Celebs Who Should Run For President

Kanye West

Now that we have our first reality star as president, it seems as though pretty much any celebrity could run for office. 

If you could choose which celeb would be the next Commander in Chief, who would you pick? Check out who we think would be the best, or at least most interesting, celebrities to run for POTUS.

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook CEO and co-founder of social media platform Facebook not only has changed the way the world communicates forever, but also donates time and money to many humanitarian causes he believes in. 

Could he maybe consider running for POTUS one day? Only time can tell, since for now he is still too young.

Mark Cuban

The Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban, who happens to be a billionaire entrepreneur as well, was highly favored by republicans who did not support Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Having The Arnold as president would be a really similar situation to when Ronald Reagan was elected. Actor turned California politician, then president.

The only difference would be that Reagan was definitely not an Austrian body builder as well.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Actor and former wrestler The Rock is a vocal republican and has actually stated that he has considered maybe running for office in the future.

George Clooney

George Clooney has a strong presence on and off the screen, and has always been vocal about his political stance.

He has some people thinking that he could be the Democratic Party’s answer to Ronald Reagan.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie has dedicated a large portion of her life to humanitarian work and defending the rights of refugees from around the world.

She has previously state that she would be open to a career in politics too.

Leonardo DiCaprio

As of late, Leo has spent a lot of his time tirelessly advocating for environmentalist causes, most vehemently about climate change.

He even mentioned the importance of taking care of our planet while accepting his first ever Oscar Award.

Morgan Freeman

Who wouldn’t want to hear Morgan Freeman delivering the State of the Union Address in his iconic voice?

Besides, he has played the President in several of his movies, so it’s almost like he already has experience.

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris doesn’t run for President…Presidents run for Chuck Norris.

Or something like that.

Bill Nye

When asked about whether he would ever consider running for President, Nye responded: “Oh, sure, Neil deGrasse Tyson and I are working on our cabinet.” 

Sure, he may have said it in jest, but we can keep our fingers crossed.

Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey has been portraying a fictional President of the United States for four seasons and counting.

Maybe he will consider making the leap from acting like a President to actually becoming one one day?

Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon spends most of his time making people laugh, including making jokes about how he thinks electing him as POTUS would be the worst decision ever, we kindly disagree.

How about a Fallon/Timberlake ticket for 2020?

Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg may not have any political experience, but we all know that a Snoop Presidency would make cannabis legalization a number one priority.

His laid back demeanor would be a nice contrast from Trump’s high strung personality.

Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria, in addition to acting in films and TV shows such as Desperate Housewives, has been active in the political scene and has campaigned for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. 

She has been working on bringing in more Latino and Hispanic votes and promoting immigration reform. Sounds like a job for President Longoria.

Alec Baldwin

Baldwin is a successful actor known for his role on 30 Rock and films such as The Departed. He is very openly a Democrat and has endorsed Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012 elections.

He considered running for mayor of New York in 2013 but changed his mind. Maybe he will consider running for POTUS next instead?

Matt Damon

Matt Damon shares a home state and Boston accent with former president John F. Kennedy.

Damon is also Harvard educated, so maybe he’ll consider follow in fellow Bostonian JFK’s footsteps and run for President of the United States in the future.

Kerry Washington

Kerry Washington not only has the perfect last name for running for president (a female President Washington? Sign us up), she has been actively involved in campaigning for the Democratic party and has even spoken at the 2012 DNC.

Maybe this will translate to a presidential run one day?

Howard Schultz

Howard Schultz is the chairman and CEO of a little company called Starbucks. His is a rags to riches success story that is compelling enough to win over the masses.

He even considered running for the Democratic party nomination in 2016.

Tom Hanks

Run, Forrest, run…for President! Wouldn’t it be great to have the beloved Tom Hanks representing the United States?

Life would really be like a box of chocolates.


Already regarded as one of the world’s most powerful women, Beyonce is a lot of people’s first choice for President of the United States.

We know that women’s rights would be one of her top priorities as POTUS.

Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda has spent a great deal of the last few years playing a president in the Broadway show Hamilton, which he wrote after reading a book about former President Alexander Hamilton.

Maybe that is enough to push him towards a run for president?

Michelle Obama

Ever since it was announced that Donald Trump won the 2016 presidency, people have responded with calls for Michelle Obama to run for president in 2020.

There are dozens of petitions calling for her to run in the next elections floating around the internet that thousands of people have signed.

Ellen Degeneres

If the world truly wants to become a happier, more easygoing place, who better than Ellen to be the leader of the free world?

Every major issue could be solved by an impromptu dance party.

Tina Fey

Tina Fey has had one of the most successful careers, and is the embodiment of the phrase “Girl Boss.” 

She would be both a powerful leader and also highly entertaining POTUS.

Stephen Colbert

Political satirist Stephen Colbert made a career of making fun of and discussing everything that is wrong with our political leaders. Like Jon Stewart, Colbert should take initiative to try to make things better.

Maybe a Colbert/Stewart ticket to look forward to?

Rosario Dawson

Rosario Dawson has spent a major part of her career advocating for immigration reform and improving immigrants’ right.

As a strong voice in politics, perhaps it’s time for Dawson to consider to running for president in 2020.

Maggie Gyllenhaal

Maggie Gyllenhaal has been a powerful voice in advocating feminism and fighting sexism in Hollywood and the workplace.

Her strong personality and knack for not backing down make her a natural choice for president.

Katy Perry

When Katy Perry posted a picture with former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W.

Bush, her caption read: “42, 43, 46?!” Perhaps she was suggesting that she is considering running for president in 2020 or even 2024…only time will tell.

Will Smith

In response to some of Donald Trump’s more controversial rhetoric, Will Smith has stated: “If people keep saying all the crazy kinds of stuff they’ve been saying on the news lately…they’re going to force me into the political arena.” 

Fresh Prince for President 2020!

Jay Z

FILE - In this May 14, 2012 file photo, entertainer Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter smiles in between interviews, after a news conference at Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia. The city where America was made is gearing up for rapper Jay-Z's "Made In America" music festival, which officials estimate will attract 100,000 fans to Philadelphia over Labor Day weekend, Sept. 1-2, 2012

Jay-Z is already one of the most powerful men in the world, we may as well make it official by electing President Carter. Plus, Beyonce as our First Lady! How amazing would that be?

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga worked tirelessly to promote Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president in the 2016 election.

She is very vocal on her pro-LGBT rights stance, and certainly is a strong enough woman to lead the American people.

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman is well-spoken and well-educated, having earned a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University.

She has spent a lot of time advocating for women’s rights and would certainly be one of the better choices of actresses for President.

Julia Roberts

Who wouldn’t want to see that famous Julia Roberts smile represent our nation in the Oval Office?

Roberts seems like the perfect combination of kind but tough, which are the kind of character traits we need in a president.

Kanye West

Kanye West 2020! Kanye has already announced his intention for running for the Oval Office while at the MTV VMAs.

While it’s still unclear whether he was being serious or not, it seems that anything is possible nowadays.


Although she has never expressed interest in running for office, she is so frequently asked about it, that maybe one day she will change her mind.

Imagine Oprah as president: “You get health insurance, and you get health insurance, everyone gets health insurance!”