Couple Allows Mother-In-Law To Be Surrogate, They Regret It After Baby Is Born

A Wave Of Guilt

Ryan, feeling a wave of guilt, was desperately trying to find an opportune moment to slip away unnoticed. However, his phone’s loud alert shattered his cover, drawing attention to his presence.

With no chance to flee or reconsider, Ryan stood paralyzed, his mind scrambling for a solution. The door slowly swung open, and Emma walked in, her upbeat greeting fading as she caught sight of Ryan standing in the hallway.

Becoming A Mother

At 35, Linda Rhodes had always longed to become a mother. Along with her husband Cody, she dreamed of a bustling household on their small farm in Birch Greens, Oklahoma, with children’s laughter and the joy of a lively family.

However, despite their efforts and numerous doctor visits, their dream was dashed. Linda's health issues prevented her from conceiving, leaving them to confront a heartbreaking reality.

Sadness Enveloping

Cody, 39, entered the room and immediately felt the sadness enveloping his wife. "Hey, love," he said gently, pulling her into a comforting embrace. "I've been thinking... we haven’t explored all our possibilities yet."

Linda looked up, her eyes mirroring both hope and apprehension. "What are you suggesting?" she asked softly. Cody responded with a determined tone, "Perhaps it’s time to look into other options." He hated seeing Linda so distraught and wanted to find a way to lift her spirits.

Filled With Tears

Linda’s eyes filled with tears as she pondered the options. “Adoption? Surrogacy? I’m not sure I can cope with the idea of someone else carrying our baby.” Despite her success in business, Linda felt a deep sense of inadequacy in this aspect of her life.

Then Cody had a spark of inspiration. “What if my mom could assist us? She’s always been incredibly supportive and would do anything to help us.” The question lingered: would she be willing to step in?

Easing Concerns

Cody paused briefly before saying, "I talked to my mom about becoming a surrogate for us. She’s agreed to help if we go ahead with it." Linda’s eyes widened in surprise. "Your mom? Is she even up to it? Isn’t she too old for this?" She struggled with doubts.

"She’s in excellent health," Cody replied, trying to ease her concerns. "The doctors have given their approval. We would still need to proceed with IVF, but it’s a viable option." He hoped to reassure his reluctant wife.

Looming Ideas

The idea loomed between them, thick with potential. Linda chewed on her lip, wavering with doubt. “What if things go awry? What if it’s too overwhelming for her?”

Cody softly clasped her hands. “I understand it’s a big ask, but Mom is on board. She wants this as much as we do.” Linda’s frustration flared. “Did you even consider talking to me first? I’m sure you consulted your mother before bringing this up to me!” She felt dismissed and undervalued.


Linda had her reservations initially, but after a meaningful conversation with Patty, Cody's mother, she decided to proceed. Patty was elated at the chance to support her son and daughter-in-law in achieving their dream. Given her good health and the doctors' reassurance about safety, she felt confident in her decision.

"I'm delighted to be able to help you both," Patty said warmly, holding Linda’s hand. "We’re family, and family stands by each other."

Many Restless Nights

After many restless nights and extensive discussions, Linda and Cody made the bold decision to proceed. Linda was keen on having formal documentation, but Cody felt that the IVF process was already complicated enough. He reassured her that his mother could be relied upon.

Patty, Cody’s mother, was thrilled when she learned of their choice. With tears of happiness in her eyes, she expressed her joy, saying, “I’ve always wanted to support you both. This is my gift to you.”

The IVF Journey

The IVF journey was a marathon of stress and uncertainty, each stage feeling like a precarious tightrope walk. Linda and Cody found themselves navigating a maze of unfamiliar medical jargon as they followed the rigorous treatment protocol.

Every appointment with Patty was a mix of hope and anxiety, their hearts racing with each new step. As the embryos were transferred, they held their breath, anxiously awaiting the results and wondering if their dreams would finally come to fruition.

Change In Atmosphere

The atmosphere was charged with anxiety as they anxiously awaited the results of Patty’s treatment. After weeks of uncertainty, the anticipated call finally came.

Linda's hands shook as she answered, with Cody standing nearby, his face a portrait of nervousness. “It’s positive,” the doctor’s voice confirmed from the other end. “She’s pregnant.” Overwhelmed, Linda dropped the phone, her eyes wide with disbelief. “It’s happening,” she murmured through her tears, the reality of the moment sinking in.

It’s Happening

Cody pulled her into a tight embrace, his own tears mingling with hers. “We’re going to be parents,” he murmured, the reality finally sinking in. But the joy was tempered with anxiety. Every ultrasound and every doctor’s visit was a test of their nerves.

Although Patty was a healthy 54-year-old, the doctor said that anything could happen. Patty’s health became their primary concern, and every small complication sent them spiraling into panic.

A Happy Mom To Be

The IVF process was grueling, but Cody and Linda were optimistic. When they received the news that the implantation had been successful, they were overjoyed. Finally, they were going to have a baby.

Months passed, and Linda was there for every step of the pregnancy. She and Patty grew closer, sharing in the excitement. Linda decorated the nursery, picking out the softest blankets and the cutest onesies. She couldn’t wait to hold her daughter.

The Babys Room

As the months passed, Linda and Cody prepared for their daughter’s arrival with cautious optimism. They decorated the nursery in soft pastels, each piece of furniture chosen with love and care. Cody got an extra credit card just to get things done the way Linda liked.

Patty was helpful and obeyed all the doctors’ orders. But in the back of their minds, the fear never completely left them.

Being Skeptical

Although the young couple were excited about becoming parents, they still were concerned that they were taking a big risk. One night, as Linda sat beside Patty’s hospital bed after a minor scare, she couldn’t hold back her fears any longer. “What if something happens to you? What if we lose her?”

Patty reached out, taking Linda’s hand in hers. “I’m strong, Linda. And this baby… she’s strong too. We’re going to get through this.”

The Delivery Day

The expecting parents managed to get everything done in time. The day of the delivery arrived, and the tension in the hospital room was palpable. 

Linda and Cody waited anxiously as Patty was wheeled into surgery for the C-section. She was experiencing pain and it was a difficult birth. After what felt like an eternity, they heard the first cries of their baby girl. Tears streamed down Linda’s face as she and Cody were ushered in to meet their daughter.

The Baby Arrives

Linda Rhodes sat in the dimly lit hospital room, her hands trembling as she cradled the tiny baby girl in her arms.  She had waited so long for this moment, endured so much pain and disappointment, and now, finally, she was a mother.

The baby's soft coos and the warmth of her tiny body against Linda's chest filled her with a sense of peace she hadn't felt in years.

Now They Were Three

Cody stood by her side; his eyes misty with tears of joy. "We did it, Linda. We're finally a family." He took a few snaps of the newborn. Linda smiled up at her husband, her heart swelling with love for both him and their newborn daughter. "I can't believe she's ours," she whispered, kissing the baby's forehead.

“She’s beautiful,” Linda whispered, reaching out to touch the tiny fingers of the newborn. Cody was beside her, his eyes filled with pride.

Her Final Request

But the joy was short-lived. The next day, as Patty was preparing to be discharged, she dropped a bombshell. As she spoke, Linda's face went pale with dread, she stared at her mother-in-law. Linda's smile faltered. "What is it, Patty?"

Patty hesitated, her gaze shifting between the baby and Linda. "I've been thinking... I know this was supposed to be your child, but... I've grown so attached to her. I can't just give her up. I'm going to keep the baby."

A Change Of Heart

Patty was serious and sat up straight. “I’m going to keep the baby,” Patty said, her voice calm and resolute. Linda froze, her heart pounding in her chest. “What do you mean, keep the baby? She’s our daughter, Patty!”

Patty’s expression didn’t change. “I’ve thought about it, and I believe it’s best for her to stay with me. I’ve carried her for nine months, and I’ve grown attached.”

The Legal Process

Linda looked at her dumbfounded husband. Cody was stunned. “Mom, this wasn’t the plan. You agreed to help us, not take our baby!” Linda’s mind was racing. This couldn’t be happening. The room felt like it was closing in on her. “We need to talk to the doctor,” she said, her voice trembling.

Doctor Samuel was called in, and after a lengthy discussion, he suggested a DNA test to settle the matter once and for all. 

Take The Test

Just then, the door creaked open and the doctor walked in. Her expression was unreadable as she approached the bed. "Linda, Cody," she said softly, "there's something we need to discuss." Dr. Samuel shook his head. “I can’t explain it. It’s possible something went wrong at the IVF stage, but this is extremely unusual.”

Linda’s disbelief turned into anger. “You messed up, Doctor! This is our baby, and now you’re telling me she isn’t? How could you let this happen?”

Is This A Joke

Linda felt as though her entire world had fallen apart. She had spent almost a year preparing for her child. “Mrs. Rhodes, please,” Dr. Samuel tried to calm her. “We need to stay composed and figure this out.”

“Figure it out?” Linda screamed, her voice breaking. “That’s my baby, and you’re telling me she’s not mine?” Linda had no idea who to trust or believe.

A Bad Vibe

The baby, sensing the tension, began to cry. The sound pierced through Linda’s heart like a knife. She couldn’t bear it. She had to get out of there, away from this nightmare. “Linda, we’ll sort this out,” Cody said, trying to comfort her, but she was already backing away, shaking her head.

“No, no, no!” Linda cried, running out of the room, her sobs echoing down the corridor. She had no idea if her husband was in on it with his mother.

Follow Protocol

Cody was left standing there, stunned and helpless. He didn’t know what to do. The joy of becoming a father had been ripped away in an instant. He turned to Dr. Samuel; his voice filled with desperation. “What do we do now?”

Dr. Samuel sighed, clearly troubled. “We’ll need to investigate further. But for now, we must remain calm. There’s no explanation for what happened, but we will get to the bottom of it.” But calm was the last thing Cody felt. His mother was holding the baby, her expression unreadable. “Mom, please… You can’t do this,” he pleaded.

A Monster In Law

Patty looked at her son, her eyes softening. “I’m sorry, Cody, but something in me feels that this is the right thing to do. I can’t explain it. It’s like she’s meant to be with me.” Linda felt a wave of panic rise within her. "This isn't right! You can't just take her away from us!" She shouted at her mother-in-law.

Patty's expression hardened. "I understand how you feel, but I've made my decision. I'm the one who carried her for nine months. I've bonded with her in a way that you can't understand."

I’m Her Mother

Linda's heart stopped. The room seemed to close in around her. "What are you talking about?" she demanded, her voice trembling. "This is our baby, Patty. You can't just take her!" Cody stepped forward, his face pale. "Mom, you can't do this. We agreed that you were only helping us because Linda couldn't carry the baby. This is our child."

Linda, who had been listening from the hallway, returned to the room, her face red and blotchy from crying. “No, she’s meant to be with us!” she snapped, her voice quivering with emotion. “You can’t take her from me!”

Keep It Civil

The tension in the room was unbearable. Patty held the baby close, her expression torn. Cody stood between them, not knowing how to mediate between his wife and mother. Before the argument could escalate further, Dr. Samuel entered the room, sensing the tension. "Is everything alright in here?"

Linda turned to the doctor; her voice desperate. "Dr. Samuel, she's trying to take our baby! You can't let her do this!"

The Right Way

Dr. Samuel looked between the three of them, his expression troubled. "This is a complicated situation. Perhaps we should run a DNA test to confirm everything." Patty's face blanched, but she quickly masked it with a calm smile. "Of course, Doctor. We should do whatever is necessary."

Dr. Samuel decided to intervene. “Mrs. Rhodes, let’s give this some time. We’ll conduct more tests, and review the procedures. But right now, the baby’s well-being is the most important thing.” Linda glared at him; her anger barely contained. “This isn’t over, Doctor. I want answers, and I want my baby!” She stormed out of the hospital.

What Happened

As the days passed, Linda and Cody struggled to make sense of the situation. They consulted with lawyers, other doctors, and even the fertility clinic. Everyone was baffled. No one could explain how their child could share no DNA with Linda or Patty. It was as if the baby had come from nowhere.

Linda’s grief turned into an obsession. She spent hours researching, trying to find any case similar to hers. But there were no answers, only more questions.  Was Patty involved in something sinister? Had the clinic made a catastrophic error? And most importantly, who was the baby really?

A Frustrated Man

Cody tried to be the voice of reason, but he was just as lost. The strain was taking its toll on their marriage.  They barely spoke, and when they did, it often ended in arguments. Linda couldn’t let go of the anger and the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

One evening, as Linda sat in the nursery, staring at the empty crib, Cody approached her. “We’ll find the truth, Linda,” he said softly. “But we need to stick together. We can’t let this tear us apart.”

I Did This

Linda looked at him, her eyes hollow with exhaustion. “I want to believe that, Cody. But every time I look at her, I feel like I’m losing my mind. That baby should be ours, but… it’s like she’s a stranger.”

Cody pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly. “We’ll get through this. I promise.” He stayed awake as she fell asleep. As her husband, he knew that it was his fault. He suggested trusting his mother and now she had turned her back on them.

A Bigger Problem

As he sat there in the dimly lit room, he knew that the promise was fragile, and the road ahead was uncertain.  The mystery of the baby’s origins loomed over them like a dark cloud, and the answers they sought might lead them to places they never imagined.

Cody couldn’t sleep and tried to do some research on his mother. Who was she working with? Did somebody else pay her more to have their baby?

More Paperwork

For a few more days, the couple were bombarded with doctors’ visits. The test was conducted, and the hours dragged by in agonizing silence.  

Linda clung to Cody, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. Finally, Dr. Samuel returned with the results, his face grim. "I'm afraid the test shows that the baby doesn't share Linda's DNA."

The DNA Results

Everybody was confused. “There’s no match,” Dr. Samuel said, frowning at the report. “The baby doesn’t share your DNA, Linda.” “What?” Linda’s voice was barely above a whisper, disbelief etched on her face. “How is that possible?”

Linda's world shattered. "What do you mean?" she demanded, her voice rising. "How is that possible?" They had no evidence of the error caused.

My Mistake

Dr. Samuel shook his head. "I can't explain it. The IVF process is usually very reliable, but something must have gone wrong. I assure you; we'll investigate this thoroughly." 

Linda's fear turned to fury. "This is your fault! You messed up, and now we're paying the price!" She was angry with the doctor. Dr. Samuel raised his hands, trying to calm her. "Linda, please, I understand you're upset, but we need to handle this carefully. I suggest you step out for a moment to gather yourself."

This Is Wrong

The doctors’ words made Linda even more furious. "I won't leave my baby!" Linda shouted, her voice breaking. The baby, sensing the tension, began to cry. Cody gently pulled Linda back. "Let's step outside for a minute, okay? We'll figure this out."

Linda reluctantly let Cody lead her out of the room, her heart breaking with every step. As they stood in the hallway, Linda glanced back at the door, feeling an overwhelming sense of loss.

Made Up Her Mind

Inside the room, Patty cradled the crying baby, her face pale and eyes distant. She glanced at her phone, then quickly turned away as the door creaked open again. Dr. Samuel stood there, watching her with a frown. 

"Patty, are you sure about this?" he asked quietly. Patty looked up, her expression hardening. "I know what I'm doing, Doctor." Dr. Samuel sighed, rubbing his temples. "I need to ask—did you notice anything unusual during the pregnancy? Anything at all?"

People Are Looking

Patty hesitated, then shook her head. "No, everything was normal." Her face looked guilty as she spoke. But Dr. Samuel wasn't convinced. He noticed Patty glancing at her phone again. "Is there someone you need to call?" he asked, his tone suspicious.

Patty quickly put the phone away. "No one. Just concerned about my family." But she seemed preoccupied. Everybody noticed her erratic behavior.

Talk It Out

The doctor nodded slowly, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. "I'll leave you for now, but we need to have a serious conversation later." 

As he left the room, Patty's phone buzzed. She glanced at it, then quickly silenced it, her expression unreadable. Doctor Samuel was under interrogation and the board would take his license away if he couldn’t find the reason for the mix-up. It was a dire situation.

Suspecting Foul Play

Outside, Linda and Cody paced the hallway, their minds racing. "Something's not right, Cody," Linda whispered. "Patty's acting strange, and now this DNA test... What if she's hiding something?"

Cody frowned, his mind spinning with possibilities. "I don't know, Linda. But we need to get to the bottom of this." Linda nodded, determination steeling her resolve. "We have to find out the truth, no matter what it takes." But they had no idea what they were in for.

One Last Time

As they re-entered the room, they found Patty standing by the window, her back to them, holding the baby tightly. Linda's eyes narrowed as she approached. "Patty, we need to talk."

Patty turned slowly; her expression unreadable. "About what?" She pretended like she was busy tending to the baby. Her actions only made Linda angrier and more envious. That was supposed to be her child. That was supposed to be her.

A Suspicious Woman

Linda's voice trembled with anger. "About what you're hiding. This isn't just about you wanting to keep the baby. There's something more going on, isn't there?" 

Patty's eyes flashed, but she remained silent. Linda noticed her hiding her cell phone in her handbag. Her behavior was suspicious. Cody stepped forward. "Mom, please. If you know something, tell us. We deserve to know the truth." But would his mother tell him what she did?

Her Own Plan

For a long moment, Patty didn't respond. Then, finally, she spoke, her voice cold and distant. "I did what I had to do. For the sake of my family." Linda's heart pounded in her chest. "What do you mean?" She stood in front of her mother-in-law with her hands folded, begging for the truth.

Patty looked away; her gaze distant. "You'll find out soon enough." She turned away signaling the end of the conversation.


As she spoke, her phone buzzed again, and this time, she answered it, stepping away from them. “I need to leave her now, they’re asking too many questions,” she whispered. Linda exchanged a worried glance with Cody. The feeling of dread that had been gnawing at her only intensified.

Cody moved closer to his mother, trying to listen in on the conversation, but Patty's voice was too low to hear. She was keeping something from them, something that could change everything.

Stuck In A Mess

Dr. Samuel returned, sensing the tension. "I think we need to conduct a more thorough investigation into this situation," he said, glancing at Patty with concern. Patty ended the call abruptly, her expression tight. "Do whatever you need to, Doctor. But the baby stays with me."

Linda's heart sank as she watched Patty's every move, her suspicions growing with each passing second. Whatever was going on, it was far from over.