. We are freaking out. This doesn’t happen to us!"


But the couple's good fortune was just getting started. When they opened the following parcel, they discovered that there were no $20 dollars inside. No, fortunately for them, it was stuffed to the brim with $50 bills. And what about the third batch? 

You guessed it: a nice hefty wad of $100 bills in good condition. Jackpot!

Gold Certificate

The pair, taken aback, quickly calculated the total. What was the final tally? They thought they had a windfall of roughly $20,000 in their possession. For an afternoon's effort, it's not bad. However, upon careful examination, branik12 discovered that all of the bills were early issues, dating from 1928 to 1934. Furthermore, some had brown markings or were branded "gold certificate."

Could these be uncommon? If that was the case, there was a significant likelihood that some bills were worth more than their face value.

More To Come

So, branik12 returned to work in the basement after spending the following week getting the bills appraised and consulting with lawyers about what to do next. And just when he thought his joy was fading, he spotted another box hidden in the rafters!

What were the odds? Seems like the treasure hunting was still on.

Last Discovery

And, while being nearly identical to the original box, branik12 noted that this one seemed much heavier. Is this also full of money? But first and foremost, branik12 laid the box aside and cleared the ceiling to see whether there were any more boxes lying around.

Unfortunately, this was to be the second and final discovery.

More Currency Notes

Of course, there was more to be disclosed. So, branik12 awaited his wife's return from work. Once his wife was home the two opened the new box. This one, once again, was brimming with cash.

Yes, $20 dollars were carefully arranged beneath more ancient newspaper, filling the entire space of the box.

Total Haul

Surprisingly, after selling some of the rarer bills, the couple's overall windfall came to roughly $45,000. Of course, the couple shared their good fortune tale on Imgur as well, and while some people – perhaps jealous – thought it was a scam, the majority were happy for the couple.

One amusing member remarked, "Nice haul. All I ever found was a dozen dead squirrels and a nasty old lady wig!"

The Mystery Remains

The money has now been deposited into the couple's bank and will be used to pay off their mortgage. They even intend to move to the country in 2017. So, what was once a rainy day fund for an elderly lady has now changed their lives forever.

And, while the couple intends to relocate, the mystery of why the money was originally put away will most likely remain.