Couple Adopts A Starving Stray, It Becomes Unrecognizable

The first day they saw him, they instantly knew he had to come home with them. The young couple stared at the malnourished dog, and their hearts felt a sense of love they had never experienced. They would never know exactly what he had been through but they could only guarantee a better future.

Timidly, the dog took a step towards them and stepped towards the young couple. As he sniffed their hands, they wondered about the evils he had seen during his time living on the streets. Could they trust this animal to come into their home and join their family? No one expected what he would turn into.

A Viral Sensation 

In 2015, an abandoned husky was seen wandering around a neighborhood. The husky was clearly in bad shape, and one couple knew they had to rescue him. They began to post their story online with the Imgur community and detailed the many difficulties and adversities the dog faced. 

While the couple began to figure out the following steps, they still had no idea what had happened to this dog with their prior owners. Could that poor animal even survive after all those struggles?

Terrible Injuries

The Imgur user shared the poor puppy had a list of injuries a mile long. His fur was matted and dirty, plus there was an unexplained large scar going across the side of his body. No one knew what had given the dog this horrible scar, and there was also one more distressing detail. 

The dog was incredibly underweight. He was so hungry that his tongue and nose were dry, and you could see the outline of his ribs. It would take more than just a bath to get rid of his sordid history, and it wasn't clear if one couple could really help here. 

 A New Name

The couple decided to name the dog Wulfgar. They wanted a strong name to represent his new life and a new beginning. They quickly booked a vet appointment and realized Wulfgar had a long road of recovery ahead. 

The vet revealed that Wulfgar was significantly underweight. An average husky weighs between 45-60 pounds. When Wulfgar got weighed for the first time he was only 39 pounds. Was the couple only going to have enough time to say goodbye to Wulfgar? It would only be a few days before something remarkable happened.

It Was Only Going To Get Worse Before It Got Better

The vet also let the dog's parents know that Wulfgar was battling a skin condition. Living on the streets had severely damaged his skin and left him vulnerable to outside elements. Underneath all the fur a husky normally has, there is skin that also needs to be protected from irritation. 

A husky will have two different levels of fur. This is called their topcoat and undercoat. The vet pointed out that Wulfgar’s fur was gone, and his skin was red, dry, and irritated. It was difficult to believe that this dog could look differently one day. 

Moving Into His New Home 

Wulfgar’s parents moved him into their home and started introducing him to the new luxuries available. Instead of sleeping on the street, Wulfgar now had a kennel crate that was full of blankets. Instead of searching for food every day, Wulfgar was on a strict diet. 

Would a street dog be able to adapt to these new changes? It was a lot to process for Wulfgar and his new family wanted to do everything they could to make him comfortable in his new home. Wulfgar would surprise everyone by what he did next.

Piecing Together The Past 

While the couple didn’t know a lot of Wulfgar’s past they made a few assumptions. Wulfgar seemed to recognize a kennel and he didn’t have any accidents while living in the house. Also, because Wulfgar didn’t have heartworms or fleas, the couple assumed he had been given his shots. 

However, at night Wulfgar would cry in his crate and he seemed very nervous around men. Wherever he had lived before had left visible scars on his body and also invisible. What if these people tried to find him? 

No One Was Messing Up Their Family

Wulfgar’s new family was on high alert and they made sure Wulfgar was always safe. No matter what happened they wanted him to know he was loved and safe. Day by day the dog slowly gained strength and got comfortable. 

The couple was on the fence about letting Wulfgar sleep with them. At night when he cried in his crate it was heartbreaking. They kept thinking about their future and the boundaries they would have to enforce. The couple had forgotten one important detail about becoming dog parents.

Falling Asleep On The Spot

One thing the couple noticed about Wulfgar is that he was always sleeping. Regardless of what was happening in the house, Wulfgar finds somewhere to rest. The couple assumed after living on the street, the dog was exhausted. 

They also knew his body was fighting to stay strong. They knew Wulfgar needed to put on more weight. If they couldn’t get him eating a regular diet, he might never recover or grow back his lovely coats of fur. 

Accepting His New Life 

When Wulfgar first moved in, he was hesitant and didn’t immediately warm up to his new family. He had a lot of trust issues from a dark past the young couple would never fully understand. 

After a few months, the couple noticed that Wulfgar seemed to be settling in. He was no longer crying at night and he began eating treats. One small decision could set this dog’s progress back and jeopardize the entire family.

Socializing With Other Dogs

After a certain amount of time, Wulfgar’s new owners wanted to bring him to a dog part. They knew how important it was for the dog to socialize and get used to being around other humans and animals. 

When they got to the dog park, Wulfgar was visibly irritated. He seems distressed and didn’t know if he had to protect his new owners or run and hide. It would be a slow journey while Wulfgar began to realize not everyone was out to harm him. Would he be too trusting too soon?

New Experiences

Getting adopted meant that Wulfgar was experiencing new things daily. He was like a brand new dog from when his owners had first adopted him. He was slowly beginning to have more energy and also understand that he could play with others. 

There was one experience Wulfgar still hadn’t had, and the first time it happened caught everyone off guard. Would Wulfgar be too startled to enjoy the surprise or would his owners keep him safe while he tried a new activity?

Doggy Paddle

Everyone thinks that dogs are natural swimmers, but if they have never been in a large body of water before then it’s a gamble. Dogs can become overwhelmed and startled. What if Wulfgar tried to go swimming and instead reversed all the hard work he had done since being rescued? 

The big event happened when Wulfgar accidentally fell into a pond. While his owners helplessly watched, Wulfgar stopped panicking and was able to swim back to shore. He gave himself a quick shake and his owners were ecstatic. These small milestones represented even bigger progress to one person in particular…..

Documenting All The Progress

Wulfgar’s owners were thrilled to share his progress with their online community. Their online friends had been there from day one when they rescued Wulfgar and everyone was very invested in his recovery. 

The owners constantly wished Wulfgar could speak to them. While they were constantly going through new experiences with him, they had no way of knowing if he was happy. Wulfgar did one thing in particular when he wanted to send a loud message to his family. 

Wulfgar’s Communication 

Husky breeds are known for being loud and barking. They are extremely expressive and will tell their owners updates throughout the day. They normally have different barks, yelps, or howls that indicate their mood. 

Wulfgar was a very quiet dog. He didn’t like to bark and when other dogs barked at him he would just stare in confusion. His owners posted online saying, “He plays well with most other dogs, provided they’re also friendly. Since then we’ve encountered dogs that are aggressive or bark at him.”

Would Wulfgar Make A Friend?

It looked like Wulfgar was adapting well and fitting into his new life. He really enjoyed living in his comfortable home and also began to look forward to going to the dog park. He played easily with other dogs but was also able to leave aggressive dogs alone. 

After having to defend himself on the street, his owners thought Wulfgar would be aggressive or territorial. Instead, he seemed really easygoing and happy to play with other puppies at the park. There was one dog, in particular, his owners were nervous for him to meet.

A Distant Relative 

The couple’s in-laws also had a husky. They wanted the dogs to meet but didn’t know if Wulfgar would be comfortable around another husky. At first, Wulfgar was noticeably stand-offish.

When the other husky came to the house he kept his distance and it took him longer to feel comfortable. The in-laws husky was patient and really wanted to be friends with Wulfgar. Finally they seemed to have a breakthrough in the most unexpected ways.

It Was A Physical Change

When his owners had adopted him, Wulfgar had lost two layers of fur and had irritated skin. After months of a strict diet and affection, his fur was growing back in. When Wulfgar was adopted his fur was a red tone. 

Months after getting adopted he had a thick fur coat and it was a grey or dark copper depending on the sunlight. Whenever his new owners looked at him they couldn’t help but get emotional. Wulfgar surprised everyone when he started developing one particular personality trait.

He Was Curious!

When Wulfgar first got adopted he was nervous and skittish to leave the house. Eventually, Wulfgar associated car rides with going to the park or adventures. He loved to stick his head out the window and began to recognize the routes to the park. 

Wulfgar has actually memorized the feeling and route of driving to the dog park. His family lives very close and likes to go every day. His owners love seeing him “whining and hopping around in the back seat out of excitement.” How else does Wulfgar communicate?

Finding His Voice

Wulfgar is a quiet dog and generally doesn’t bark or make much noise. As he got more comfortable he would occasionally bark at strangers, but only to alert his family they were there. He was a very laid-back and non-aggressive dog. 

Even if Wulfgar was quiet and didn’t like to bark, he had other ways to show how happy he was. One thing he did while sleeping made both his owners glow with happiness. They had no doubts that Wulfgang was extremely happy after seeing him do this one thing. 

A Bellyful Of Happiness

While his new owners thought that he was napping because of stress it became clear that napping was one of his favorite things. “if there was one thing in the world that Wulfgar loved more than making friends and riding in the car, though, it must have been taking naps!”

Dogs will try to protect their stomach and Wulfgar began to sleep on his back. With his stomach exposed it was the final confirmation his parents needed to know that he was happy and settling into his forever home. 

He Still Took His Time

One trait his parents loved about their sweet dog was his patience. While most dogs just ran into a situation, Wulfgar liked to sit back and watch a room, or a crowd before entering. In fact, at home, he likes to sit and look out the window, or just sit in the backyard watching his family garden or BBQ.

There was one thing that Wulfgar did that his parents could not explain. He did one thing every day while he was eating that made his family confused but also laughed. They had such an interesting dog, what else would he do to surprise them?

An Eating Style Unlike Any Other 

While other dogs might stand up while they eat food, Wulfgar liked to lie down. His family had never seen another dog eat like that and they joked it was a cat-like trait. Regardless of how Wulfgar ate, they were just happy to see so many positive changes. 

His family liked to keep track of his fur changes, but there was one thing they hoped isn't permanent. It was completely out of their control to see what would happen next, but would this trait be here to stay or fade away in the future.

The Many Different Tones Of Fur

Wulfgar was in such terrible shape when his owners adopted him, they had no idea what his fur would look like when it grew back in. At first, the young couple was excited to see any fur growth happening, but then they noticed it was constantly changing colors. 

From red and copper tints to black and grey thick fur, Wulfgar had gone through a complete makeover. His fur showed his increasing health and comfort with his surroundings. His adopted family wasn’t sure exactly how old Wulfgar was. Were they missing an important clue about this beloved family member? 

How Does A Husky Cool Down? 

When huskies have their double layers of fur, it can be hard for them to cool down. Especially after a long run outside or making friends at the park, Wulfgar had one spot he liked to cool off in. 

The dog had realized the natural cooling ability of tile flooring. The nice cold tiles would cool Wulfgar down and he loved to lay down as soon as he got inside. This was a classic husky trait and his parents were thrilled to see him grow into his breed. Wulfgar also had one important physical attribute his parents loved to watch grow. 

 A Tail Clue 

When Wulfgar was first adopted, his tail had very little fur and was constantly in between his legs. He was a skittish and shy dog after being abused and didn’t often wag his tail or have it perky or up in the air. 

Slowly as Wulfgar healed, the fur on his body grew back and his tail also became a good personality checkpoint. He would wag it or keep it high in the air with excitement. He loved to run around the park with other dogs and truly felt like he belonged. 

After A Few Months….

Wulfgar’s owners were pleased to see how much he had changed and grown in just a few months. Every day he became stronger and was able to put on weight while regrowing his beautiful fur. They remembered the shy and scared dog they brought home and barely recognize their cuddly four-legged family friend now. 

They love telling people about Wulfgar’s miraculous journey and his huge transformation. They believe every dog with love and the right family can flourish right before your eyes. 

A Bright Future

The picture Wulfgar’s owners shared with their social media followers about his growth says everything about this brave dog’s journey. After starting from an abusive household and being abandoned on the streets, Wulfgar is completely thriving in a loving household.

It is amazing what can happen over a few months with love and dedication. Wulfgar enjoys naps and cold tiles, eating treats, and car rides to the parks. He is living a life designed for his safety and happiness.