Cops Come To A Homeless Man With Enough Money To Build A House

Mr. Helinski had an everyday life growing up, until one day, it all drastically changed. He lost all of his documents and papers with a stroke of bad luck. Having nowhere to go, John sought out shelter on the streets.

After years of living a miserable life, he is lucky to meet Daniel McDonald, a policeman. A part of Daniel's job was to help homeless people, so he was there for John. To his surprise, he was able to identify Mr. Helinski's personality. What he finds out about the homeless left him shocked but also helped to get John's life back on track.

Who Is John? 

John Helsinki was born in Poland but found himself surviving alone in the streets of  Tampa, Florida. Life had been pretty difficult and lonely for Mr. Helinski. 

For the last three years, he had endured having no roof above his head. With no means to support himself, he spent his life sleeping under the benches on the sidewalk of Florida. The homeless senior lived in a cardboard box at the Tampa Bay bus stop when the cops found him. Were they about to arrest John? 

Should John Run Away? 

John worried a lot. Just like the rest of the homeless people, who lived in the streets, he was trying to avoid the police. Usually, police officers arrested homeless people or charged them with fines, which they, obviously, couldn't afford to pay.

Police have charged a lot of homeless people with trespassing counts over the past few decades. So John was thinking about running away. Could he do so? And what was the real reason why policemen approached him?

Visited by Police

It turned out the cops didn't visit Mr.Helinski to arrest him or to press charges against him. Fortunately, they were there for a good purpose. In the busy streets of Tampa, Cops showed up to help him out of his situation. 

With their best intentions, they took Mr. Helinski to a shelter for the homeless. They wanted to help him live a contented and secured life. However, why him? There were so many homeless people out there!

Not a Special Case

His story started when all his licenses, social security, etc. were stolen from him. This led him to seek shelter wherever he could. Thus, he ended up living in a cardboard box.

While it was unclear how Mr. Helinski became homeless, he was fortunate enough that a cop found him and helped him find temporary accommodation. With the constant effort to reduce homelessness, more and more people are released from the shackles of living in the streets. 

Twist of Fate 

After years of living alone on the streets, it seemed like John was beginning to see the bright light at the end of the tunnel. The cops worked diligently to find his missing documents. 

With the help of officer Daniel McDonald and case manager Charles Inman, they went out and located the homeless man's ID, social security number, and other documents. These were needed for him to get a housing unit and work. But there was something else they did for this man. Something that would change his entire life. 

Getting Life Back On Track

However, the good news didn't stop there. It got way better! Eventually, Mr. Helinski was granted access to his birth documents. 

He would no longer spend his nights in cold streets sleeping in cardboard boxes. From being homeless, he was now staying in DACCO Community Housing Solutions Center. 

 The Good Samaritans 

Because of the kindness of these two, Mr. Helinski got back on his feet. Case Manager of Drug Abuse and Comprehensive Coordinating Office Inc, Charles Inman, knew he needed an identification. So he arranged for people to retrieve Mr. Helinski's birth certificate. 

Though there were a lot of obstacles, Inman didn't want to give up. He contacted Tampa Police Department Officer Daniel McDonald to help him with this case. 

 The Arduous Journey 

As a homeless liaison officer, Daniel McDonald accepted the challenge. He said that allowing the homeless to find the ID they need was the bread and butter of his work. That being said, the two worked diligently and spent almost a month trying to locate Mr. Helinski's identification.

They've visited the local tax collector's office to get him a temporary State of Florida ID card. During their investigation, they also found out that Mr. Helinski is a U.S citizen. After getting an ID card, officer McDonald brought Helinski to the Bureau of Consular Affairs to request his birth certificate. Getting the identification that he needed was not a walk in the park. But as we are about to find out, those efforts were definitely worth it!

Unexpected Turn of Events

They needed to visit several offices and wait for weeks. With his birth certificate and temporary ID, they went to the Social Security office. While getting his personal documents, something came was uncovered. 

This discovery made Mr. Helinski's story more exciting. Could things get any better? It seems like Mr. Helinski's life is full of surprises. 

Long-lost Bank Account 

The internet had a lot of stories about long-lost items. Whether it's a family heirloom, a journal, or a special gift from a loved one, it was always disappointing to lose something you hold dear. But what if one didn't actually lose it? 

What if it was just tucked away and forgotten? What if it turned up days, months, or even years later in the most unexpected of circumstances? 

More Changes 

For Mr.Helinski, something came to light at the most unexpected time. Helinski thought they canceled his Social Security number and benefits. 

However, it turned out that he was constantly receiving benefits, and he just wasn't aware of it. After all, he lost his IDs and debit card and had no access to his bank account. 

Shocking Discovery 

Unknown to Mr. Helinski, he had a bank account under his name. He had forgotten all about the account. In an interview, he said that at that time, the bank's name was Landmark Bank. 

However, later on, it was changed to Bank of America. His Social Security benefits had been being paid into the account all the time he was homeless. 

New Hope

By the time he found it again, it had enough money for the deposit on a house. This discovery made the senior man exhilarated and excited. It's like finding a bill in one of the pockets of your jeans. But this time, it's a hundred times more exciting. 

Imagine living in the streets, begging for food, and enduring the cold. However, one day, your life turned one hundred eighty degrees!

Rightful Owner 

After years of not knowing the existence of the bank account, it finally found its rightful owner. Mr. Helinski initially thought that he was just getting help from the authorities. To sleep in a comfy bed and a roof above his head was more than enough for him. 

He didn't expect them to go out of their call of duty and help him retrieve his personal identification. What's more, they uncovered the existence of his forgotten bank account. 

Turned Upside Down

Just like Mr. Helinski, thousands of people asked the same questions every day of their lives. They were worried about how they will protect themselves. What's worse, if they get sick, could they get the care that we're receiving? 

As Mr. Helinski said, "It's difficult, painful, depressing, and potentially very dangerous out there. Being homeless means your life will go in a downward spiral. "

Another Chance in Life

Lady luck is smiling at Mr.Helinski as he has a turn of fate. After finding out he had an account, McDonald then drove Mr. Helinski to his old bank. There they found his account, which was still collecting pension money over time. 

And now that he has his temporary ID and personal documents, he could access the bank account. Officer McDonald said that Mr. Helinski doesn't need to go to work since he receives enough of his monthly pension money to pay for his rent for a modest apartment and food. 

Not On The Streets

Though he is still staying in DACCO Community Housing Solutions Center, he will soon be able to get permanent housing for himself. At last, he won't need to lie down on hard concrete. He will have a roof above his head and won't endure the harsh coldness of the night. 

Aside from that, he will no longer worry about his safety. And he will have a place that he can call home. Was there anything else that would change for John? Something his fate was hiding from him for so long.

Enough To Sustain Himself

He now has enough money to buy himself permanent accommodation. After settling everything, he plans to move out of the housing center. With the identification in his hand, he can withdraw the money and buy a modest-sized apartment.

Aside from that, he will receive a pension check coming in every month. Mr. Helinski's life is an example that every cloud has a silver lining.

From Invisible to Seen

 When someone becomes homeless, most people in society will look at them with disdain. Sometimes it's as if no one likes them and no one wants to be around them. 

Eventually, people take advantage of these people. Even worse, their friends and family start to distance themselves. The list of deprivations, humiliations, and dangers is too long to list. 

Not Anymore

For Mr. Helinski, he became invisible to everybody. He recalled sleeping under the benches so that no one would see him. It's as if he gave up taking space in society. 

However, one day he got back to his feet and started a new life. He became internet famous and was seen in almost all news outlets.

Random Act of Kindness

All those things wouldn't be possible if not for the kindness of officer McDonald and case manager Inman. These two stepped forward and helped the homeless man retrieve his identification. Indeed, kindness can make a tremendous difference in people's lives. 

Just a simple donation or giving of food to the less fortunate is already a significant contribution. Now that we live in a world where everyone struggles to survive, kindness is sometimes a luxury.

Pay It Forward

The acts of kindness portrayed by these two are something that we should emulate. Easing things for someone never goes unnoticed. Mr. Helinski was looking forward to having a home and was beyond grateful for the help he had received. 

Police officer McDonald and case manager Inman were also pleased to help their client receive what truly belongs to him. After all, it's a part of their duty.

 An Inspiring Story 

This heartwarming story sparks a viral moment that can change someone's life. It's something that we should do more often. Helping homeless people by giving them shelter and food is enough to get them back on their feet. A small human connection can impact other people's lives, especially those who need love and care. The two officers are our modern-day heroes because they've taught the world that it's never too late to lend a helping hand.

Mr. Helinski's story serves as an inspiration that it's not too late. Even if you find yourself in the depths of the abyss, you can always choose to climb up. It also made the people on the internet restore their faith in humanity. His story is an excellent reminder that whenever you find yourself in desperate times, just hold on. Don't just give up easily without a fight. 

Raising awareness

Aside from being an inspiring story, Mr. Helinski's experience helps us to end the stigma with homeless people. We should see them with sympathetic eyes and a loving heart. No one wants to suffer and judging them only makes their lives miserable. They have different reasons why they end up in the streets. Some may struggle with substance abuse or a mental illness. Others may be suffering from poverty. 

We should be aware that over half a million people were experiencing homelessness in the US as of 2017. And this number is constantly growing. In this time of the pandemic, more and more people lose their jobs. Prices of goods are steadily increasing, and the living conditions are becoming more and more difficult. Mr. John Helinski's life experience gives us a glimpse of negative stereotypes and the homeless's burden. 

Happy Ending

The story of the homeless man-John Helinski, in Tampa, Florida, inspired many people on the internet. He is now living a decent life, thanks to the dedication of those two public servants. It's truly inspiring how a person's life can change in a snap of a finger. 

Today, someone may have nothing in your hands. However, tomorrow they may find their palms overflowing with blessings.